Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Rihanna Hospitalized - Still Can Tweet

I know that at some point, someone will be gasping for their last breathy before dying and will Tweet they are doing so. It is inevitable. If Steve Jobs had invented Twitter, I think he would have been the first. Rihanna was hospitalized in Sweden with what everyone is calling the flu. Hey, whatever makes you happy. After being admitted she was hooked up to an IV and even though she was desperately sick and had to cancel a show, she still had the energy to snap photos of herself and her IV and tweet them to the world. I don't know if she was trying to prove to everyone she had the flu or she was bored so took a photo of an IV bag, but sometimes I kind of like the days where someone would go to a hospital and we would just wildly speculate what they were doing there and not just have a photo of an IV drip on what may or may not be Rihanna's arm. See? Wild speculation. Much more fun.


MontanaMarriott said...

"Hey, whatever makes you happy"
Okay, Enty, spill it!
What's the real reason she is in the hospital???
Plastic Surgery??

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Good. Lord.

See, if I were still on facebook and "friends" with Rihanna, this is exactly the sort of picture that would prompt me to block her in my newsfeed.

I follow her on Twitter, but I also follow about five hundred other people and only check in about once a week. This is why.

ForSure said...

Meh, jet lag, even in first class, builds up after a while. She's been all over the globe in the past few months, I can believe she's exhausted. And yeah, once you get diagnosed and they start treatment, its boring as hell to be in a hospital, especially in a foreign country where there may not be English language channels. I can give her the benefit of the doubt if she's out in 24 hours or so. Other than that, she bores me so I don't really care.

Anonymous said...

She bores me.

Barton Fink said...

Who was the HIV+ female pop star from the gossip sites about 2 years back?

MontanaMarriott said...

@Barton, I believe Enty alluded to it being Amy Winehouse

parissucksliterally said...

Go away Rhianna. You are terrible role model for women, and your music sucks.

Anonymous said...

Cool IV. I've never had anything but the needle stuck in my hand at an angle with tape all over it and dried blood crusted around it.

Anonymous said...

parissucksliterally said "Go away Rhianna. You are terrible role model for women, and your music sucks".
Mama Mia said..."She bores me".
I concur.


RocketQueen said...

I'll be the dissenting voice :) I love Rihanna's tunes. Took my pregnant self to a Halloween party this past weekend and when Rihanna's tunes came on - everyone danced. That shiz is danceable!

Anonymous said...

Rihanna's voice drives me up the wall. It's like sandpaper.

I hate Twitter for allowing this nonsense to happen, then it gets reported. Like, if it's not Tweeted, did it really happen?

MnGddess said...

You don' think she could be sick and tweet at the same time? Please. To a single girl, that phone is like an extension of their arm. If she was in the operating room and half-asleep she would be tweeting.

Lelaina Pierce said...

I think she was trying to prove to everyone she had the flu.

mooshki said...

I also like Rihanna, and I think the flu makes perfect sense (unless Enty has heard something else). If you get the flu bad, you may need to have intravenous fluids or you risk dehydration. There are some really nasty bugs out there.

Barton Fink said...

Thanks MontanaMarriot, although -- has he followed up on this?

As for Rihanna's music, I loved her pre-beatdown career. Then she came back and had all that mean, vicious, nasty, mean, hard stuff. (And "only girl in the world," a masterpiece.) I don't like her stuff as much as before, and her persona and publicity and image have literally taken a beating.

Binky Melnik said...

Wake me up when she posts photos of her gynecology visit.

jbdean_79 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.


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