Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hangover 2 In Thailand

I knew it was inevitable there would be a sequel to The Hangover. If a movie makes more than 5 dollars, there will probably be a sequel. If it makes two dollars there will probably be seven sequels. Just ask the folks at American Pie.

I will say that I was rooting for one of the stars of the movie to pull a diva act or do something, anything that would prevent a sequel to the movie. I thought the first movie was perfect and I think that trying to work all of that magic and pull off the surprises a second time will just not work. If they do, then I will be the first to admit they pulled it off, but I just don't think it will be special anymore. It also seems like the kind of movie that will keep on spawning sequels. Although all the original cast will return for the second one, I could see a series of these movies with a different cast of characters headed to different cities around the globe and further degrading and diluting what was once a very special movie.

Anyway, according to, the movie starts shooting in Thailand in the fall. Look for about a million shots of Renee Zellweger running through the streets of Bangkok.


Anonymous said...

The first one was not funny to me. The only time I laughed was at the end at the wedding. The wedding singer was a blast.

sunnyside1213 said...

I thought it was hysterical, especially when the valet brought the police car.

looserdude said...

"Really Bad Things" did the going off the rails in Vegas thing a lot better, I thought. I don't like contrived happy endings either.

Cheryl said...

It was funny to me because you never knew what crazy thing was going to happen next. That would become boring in a sequel as you would just be waiting for the next crazy plot twist.

Ryan said...

Come on people! With lines like:

A: Are you sure you should be caring for an infant?

B: What? I've found a baby before>

A: A Baby? Where?

B: Coffee Bean.


timebob said...

I have faith they will make it as funny as the last one. The director Todd Phillips isn't a cash grabber like the Amerian Pie franchise is/was.

I'm just happy Zach is zooming up the ladder to A list I have loved him for years.

Icecat said...

I thought the movie was funny as hell too. I didn't see it in the theater, though. My neighbor forced me to watch it, and I loved it...

I'm with Enty on a second one. I just don't think they can pull it off.

I bet Lindsay is still kicking herself for turning down the stripper part...

Carrie L. said...

As long as there is another Ed Helms song with him at the piano, I will gladly be in line to purchase tickets for the second one. I agree, sequels are never as good as the first, but I don't care - the sequel to "The Hangover" will still be better than the majority of films out there, I'm sure!

Lady J said...

The first one was great. I have my reservations about a sequel but we shall see.


Very Bad Things was hilarious and crazy. That is definitely a movie where everything you think can go wrong does.

Maja With a J said...

I quite enjoyed The Hangover, and with the same cast and good writers, the sequel has the potential to be really good as well.

I just hope they can do a movie set in Thailand without saturating it with child prostitution jokes.

HannahPalindrome said...

The first one was NOT funny.

I hope the second one is better, but I'm not sure if I want to find out.

jax said...

Hangover was one of the funniest movies i've seen for non-stop laughs in a long ass time.

can't wait for 2.

Mango said...

Saw the movie but really don't remember much about it.

For a moment when reading I thought, "OMG... ZELLWEGER is going to be in the sequel???" and then I remembered that she's Bradley Cooper's beard. DUH!

RocketQueen said...

Yeah, I'm another that thought The Hangover was overrated, but then again I enjoyed Hot Tub Time Machine much more :) That being said, Thailand seems like a great place for a debaucherous sequel! I'll see it.

K said...

I *loved* The Hangover mostly because much of it I/we could relate to from some of our past visits to Vegas. It was a massive memory trigger---we spent so much time pausing the movie and going "OMG do you remember that time when....!!!!!!"

Bangkok---spent most of my time there in temples or in tailoring shops, lol. Will probably watch it for the "I've been there!" moments.

RJ said...

I loved the Hangover. Raunchy humor at its best. It wasn't meant to be Noel Coward or Oscar Wilde. It gave me a much needed night of laughter the first time I saw it, and I've seen it again recently and it was just as good as the first time. There's no way the sequel will be as good. Like the Police Academy movies. First one was good, not great, the next dozen or so all ranged from bad to horrible.

bionic bunny! said...

i've yet to catch the thing from beginning to end.
still trying to figure out how the animals got in the room.
you guys say it's good, maybe i'll download it. if it's cheap. the bearded guy scares me a little....

Jerry said...

It's comforting to know I wasn't the only one that didn't like The Hangover. But in this group I might be the only one that didn't make it to the end of the movie.

I didn't have high hopes for Hot Tub Time Machine but was pleasantly surprised.


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