Monday, November 07, 2011

Kim Kardashian Emerges From Hiding - Goes To Minnesota

Trying to salvage some of her popularity, Kim Kardashian headed off to Minnesota to try and get what TMZ calls closure and what I call trying to make herself look better. Since Kim returned from Australia, Kris Jenner has been doing three things. Trying to sell her book and how she could have saved Nicole Simpson's life; yelling at Kim for taking the spotlight from her during the book tour; and telling Kim she better fix it because the entire world is against her right now. What better way to look like you are trying to fix things then by going up to Minnesota and convincing your soon to be ex to hang out in public and make it look like there is some kind of reconciliation and then have Kris divorce Kim instead. Barring that, maybe Kris would be willing to exchange a few million bucks to pretend he cheated on Kim so that way he looks like the bad guy and Kim can get some more seasons of mediocre television. What does she expect with two hours of counseling? A very special "Keeping Up With The Kardashians."

Whatever she does will not be enough. This is it. Huh. Managed to use the title of the Michael Jackson movie in the middle of a Kardashian post. Somewhere in the imaginary word of gossip board games, that is probably some kind of bonus. Anyway, this episode will probably be the downfall. It was coming anyway. Despite all the promotion and money spent, no one has really watched the show the past season or two and the numbers for the wedding shows were disappointing. Her time is done.


FrenchGirl said...

Enty,boycott them!

Rita said...

TMZ reported yesterday 2 things that absolutely surprised me, and made Kris Humphries get a bit of my respect:

1- In their prenup, it is included that in case of divorce, if Kim DECIDES to keep the engagement ring valued at more than $2M, she is UNDER OBLIGATION to buy it from Kris, at full value!!!

2- In their prenup as well, it is included that in case of separation or divorce, Kim IS NOT ALLOWED to say anything bad about Kris H.

So basically Kim went to visit Kris in Minnesota to try to get the ring for free, and convince him to publicly discuss their separation, and him taking the blame for something.

Also, the K! lawyers have said yesterday that they are looking into loopholes in the prenup to see how far Kim and her family could push the envelope without being sued.

Hope the Humphries take them to the cleaners. All the way, no mercy.

figgy said...

ha, love the way her implanted fake bubble butt is outlined in that pic.

And this is like what, she's supposed to have run the doorbell and is waiting for someone to answer it?

Hope she ends up broke, selling her fake ass and tits to 3rd string nephews of Saudi sheiks.

MISCH said...

I knew it was to good to be true....STAY HIDDEN Kim.

Bit dams said...

the ring story would explain why she went. i was thinking it was to bitch him out for (smehow) making her look bad. and yeah, ding-dong: "hi kris, i know i didn't handle the whole disso thing the maybe BEST way, but we're still BFF's, right!?"

kathrynnova said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rareavis said...

They had a fantastic run of things. They are all truly wealthy, thanks to Kim's sex tape and her Mom.
I want to see how they handle their descent.

timebob said...

this is all beyond phony. Even her hardcore fans aren't buying it.

Patty said...

That looks like the back of the house, not the front. There's a firelace there on the left and I doubt they have a slider door as the front door. Looks like a photo op to me.

Jenny said...

I hope Kris refuses to play whatever game plan she has devised that would only benefit her.

__-__=__ said...

That pic looks like the hefer is pawing the ground with her hoof. (I know I will be shamed for this. Sorry, in advance. I couldn't help it. I'm blaming it on caffeine.)

crila16 said...

Seriously. Enty can you please stop posting about Lindsay and Kim K. We don't need to keep bringing attention to them.

The Black Cat said...

I agree with crila16, enough already. There are so many more genuinely interesting celebrities to gossip about.

Taylor said...

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she were trying to reconcile with him to save her "career".

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Minnesota, eh? Maybe she went to Hazelden.

BTW, I can't believe I'm saying this, but the Kardashians make me long for simpler times when the biggest famewhore on the stroll was Paris Hilton. At least there was only one of her. And at least her boyfriends were more interesting (I'm referring to the pair of Greek heirs).

nancer said...

'her time is done.'


bluebonnetmom said...

This will be the bext Monday EVER even with this start of a migraine I am getting if their time is done. For real Enty? PLEASE?

parissucksliterally said...

I am so loving her misery. She fucked up so badly....lmao

Linnea said...

Rita, THAT is super interesting. I have never even watched their show but I have "followed" their "career" (there are so many quotation marks needed when talking about the Kardashians) and I thought they would have been smarter than that, knowing this marriage would fail sooner or later. Good job Kris!

Rita said...

Linnea, don't follow either, only read it on TMZ who have been communication with K!'s lawyers. I hardly can stand Kim's nasal whiny voice when she's made fun of on The Soup. My fave how Joel made fun of winning the bet: he had bet the wedding will last 75 days on TV!

He then learned that he lost his bet to Bruce Jenner for he had bet exactly 72 days. uhuh.

Megley said...

What pisses me off is the whole "my marriage isn't what I thought it would be" BS, as though she is in the marriage alone, as though none of this effects the "hubby." What the fuck does she think marriage is? If she is using her homom and her robotron husband as the example, I'm surprised it lasted 72 days.
That said, this dumbass is trying to do a little damage control. She is so self-involved that she didn't think her "fans" would turn on her.

ForSure said...

I am beginning to think that Enty posting these stories is a good thing. Hopefully the K! team has his blog book marked and they are keeping a good eye on the posts here. To help them out, I'll use small words:

Kim is a spoiled, useless, talentless whore.

The handbags and the clothes are knockoffs and every fashion writer seems to have been let loose to write about that. Hooray.

Kris Jenner is a shameless pimp of her children. If Robert Kardashian were still alive today he would be so ashamed of what his family has become.

Don't disappear just yet, K! family. I want your fall to be as slow and painful as possible, and I want Ryan Seacrest to feel it too.

Somebody, please call the Norwood family and get them on camera.

Lux Luthor said...

Uuuugh. She was in "hiding" for what, 20 minutes? She has GOT to be the biggest famewhore on the planet. This looks like typical attention-seeking bs to me, but I hope it's truly indicative of what many seem to think--that she's running scared because her popularity has taken a fatal hit. Please, please, please let that be true.

Thanks for those tidbits about the prenup, Rita. Glad to see that Kris had someone looking out for him. I hope he doesn't slip up, I don't want that trashy bitch and her parasitic family to benefit from any loopholes. I want them to go down hard.

Angie said...

I thought her wedding special was the highest ratings E has 8 million viewers??? Is that bad?

Rita said...

@angie - Those numbers are as inflated as a Kardashian behind. The numbers were 4.5 million over 4 hours. Not at one time. So who knows how many really watched, or fooled into watching a wedding for a marriage that never was. They need to ask for those 4 hours back, same as for the gifts.

RocketQueen said...

Damage control. Nothing more, nothing less, totally transparent.
I SO hope you're right about her time being done, Enty.

Crystal Jones said...

Re: "Her time is Done"

Anonymous said...

Kim K needs Dipshit Rehab.

nunaurbiz said...

Happy dance!

nunaurbiz said...

I think she's talking on a cellphone. To her mommy, probably, for her lines on what she's supposed to say to make everything "better."

lanasyogamama said...

My friend has attended sermons from the pastor that married them, and she told me that he takes marriage VERY seriously, and was sad that he was played in all this.

G said...

Kim totally realizes (as per her mother) that this is not a good thing for their brand. She is trying to do something that makes her gain more sympathy. Give it a rest, Kim. If you were having second or third thoughts you would have tried to work it out before having it all in the press.

Time for another amateur porn video.

Basil said...

I sorta want to feel bad for the hubby in all this, but he MUST have known what this was all about, which makes him just as much a part of the sham as her.

One thing that surprises me about all this is that the K's seem to play the media game really well, so how did they think this divorce would go over after all the hoopla they spun about "the wedding"? People already suspected this was a sham wedding, so what did it profit them to prove everyone right?

Acid Rain said...

@ Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors - I was thinking the same thing yesterday. I would quite happily trade a Kim K and a LiLo for the return of Paris. It is a sad state of affairs when she has become the lesser of all fame whoring evils.


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