Wednesday, May 20, 2009

John Mayer Is A Tool

I don't like John Mayer. I never have and I never will. I know lots of you love him and love his music and you are more than welcome to him. I'm sure there are lots of people I like that you don't like. But, what I am hoping we can agree on is that when someone writes something like this on their Twitter, that basically they are just begging to be called a tool. I would use rougher language, but, I haven't had a drink yet. If I had written this post after about 3pm, then, well, he would be called a lot worse.

"I love how some dudes hate me for dating their fantasy girl, as if they were going to if I hadn't."

John thinks that the "dudes" are probably jealous. I think the "dudes" are just wondering why their objects of desire would be willing to debase and degrade themselves by dating a tool who will tell one and all exactly what he thought of the woman he was dating, even to the point of doing so while dating her. They will wonder why the object of their affection settled for something so low and couldn't raise the bar a little higher in their search for a guy. I don't think any of the "dudes" think they are likely to date their fantasy girl, they just would like to think that the woman they admire would have a little more taste and class than John Mayer has.

I also think that John taunting the "dudes" just shows us what a bunch of class he has. He basically is saying that everyone who is not him is a loser. That "everyday people" have no chance of ever dating one of the women he has dated. To me, that is the biggest form of a-holery around. I also find it very interesting to note than none of the women John Mayer goes out with do so for very long. I wonder why that is.


Alice D Millionaire said...

Not being an "everyday person" is probably the only thing that has prevented someone from kicking his a*%

ElsieFire said...

If this guy doesn't have rapey eyes, no one does.

Ick. Nast. (God, has anyone trademarked that yet, it is sublime!)

Race said...

john mayer is a tool! and in so many ways. he is totally unattractive, yuck! his voice feels like a broken rake being dragged across my sunburnt skin. i so agree with u.

Alice D Millionaire said...

LMAO ElsieFire

Dianne P said...

I am convinced he is a misogynist, whether he realizes it or not.

Anonymous said...

When he first came on the scene, I thought he was okay-looking. But time marched on and now he looks like a serial killer or something. Charles Manson's nephew, maybe?

mooshki said...

"I know lots of you love him and love his music..."

Who are these strange people of which you speak? I've never heard of them before.

Anonymous said...

He needs to get together with Jessical Biel. Both of these idiots have swollen heads.

jax said...

oh jesus i follow him on twitter, but only to see how douchy he can get.....and bingo the covered in red kisses face the other night proves my point. he did that shit on purpose! i only want to know what desperate famewhores kissed him??

Alice D Millionaire said...

My dad loves him but he does not read the tabloids so all he knows about him is the albums he puts out. Personally I am not a fan of the "man" or the "music".

WorstCaseOntario said...

He may be a Douche but he's right. Ordinary, everyday 'dudes' don't get to go out with hot celebrities...that's the way it is

Steph said...

Funny thing... I really liked Mayer's album Heavier Things. It was a favorite that I could put on and play all the way through, because all the songs were good. Despite the awards for Room for Squares and Continuum-- Heavier Things was his best.

But now, I can't stand Mayer. He's put publicizing his personal life ahead of his music. I can't reconcile the music with the douche opening his mouth every five seconds.

He's become such a damn whore that I can't even stand his voice on the radio.

This from a person who was a fan.


CDAN Mod said...

i enjoy his music, but not the man.

whole lotto luv said...

Now, he'd make a perfect Creature in a Frankenstein remake/sequel.

Princess said...

Cannot stand his dumb ass. He is not only a tool and a douche, he is a schmuck.
That's right John, you are all of the above.
You want to talk about how the dudes that hate you are just jealous because you dated their "dream girl"? Really?
Ok, first of all - go to who's dated who and you will see that #4 on your lovely list of ex's is Perez Hilton.
If that's not bad enough - you CONFIRMED YOU MADE OUT WITH HIM on your douche cruise. Check it out on youtube in case you forgot.

Now, on to Jessica Simpson. Really?? You are so tech savvy and always on the internet but you have never noticed that Jessica Simpson is the joke of the century of most people consider her fat?

Please douchebag. Even Brody Jenner is dating a Playmate and you don't people calling him a douche every single day and every single time his name is mentioned. Where's your Playmate ex?
Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Aniston? Really? A couple of 40-year-olds are these dudes dream girls?
Maybe you meant Vanessa Carlton.

Give me a break idiot.

lutefisk said...

I don't like him, his music, or his celebrity girlfriends.
He strikes me as someone who was a loser in high school, & is trying to make up for it.

Linnea said...

i do call brody that every time he is mentioned, but i get your point!

elsiefire - you nailed it

sunnyside1213 said...

The shorts on the douch cruise were the nail in the coffin for me. Gag.

jax said...

i don't think we need to drag Jessica Simpson or her body type into this, she suffered enough at the hands of this manipulative prick.

deepsouthrunner said...

Jessica Simpson was too good for John Mayer. Yes I said it.

nancer said...

shitty singer of shitty songs and a shitty human being.

and anyone who lets him stick his peen in them is shitty too. (yes, YOU, aniston.)

ardleighstreet said...

Do you ever see a guy and wonder why why these women would date this complete tool?

This is him! His picture should be by the definition in the dictionary.

Tool:an uncool loser wanna-be.

I'd say John hit that trifecta hands down.

Sylvan Ramble said...

A very regular-looking, but friendly man once told me that he only dated beautiful women. He said that when he walked into a room he would immediately pick out the two most beautiful women and ask them to dance or chat them up. He said they always said yes. The reason is because most men are intimidated by beautiful women so they are too nervous to dance with them or ask them out. He said the women have told him that they are lonely and wonder why men ignore them. I thought that was pretty interesting. Maybe John uses the same tactic.

shakey said...

He can't keep a woman for long because who wants to be pissed on. I mean, really.

monalisa999 said...

But if he's a craftsman tool, he would fit nicely on the top shelf in the garage.

Judi said...

The girls get tired of being peed on. He's SUCH a tool.

Unknown said...

The delusion is strong in this one.

junecartercash said...

Men who boast like that usually have very small dicks. They act like big dicks to make up for the fact that their peen is about 2 inches. Which also answers the question as to why the girls don't hang around for very long.

gaby said...

his interview in Rolling Stone, really cements his douche bag status. He's sounds like a classic narcissist, which are very good manipulators. I'm sure when he started dating Jennifer, he showed her his "sensitive" side, and then the douche bag that he is came out once she developed feelings for him. He is a soulless creep....he'll move on to the next victim that can feed his ego.

Unknown said...



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