Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Greatest Family Feud Answer Ever

Over the years there have been some great Family Feud answers. When people are asked a random question and are under pressure you get some real winners, but nothing ever has compared to this answer. And the results make it even better.


Miss X said...

That is hillarious!!

Mango said...

Remember when the first host Richard Lawson used to kiss all the female contestants on the mouth?

(That was in the old days before people were terrified of exchanging body fluids.)

Mango said...

Oops, Dawson. Richard Dawson. from "Hogan's Heroes", lol.

nunaurbiz said...


shakey said...

LMFAO. A joint and the collection plate at church.

Steve Harvey does look rather pissed off.

Stacy said...

That was utterly hilarious!

JenX said...

Heck, my first thought was "a slut."

@Mango, yuck, that might explain why 80% of US adults carry the oral herpes (mouth sores) virus.

kris said...

HIGHLARIOUS.thanks for the Enty!!!

kris said...

ha...thanks for the LAUGH...and no, I'm not high...

chihuahuense said...

@JenX--MINE TOO!!! But a joint is funny too. And I didn't know that this show was still on.

mooshki said...

JenX, that was my first guess too, lol.

mooshki said...

(And my second guess was "Herpes.") The best part is that church lost out to pot.

Megley said...

Did anyone else think that was a little too, oh I don't know, SCRIPTED?

Robert said...

The collection plate at church gets passed around less than a joint? No doubt.
I was thinking, "An STD."

MontanaMarriott said...

but true!

Ice Angel said...

That was hilarious! But joint and whore were my first 2 thoughts!

RocketQueen said...

I might have said "herpes"!

weezy said...

RocketQueen -- that was my first thought, too!

kalabee said...

I actually did LOL!

ardleighstreet said...

My cousin posted this to me yesterday. LOVED IT. My answer would have been a bottle of booze.

empyrios said...

Here are some actual answers from contestants who have appeared on the game show Family Feud. Sorry it's so long but it's worth it!:

Name something a blind person might use: a sword

Name a song with moon in the title: blue suede moon

Name a bird with a long neck: a penguin

Name an occupation where you need a torch: a burglar

Name a famous brother and sister: Bonnie and Clyde

Name an item of clothing worn by the Three Musketeers: a horse

Name something that floats in the bath: water

Name something you wear on the beach: a deck chair

Name something red: my cardigan

Name a famous cowboy: Buck Rogers

Name a famous royal: mail

Name a number you have to memorize: 7

Name something you do before going to bed: sleep

Name something you put on walls: roofs

Name something in the garden that's green: a scarecrow

Name something that flies that doesn't have an engine: dishes

Name something you might be allergic to: skiing

Name a famous bridge: the bridge over troubled waters

Name something a cat does: goes to the toilet

Name a continent: Italy

Name something you do in the bathroom: decorate

Name an animal you might see at the zoo: a dog

Name something slippery: a con man

Name a kind of ache: a pancake

Name a food that can be brown or white: potato

Name a potato topping: jam

Name a famous Scotsman: Jock

Another famous Scotsman: Vinnie Jones

Name something with a hole in it: window

Name a non-living object with legs: plant

Name a domestic animal: leopard

Name a part of the body beginning with 'N': knee

Name a way of cooking fish: cod

Name something you clean: your sister

Name something a 13 year old boy can do for hours in his spare time: masturbate

Ice Angel said...

@epyrios: Thanks very I am that strange person laughing hysterically at their desk and my co workers think I am either high or crazy! LOL! Those were hilarious!!!

yvie said...

They are hilarious

chihuahuense said...

oh, empyrios, those are hilarious

pdxbellarocks said...

that is something my six year old would say! ( Name something you wash : your sister )

tflamb said...

Any reason why Harvey was really annoyed the guy touched his shoulder? He have a phobia against being touched cause his reaction was a bit extreme. The only reason may have gone unnoticed is cause of the what followed but his reaction was separate from that.

xoApril said...

I've seen funnier episodes... watch this one... name animal who's name is 3 letters

xoApril said...

oops, her'es the link

libby said...

I actually remember seeing the episode back in the 70's/80's with the 'seeing a DOG at the ZOO.'

I can't stop laughing! As I remember it, it was Richard Dawson, and he always protected the dignity of the contestants with bad answers. Everybody laughed, but nobody felt bad. He was GREAT with people. All charisma.

GladysKravitz said...

LOL at the video. My partner and I were rolling as we watched.

Jerry said...

Far be it from me to try to top Enty but this one is truly the greatest Family Feud answer ever.

Christina said...

This one was burning up Facebook yesterday too. Hilarious!

Oh and Jerry, that is a good one.

Meg said...

My first thought was STDs!

@epyrios - Crying from laughing so hard.

LOVE "Naked Grandma!" Hysterical.

Mella said...

I was thinking of a STD


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