Sunday, November 06, 2011

Kim Kardashian Goes Into Hiding - Will Emerge Only For Money

Ever since Kim Kardashian returned to Los Angeles from Australia she has been in hiding. Apparently she is going to stay in hiding until her movie role starts filming. So, basically she is going to hide until she is paid. I have no doubts that if some company wanted her to come out and offered her $1M she would come out of hiding, you know, because it had been long enough, not because of the money. If she really wanted to hide, she was in Australia. Pretty easy to hide there compared to Los Angeles. Not as many photographers and everyone trying to make a buck selling you out. You just hole up in a resort and stay there. Not a bad place to lay low as they head into summer there. Head off to the coast and hide. I think the family is trying to decide how to handle all of this so they get to keep their fame even if they have to sacrifice one of their own. "Bruce Jenner to the altar please. Bruce Jenner."


Cheryl said...

Awesome picture!

ChasingHeaven said...

Best. Picture. EVER!!!!

Bit dams said...

LOL! truly horrible. makes me want to send it to everyne i know. oh please, let it be on the cover of a magazine!

Jenny said...

Great picture!

The Kardashians must be very busy planning their new strategy and memorizing what they need to say to the press to clean up this fiasco. Kim reportedly flew to Minnesota for a face-to-face with Kris. Ah, the new strategy has kicked in!

If they are going to get back together for awhile, I hope Kris has the good sense or lawyer to demand money, higher pay if on the reality show, and a new prenup. If Kim refuses, Kris can say good-bye for good.

It's all a shame ... er, sham.

SusanB said...

I do think the family was very surprised by the reaction. Did they really think no one would question whether the marriage was a scam?

The Black Cat said...

I love her eyelashes in that photo LOL

FrenchGirl said...

her best pic

Jesse D said...

OMG you've totally made my day with that awesome pic.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Enty, This needs to be Kim's default picture for all future posts. :)

Did anyone catch the Kardashian skit on SNL last night? Hilarious, especially Kris Jenner (Kristen Wiig).

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

^I was going to say the exact same thing. Michael Lohan has his mesh, and KK has this gem.

Lux Luthor said...

How much money would it take for her to stay hidden?

ForSure said...

I wonder where the KarTrashians are seeing this backlash? I had the misfortune of clicking on the link to Kim's statement on her website and the comments section blew my mind. Her fans might be even scarier than Bieber's.

Anonymous said...

The SNL skit was wonderful. And I agree, please, Enty, use this picture for her from now on. It just epitomizes her personality.

I saw on one of the news articles I was reading this morning that she has gone to Minnesota to talk with Kris, and is having second thoughts. I hope he doesn't go along with it. And on that subject, Minnesota, has nobody ever warned you about locking your doors?

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Hey look - It's Olive Oil:

Vicky said...

Someone is going around posting this same comment on all the top gossip sites about her-
Look at the first comment.

This is soooo someone who knows her. If only someone would do the same about Baby Beibler.

TaterOnTheCouch said...

Vicky--I saw that comment too! I loved it!!!

I saw where TMZ is reporting that Kim has gone to Minnesota because she's so torn over her decision to divorce. My guess is that she didn't get the sympathy she expected when she filed so now she's going to try to "work things out" to save face.

P.S. Please alwayas use this pic when you talk about that ho.

Sonia in MO said...

I think the family was "surprised" by the public reaction to this divorce because they've been lulled into a sense of entitlement that they can do no wrong in the public eye. The more their bank accounts rise, the more they feel invincible. I think they truly feel they can do anything they want and people will love them.

You know, I've never contributed a dime to anything they touch, and if they can make money off of people who can't see the forest through the trees then that's not my issue. My gripe is that there are people out there, even celebrities, who do a lot of good in the world, and who really give back - and they are not given a one-hundredth of the public admiration that these twerps are given. I just find it sad that greed and self-entitlement are lauded as heroic, and really good people are just an afterthought - if at all.

Robert said...

@Vicky: That comment is like a verbal chemical peel. Wow!
I came here to say the same thing everybody else did about that picture, as well--a moment of true Kim Kardashian Kraziness.

i said...

I was so happy for the divorce. I assumed, rightly, it would be a bit too much. I'm also banking on them miskonstruing what their next action kould be. As if, hiding will make people forget. Kris could be working on an addition to their previous pre-nup. If he was smarter than everyone gives him credit for. His father doesn't appear to stupid.

Bit dams said...

wow, the diatribe against kimmy is awesome. actually wondering the other day if khole was the byproduct of an affair by momma kris (because of the height thing). anyone ever heard that before?

Vicky said...

@me- I'm pretty sure that that had been brought up several times awhile back. And they tried to "address" it in their show at one point.

What we need is ENT to find out who wrote it. Personally, my money is on someone attached to the Norwoods. They have to have tons of dirt on Kimmy.

Jasmine said...

Vicky- the comment is bananas and I loved it of course.

The only thing I question is the commentor's mention of Kim fucking Kanye West---I thought we pretty much ascertained through Enty that West is GAY. And so if I have to question one item in this comment, I am forced to question others...

Lelaina Pierce said...

@Vicky - I just went & read that comment. I'd heard some of that stuff but not the long list of guys including Nick Lachey!

Vicky said...

@Jasmine- I'm pretty sure that Kanye West is one of those "do anyone" kind of people. He probably leans more to his own team, but doesn't mind switching sides when it suites his fancy.

@Lelaina Pierce- I know! It kind of makes sense, though- she really likes those big meathead looking guys...

ForSure said...

Maybe Kanye considers a back door a back door, regardless if its pink or blue. Does the gender matter from his preferred angle?

Dani said...

Oh. My. Gawd. That comment is the sweetest thing I've read all week! I agree it has to be someone she knows. My money is on Pari*****on.

mooshki said...

Did anyone actually believe she would really go "into hiding?" Not possible. That #($*&)#*$ is here in Minnesota, and Syko, trust, I am not leaving the house until she's gone. I can't stand it. Does she really think this is going to buy her any sympathy? Pretending like she gives a shit about Kris after she didn't even tell him she was filing for divorce?

childeroland said...

I'm not sure I get the whole Kardashian dislike. Sure they're fameballs, but people give them attention so why shouldn't they monetize it?

ItsJustMe said...

That bitter queen Jonathan Jaxson (look up dirt on his slimy ass) has been leaving variations of that comment around sites for years.

I don't doubt the truth behind a lot of those claims, but rolling eyes at the bitter queen.

ItsJustMe said...

And I'm pretty sure she didn't sleep with half those guys ... because they're gay.

Acid Rain said...

She got her ass handed to her by the media here in Australia too. She was on one of the morning shows here with Khloe, they grilled her on why she wouldn't even try to make her marriage work. You could almost see the moment when she realised no one here was going to put up with her crap either. I knew she wasn't going to stick around long after that.

__-__=__ said...

Thanks for the link Vicki!! Love the pic!!

MISCH said...

Stay in hiding Kim, we won't miss you.
And a big THANK YOU.

MISCH said...

Stay in hiding Kim, we won't miss you.
And a big THANK YOU.

Sherry said...

@KS..Not EVERYONE left a glowing comment..I put my two cents in and it wasn't purdy.
@Acid Rain..Hilarious to hear. No wonder she left Oz early. Guess you didn't give her the warm reception she expected. Serves her right.

crila16 said... grubbing trash. I don't know anyone personally who even watches their stupid show, but someone is keeping them popular and in the spot light.

Linnea said...

@ FS - I am sure she monitors that webpage and makes sure that the negative stuff gets taken away ASAP...

@ Crila - Yeah, but WHO is it? I have never met anyone who admitted to watching them or even liking them.


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