Friday, November 06, 2009

Steak & Chardonnay?

You really, really know that Josh Duhamel is in some serious trouble when you hear a story like this. Kneepads has a little blurb about Josh & Fergie's first date together since the stripper scandal. It turns out they went to a steak place in Atlanta called Chops. They each had steak and Chardonnay. Seriously? Who in the f**k orders Chardonnay with steak? I tell you who does. A diva singer who feels like it and wants her meat eating, stripper loving husband to do exactly what she wants.

Forget a burgundy or other red wine, Fergie wanted Chardonnay and Josh was sitting right there next to her drinking it up. When a man isn't even allowed to order the wine or beverage he wants and instead is drinking exactly what his wife or girlfriend wants, you know he is in some serious trouble.

Waiter: Could I start you off with something to drink?
Fergie: I would love a Chardonnay
Waiter: And for you sir?
Josh: Oh, Chardonnay sounds perfect.
Waiter: Have you been in the dog house long sir?


Ms Cool said...

You've lost me.

.robert said...

White wine and red meat.

At least it could have been white zinfandel.

nancer said...

i don't get it. maybe that's what they both LIKE.

the rules about white and red wine went out the window a long time ago.

sassafrass said...

Calm down there partner. Jeeze, sounds like you had a bad date. Are you venting from experience?

Nicole said...

I know the rules about white and red wine with various main courses, but I'm not a big drinker, and all wines taste equally gross to me. Is Chardonnay really, really girly?

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's what he likes to drink? I only drink red, even with fish or fowl.

kj said...

i won't worry about the color of the wine--i would have the waiter taste my food first

.robert said...

Nicole, I this it is girly.

nancer, while there are many exceptions the rule still generally applies, here's a good one about fish and red wine:

Funny Girl said...

I thought this was really funny. I personally have no problem drinking white wine with steak (and don't care if anyone judges me for it).

That being said, I do not know a single man who would pair a nice steak with a chardonnay.

Anonymous said...

Uh, like it *had* to be her that ordered it? Men aren't always the most knowledgeable one in the relationship when it comes to meat. Neither are women more or less knowledgeable about wine and wine pairings. How do you know they didn't order the same thing because they both genuinely liked it?

Anonymous said...

Red wine gives me headaches, I always drink white regardless of the entree. I still think he's in the doghouse and will be for quite some time :-)

whole lotto luv said...

He's lucky she's letting him eat.

Anonymous said...

Waiter: Have you been in the dog house long sir?


mygeorgie said...

Enty, that was hilarious! I will be looking around at fellow diners from now on to see who's in the dog house & who's allowed to order a goddamn beer!

chiquiiswatching said...

Seriouosly? Jumping to assumptions is perhaps the only exercise you get, Enty. Maybe he ordered it, maybe he actually likes it. If he really wanted to make her happy, it would mean not sleeping with other women, not drinking the same thing as she does.

Anonymous said...

he may as well be drinking a white wine spritzer

Unknown said...

Funny post, Ent.

I am skeptical about this dinner happening at all, considering the source. I bet his publicist called his closest People contact and fed this story.

Meanwhile, Fergie's filing papers. My 2 cents...

Anonymous said...

Does it really matter what type of fermented grape beverage one chooses to accent their meal with? Who cares?

Caroline said...

I really hope she does the typical woman-scorned- new-hairdo thing, because that mop of hers looks as much like a steaming pile of crap as her husband is.

sunnyside1213 said...

"i won't worry about the color of the wine--i would have the waiter taste my food first."

Too funny kj.

.robert said...

sunnyside1213, it is stuff like kj and bitter waitress that makes me wary about eating out.

NYer said...

I think EL nailed this one on the wine alone, but my question is did he order the same cut of meat (I'm guessing filet). One thing, burgundy is just a region in france. Burgundy wine is red when made from pinot noir grapes or white when made from chardonnay grapes.

ellapetal said...

I can't believe that she let him get away with anything less than Zima.

Fergie, I expect more from you. :-)

Lolita Breckenridge said...

Jeez, everyone's so serious about red or white with steak.

Enty, this was my favorite post of the day. Brilliant.

nunaurbiz said...

Are those daggers she's pointing in the direction of his heart? And what is that growing out of his head? LOL

littleoleme said...

Who cares. Maybe he ordered the wine because that's what he likes.

White with red meat - no big deal.

ellie said...

Is this serious, enty? You probably won't wear white after Labor Day either!!

c17 said...

Ok, I am SO not getting the point of this anecdote...

So, Fergie ordered chardonnay and Josh ordered the same. SO THE FUCK WHAT?

ENT, you OBVIOUSLY have some serious issues...maybe you should reconcile them BEFORE you decide to "report" on OTHER couples "rumored" marital issues. I'm guessing you protect yourself from slander/misrepresentation by the fact that you get this "information" from another source, and whatever protection your reputation as a "lawyer" brings.

It would be nice if in the future you tempered your celebrity reports with some seems to be in short supply in ALL ASPECTS of "news" reports nowadays.

c17 said...

Anonymous, it's because he's of the "masculine" persuasion, and those people whether or not they are of the male or female gender, are usually total misogynists.

I'm sure the majority of readers of this blog won't understand what I mean....but that's ok.

That's what GOOGLE is for.

City Councilman Doug said...

I drink beer with my steak.

That is all.

uofazwildkitty said...


Mango said...

"Can't understand why ENT practically applauds man slut Duhamel's rendezvous..."

I didn't get the impression that Enty did applaud Josh manwhoredom, but that was just my impression. He was just reporting the peccadilloes of Hollywood's A-D listers for our edification. :-)

And as for the steak and wine; I'm not a steak lover but I can't imagine drinking a buttery or vanilla chardonnay with steak--ugh. Or at all, actually. Give me a nice red any day of the week.

Anonymous said...

I have white with everything, I don't like red, no matter how good it is. This post is stupid...

Anonymous said...

I have white with everything, I don't like red, no matter how good it is. This post is stupid...

Sue Ellen said...

I like how that one commenter up there assumes that people on here don't know what misogny is. Well, I do and live with it every day, so there.

No1uNo said...

Why are so many people taking this post so seriously? It's just a random observation (from a guy who I'm guessing has been in the dog house a few times himself, eh Enty?) on a gossip blog, not a doctoral thesis. I don't care about wine pairings either, but jeez.

And where is Enty applauding Duhamel? He and everyone else will be calling the guy a big man-slut from now on, have no doubt. Sienna has a more public and long-standing track record, thats all.

Dr Spaceman said...

Ent is reading way too much into this as per usual.

Unknown said...

Some seriously touchy people here - considering you are reading a snarky celebrity gossip blog. Maybe you should switch to reading - a lot less to get you riled up over there.

And the incessant posts about the fact that YOU drink white wine with steak are meaningless. Just because you have no taste doesn't mean the rest of the world should conform. Whether you are allergic, don't like red, or think its a stupid idea - drinking a chard with steak is not the wrong choice for any individual - who are all free to do as they wish - its the wrong choice if you want to have class or taste.

And no..."the rules" haven't been thrown out the window...

Unknown said...

Off the wine topic for a moment, but is Fergie giving out a gang sign in this pic? It sure looks like it to me.

RocketQueen said...

Well, isn't c17 a piece of work? Assuming we don't know the definition of basic words yet not realizing this is a gossip site, and therefore not an objective news source? Too ridiculous.


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