Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today's Blind Items - Fashion Week

What momentarily A list singer was a couple of hours late to the stage at a fashion show party because she was having sex in her dressing room?


Anonymous said...

Katy Perry?

Heather said...

Lady Gaga!

Share said...

Gaga for the win!

SkittleKitty said...

What singer walked the catwalk this week? I haven't been paying attention.

ardleighstreet said...

What singer is also a designer?

surfer said...

Avril Lavigne debuted her line of clothes @ Fashion Week, but not sure I'd say she was "momentarily A-list."

.robert said...

Jessica Simpson just did a fashion walk, but I dunno.

Stephen said...

Momentarily A-list? Kat McPhee?

Anonymous said...

Momentarily A-list is confusing.

Implies Gaga since she's an A-list moneymaker as of right now, but who knows otherwise. And we know she likes to talk the talk.

jlb said...

Katy Perry? With either of the previously mentioned fellows? I don't know if she was at any fashion shows though.

Katie said...

lady gaga at the marc jacobs party

Katie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karmen said...

Lady Caca or Katy Perry.

life is but a dream said...


it's ga-ga!

Funny Girl said...

Has to be Lady Gaga at the Marc Jacobs party.

Unknown said...

totally lady gaga: http://nymag.com/daily/fashion/2009/09/lady_gaga_performs_virtually_n.html?imw=Y&f=most-viewed-24h10

Pinky said...

Totally Susan Boyle.

Tea Lady said...

I took momentarily to mean was briefly and now is no longer, but after reading the article LIBAD & Kelly posted, I have to agree it's Lady Gaga.

Anonymous said...

ayi cochina gaga!

califblondy said...

Cochina? That's funny Flower and it suits her perfectly.

Chrissy Buns said...

i want this to be Katy Perry because i loathe her =)

mooshki said...

Enty has said before that he expects Katy Perry to be a flash in the pan, so I think it's definitely her.

gigi said...

It's Lady GaGa. @womensweardaily tweeted a couple nights ago "Almost 12:30 am and still no sign of Lady Gaga. Crowd getting kinda restless and moody."

I don't know how to link to just one tweet but http://twitter.com/womensweardaily and scroll down.

GoddessNow said...


Judi said...

Musician/composer/singer Gaga - but disagree that her A-list status is momentary... unless Enty simply meant "currently."

whole lotto luv said...

This might link to Georgann's individual tweet.

timebob said...

Katy Perry having a threesome with John Mayer & Russell Brand.

Unknown said...

If it's Gaga, I think she made up the story about having sex.

Barton Fink said...

ghigu, i agree -- it's more likely that she was getting high, esp. since she was at a tweaker party --

marc jacobs before and after meth looks a lot like those "faces of meth" collages that law enforcement used to put out -- he's hideous

Dijea said...

Jessica Simpson was on the cat walk lately.

Unknown said...

It was Lady Gaga, and it was at a party at Hiro in NYC.

gay tallywacker said...

who would want to screw gaga anyway?

kit said...

Someone wanted to have sex with her? Damn.

Wil said...

Gaga .. but was it a boy or a girl she was having sex with??

Icecat said...

CaCa FTW!!!!

merrick said...

Wil, that was my first thought .. okay, so GaGa has sex .. bid deal. The bigger question is was it with a boy or a girl?? There's a blind item for ya!!

cibele said...

What's the big shocker? If it's Gaga, I don't think that the item needs to be blind. She takes about sex openly, says she bisexual and so on...

And when I read momentarily, I think Katy Perry (I hate her and wish her to go away forever). And if she's having sex with John Mayer or Brand in her dressing room, now that's a good BI.

Sasy said...

its gaga ! and i dont think she is gonna last she is trying way too hard to shock people and they are growing tired of her already.

Daveb said...

Perhaps she should stop singing and start writing manuals on how to make sex last "a couple of hours".

Babs said...

Susan Boyle?


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