Sunday, November 13, 2011

Scientology Has A Cruise Ship

The St. Petersburg Times, soon to be The Tampa Bay Times is devoting an entire week of their newspaper to slamming Scientology. Everyday beginning today they will have several features each day which will highlight in detail how the only thing the church really cares about is separating its parishioners from their money. Today's main article is an interview with Hy Levy who worked for the church for 16 years. His job? Every single week he was responsible for raising $200K a week from his fellow church goers by selling them courses and cleanses and whatever else he could to make his goal. When he did not make his goal, he was forced to clean pots and pans and called soulless and yelled at and verbally abused. Think about how many people like HY are working in the church and it is no wonder they manage to get people to part with $250M of their hard earned money each year for services.

The article talks about how these sales people will show up at a parishioners house and will not leave until money is given. It talks about two women who went on the church cruise ship and how a group from the church would not let them leave the fundraising event until they coughed up money. First of all, who knew the church even had a cruise ship. Are they just renting one of the regular ones like the Rock N Roll cruises or do they actually have their own ship. Also, who the heck would ever get on a cruise ship alone with a ship full of Scientologists. You are just asking to disappear and then having someone say you joined SeaOrg and will be back in a billion years. Out alone in the middle of the ocean being asked to give money? I would never get on that ship.

If you have money or access to money, Scientology fundraisers will try and get you to part with it. Whether it is maxing out your credit cards or draining your 401K, they want every penny you have. Take out a second mortgage. Who cares if your house gets foreclosed, because you really needed that service.

You really need to read this article and the articles everyday this week. They are going to be good. What we need is for this to be everywhere all over the world front and center and finally start to get governments all over the world come down on the backs of these people. (Thanks Pam)


RenoBlondee said...

Yay for Sunday blogging!

That Scientology shit is terrifying!

chopchop said...

I find it hilarious that these supposed free-thinkers & trendsetters in Hollywood just blindly follow this cult like sheep because all the "cool people" are doing it. (I'm looking at YOU, Peaches Geldof)

Anonymous said...

I read the article. Just when I think I can no longer be shocked at this cult, I find I can.

EmEyeKay said...

@RenoBlondee, I agree!

When I read the headline I first thought "Cruise" Ship, as in Tommy Girl. Hee hee!

ChasingHeaven said...

I hope Hy Levy and those committed to exposing this through the Times are safe. I'm thrilled they're doing it, I just hope they can remain safe doing so.

G said...

I agree ChasingH ... I hope there is a safe haven for them because we know there is retaliation that WILL take place. However, if everyone revolts there will be no recourse.

This series of articles sounds like it is going to be very good.

The Black Cat said...

You know, I truly believe this group had something to do with John Travolta's sons death.

MISCH said...

Church my ass, they shouldn't be allowed to call them self a religion.

Cheryl said...

Is Peaches in it now? Supposedly, the celebs are kept away from this info and told that it is just lies being spread by haters. I don't believe that though. I think the Hollywood types know, but get good publicity and protection from the church as well as keeping the skeletons in the closet.

Anotheramy said...

I absolutely love to hate Scientology! Is it just me or are article written about Scientology always written in the same disjointed spoken style?

Robert said...

@EmEyeKay: LOL! I never really thought about the significance of him calling himself Tom "Cruise," either.

Linnea said...

This is just such a dirty operation. I don't understand how it is still so powerful.

blondegossip said...

This cult is so obviously for-profit. I think all religions are a cult but at least those requiring a tithe (looking at you LDS) and others that ask for money let you learn about their religion for free. No other "legitimate" religion charges for classes to be a part of the cult. The U.S. needs to start taxing Scientology the way other European countries do. Strip their non-profit status, tax them & see how long they survive.

Gary T. Burnaska said...

Crap like this makes Demi Lovato going to a real treatment center all the more remarkable, she could have easily been talked into forking over millions to this.

Lelaina Pierce said...

Gee, that cruise would be a blast to be on.

I love that they are getting exposed, but like others, worry for the safety of the people trying to expose them.

Unknown said...

The Godless Cult of Sin and Greed is all that we Ex-Scientologists claim it is.
1. It kills, beats up, harms, harasses, stalks, and in always possible victimizes any ex-member and anyone else that opposes their evil agenda.
2. In the Sea Org., it forces its slave members to get abortions. It kills innocent babies so the mother can be more productive as a low paid slave.
3. It uses its slaves to repair the new bought buildings for pennies an hour. Its non-volunteer contracted workers get the lowest wages (.10 to .40 cents an hour) in the civilized world and work the longest (70-80) hours.
4. It exposes all your own sins and secrets in your endless Security Checks and/or required non-voluntary confessionals to bring you harm and destroy you, when you expose their evil Godless agenda and policy letters.
5. It has its own prison camp (The Rehabilitation Project Force, or RPF-- punishment duty for unsatisfactory workers and children) with Ronbot guards with automatic assault weapons, where you are sent if you fail to be very productive or angry or upset with your slavery. Slaves are not allowed to voluntarily leave or even escape and will be shot if they try. 95% of the slaves that finally are allowed to leave, soon leave the cult. The other 5% are sent to “fair game” the rest.
6. It has broken up hundreds of thousands of families by their Godless policies of Disconnection and Fair Game. Many parents have committed suicide after losing their kids.
7. If you oppose them, the Godless cult sends their slaves to your neighbors, job, relatives and friends to ask questions in such a way, that makes them think you are a rapist, criminal, sociopath, drug addict, child molester, Gay or Lesbian or a deviant, without any proof or verified criminal complaint. They use this Godless tactic to ruin you, cause you to get fired, and cause your friends and relatives to avoid you or even intentionally cause you to commit suicide.
8. As a last resort they will poison your pets or let them loose to get run over, break into your house for any evidence to blackmail you, plant drugs in your car or house or hit you to make you retaliate and film you when you do, and then they will sue you and/or have you arrested.
There are hundreds of other reasons to run from this Godless cult. But I think you get an idea of its evil.
Please help us Independent Scientologists to bring back ethics, humanity, compassion, honesty and integrity back into the group. Help us stop them!!! Note! all the above has been verified as true over the years by Governments and hundreds of thousands of Ex-Scientologists.

figgy said...

Interesting Ronbot Hunter...tho I don't think being "accused" of being "Gay or Lesbian" is such a horror. Everything else, yeah, they suck.

The Black Cat said...

So if the government knows all this then why are they still around? Why not ban them like Germany did I believe?


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