Thursday, October 15, 2009

Star Magazine Calls Tori Spelling's Bluff

Last week Star Magazine claimed Tori Spelling weighed only 95 pounds. She immediately took to her Twitter and said it was all lies and that she actually weighed 107 pounds and that Star could come and weight her at her house anytime.

Of course Star is going to say yes, and they did. Twice. Tori though has ignored them and the offer and it makes me think that the doctor who guessed Tori's weight must have been pretty close. I know she doesn't have any obligation to let a tabloid come weight her, but if she did then it would stop all the OMG Tori is going to die and is so unhealthy articles.

By inviting the them and now not responding to their acceptance it makes her look like she is hiding something and that maybe she weighs even less?


Karmen said...

Why would you offer to have them weigh you if you don't want to be weighed?


canadachick said...

to try and stay relevant Karmen !!

Emobacca said...

I like how she said she was 107 as if that was a weight to be proud of.

Anonymous said...

She has poor taste in clothing LOL.

Anonymous said...

107 is not exactly morbidly obese. She's a skank, face it.

RocketQueen said...

Er, I don't know about "skank" since the topic here is her weight, but I would definitely say she's below 100.

Now! said...

I'm about Tori's height and I was under 100 for awhile. I was dizzy and tired all the time.

I remember when Axl Rose challenged a magazine, as well - asking Spin editor Bob Guccione Jr. to "get in the ring" with him. Bob also accepted the offer, and then Axl chickened out.

sunnyside1213 said...

What is she doing with her left hand? Adjusting her panties maybe? Ugly face + Ugly dress = Hideous.

selenakyle said...

Damn, if I could be 107 again...but it would mean either sickness, a reeaallllly bad break-up, or addiction.

ellie said...

How could anybody in their wildest imagination think this is a good look? How could anybody purposely want to look like this? Go invest in a full length mirror, Tori!

figgy said...

I wonder how she lost the weight? Cocaine comes to mind, of course.

rummer said...

I don't understand this. Do people with eating disorders think that people are blind to their skeletal figures? Did Tori think that nobody would notice the fact that she's shaped like a stop sign? I would think that in her delusional mind she'd be proud of her looks. She doesn't do much to hide her figure. If her concern is that she knows that her weight is unacceptable then maybe she's not far gone enough to know that she should be ashamed and needs help.

The Dude Abides said...

This reminds me about Olberman's challenge to Hannity about Hannity getting waterboarded if he doesn't believe it's torture, and Hannity chickening out because he's no fool, but simply a blustering liar.

chihuahuense said...

yeah, what the heck is she doing with her left hand?

Syd said...

...probably adjusting her nuts.

Krissie said...

If you are a celebrity you should never ever offer a tabloid magazine something you do not intend to follow through on. They WILL take you up on it. Do celebs not realize that? The tabloids will do anything. Now, thanks to Tori's bullshit offer and subsequent chickening out, they have a great story for a future issue. Way to go Tori.

Cancan said...

Tori weighs 95 lbs. The silicone adds another 12.

noel said...

Perhaps if she lost another 10 pounds she could go and work for Ralph Lauren.

You know their photoshop staff COULD use a break every now and then!!


*seriously though- it is pretty sad that celebrity females have to succumb to this crap...*

Rolf said...

remove the breast implants the her weight goes below 90 lbs...

man, what an ugly hag!

B626 said...

The part about her dying doesn't bother me too much till I think about who's in line to raise the unfortunate spawn.
Moocher husband?
Or Candy?
Live, Tori, Live!

Sherry R. said...

That picture is too funny. I don't think she's hiding anything in THAT dress.

lanasyogamama said...

I am not inviting any of y'all to my house to weigh me.

Miss X said...

Enty, you are so right. if Tori really weighs 107, she should step on the scale in front of tabloids.

And since when is 107 an acceptable weight for someone her height? She needs to weigh at least 130 to be healthy (my guess...I'm no expert)

Tara said...

I wouldn't want to weigh 107lbs..ugh. I weighed 115 before my first child and everyone asked me all the time if I was sick. I'm 5'6 BTW. She's 5'5 (I think), so according to the BMI charts she should weigh between 112-143 lbs. 112 still sounds incredibly small, though.

I want to feed most of the celebrities in Hollywood. Give them some homemade Southern food...they'll fatten up in no time. ;-)

Wil said...

She is scary thin. I was going to try to make a joke about how she is just trying to become the new Ralph Lauren model.. but when I clicked into that pic for a closer look and saw her thighs are the same size as her calves?? Nope .. girlie is not healthy at all.

She is probably about 85 pounds. Sad and scary as hell. I guess it just goes to show that even being a celebuspawn/TV Star doesn't solve all of life's problems.

Unknown said...

Something is going on with Tori and it is affecting her weight. Maybe the stress of dealing with her mother and the book written by her husband's ex wife is getting to her. Either that or Candy made a pass at Dean !!!

Linnea said...

Maybe she could eat some play dough and THEN get on the scale? ('member that simpson episode?:)

JMS said...

She looks OK in that picture. I don't think her weight is a problem, yet.


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