Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snooki Needs To Go The No Makeup Route All The Time

Who knew that under all that hair and makeup was a person who looked like this. I usually see the celebrity no makeup photos as an example of what airbrushing and great lighting does to make a person look totally different on film or on the pages of a magazine, but Snooki looks a million times better without makeup than she does with makeup. Also, she looks like a different person. If she went out like this in public, she could get away with people not knowing who she was. The only difficulty would be the fact she is like 4'8" or something and probably is still really loud and people would take a second look.

Seriously Snooki, try this out for a few months. You can always go back to the clown school of makeup later and go back to what you did, but this is so much better.


EmEyeKay said...

And please stop making those stupid f'ing faces, too. That'd help.

Pic surprised me! She has such pretty eyes, never noticed it before.

Jessica said...

The biggest improvement is just that she's not orange.

Anonymous said...

I agree - she looks good here.

Beth said...

Snooki looks like she's half Asian. Random.

She looks far better without all the schmutz on her face. I have a cousin like that. She wears gobs and gobs of make-up and horrible blue contacts, but she looks so much better without all that crap.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Whoa. She has gorgeous eyes. Who knew?

I think that all women are much prettier when they don't walk around with a bunch of shit smeared on their faces.

Foundation is what really baffles me. Not only does it exacerbate problematic skin issues, but who are you trying to kid? EVERYONE can see it.

MISCH said...

Wow, she's adorable...Who Knew ?

ms snarky said...

that's amazing. Why would she ever freak herself out like she normally does? She's actually very pretty!

NernersHuman said...

Snooki is actually Latina; she was adopted from Chile as an infant.

Her eyes are incredible. She should lay off the war paint and false eyelashes just to show off their beautiful shape.

figgy said...

She's so pretty! Why does she pretend to be Italian when she's really of Chilean descent? You can see the South American indigenous ancestry look in her face here--soooo much better.

ms_wonderland said...

She's wearing some make-up - lip gloss, base (her face is a different skin tone to her neck) smudged kohl under the eyes, prob mascara and eyeshadow. Expertly applied, so it looks natural.

BrandieMarie said...

I was gonna say the same thing as NernersHuman. Her parents are Italian but she's Chilean since she's not their biological child.

But idk, some people look better spruced up with some make-up (SOME being the key word, not 10 pounds of it) while others can pull off the natural look. She can definitely go with the latter though.

Anonymous said...

She's a split personality. When she's trashy she's Snooki, when she's like this she's Snookina.

AKM said...

Wow, she looks lovely here. Who knew?

Rose said...

Wow! She is downright pretty.

KLM said...

You can definitely see her Chilean genes here - and she should flaunt them, not cover them up! Those eyes are gorgeous, and I would have never noticed them before (well, to be fair, they are normally hidden behind 5 pounds of eyeliner and mascara).

Too bad her personality is still the same, because this is a much better look for her.

JoElla said...

Now if we can just work on the no talking, and the no duck lips thing!

We might actually like her then!

Sherry said...

You truly can see her South American (indigenous) ancestry. And as Beth said she looks a little Asian. There is a larger Japanese population in Peru so who can say?

@Ida: As a former make up artist there is a way to use fundation to even your skin tone and cover your blemishes. As someone who has always had bad skin I continue to delude myself, perhaps, that people cannot tell because they tell me I have nice skin..If only they knew. You just have to do it right.

Laura said...

She does look pretty here, so much better.

Anonymous said...

She does look pretty here. She also looks pretty when her make-up is professionally done. It's when she does it herself that it looks awful.

QueenBee said...

Reminds me of photos of Katie Price I saw a few years back (maybe even here?). She was styled like someone from the 40s or 50s with very subtle make-up. All of the sudden you could see what a beautiful face she has beneath all the paint.

Anonymous said...

Just read your comment Sherry. There are tons of great foundation products and options to suit anyone's skin type. I used to work with a woman that needed a foundation intervention.

I love make-up and never leave the house without it.

BTownGirl said...

I feel so vindicated - I've been maintaining for awhile that she actually has a pretty little face!

selenakyle said...

Oh, how CUTE! If she could just sit there looking like this sweet, cleaned-up version of herself and only ever speak to answer Yes and No Qs...she'd be adorable!

I believe she's ethnically Chilean or Portugese, correct? She is very pretty here, IMO.

Now, the boyz OTOH...nuttin' we can do about their fug.

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

@Sherry -- I guess my impressions of foundation have been formed by the girls with mall hair who rode my bus back in high school, and the dragon ladies who work at Nordstrom and try to slather you with Clinique products whenever you pass them. ;-)

I use Benefit's Georgia as an all-over face duster. It's beyond sheer and adds the tiniest bit of color. I NEED it this time of year.

I'm a lip gloss kinda gal, personally. My latest love is the Korres Lip Butter Glaze line.

Maja With a J said...

She looks cute in this picture, except for the duck lips. Baby steps, I guess...*L*

I am a makeup fan as well. I use BB Cream which doesn't really look like foundation, just evens out your skintone and has SPF built in. A lot of people don't know how to apply foundation, or use foundation that doesn't suit their skin type or tone, and then it can look really fake and cakey. Snooki is a good example of this, normally..*L*

Sherry said...

Absolutely ladies..There are so many times at the Walgreens check out I wanna reach out and BLEND!

Anonymous said...

I watched the video where she appeared on WWE (ugh I know, I don't deserve the internet) and I couldn't get over how good she looked. Her make-up was heavy but expertly applied, she looked great.

Sephora is my treat when I'm blue.

crila16 said...

Not a Snookie fan at all, but man...she looks so pretty and fresh faced in this photo. Her eyes are actually beautiful. I didn't know she was that pretty.

BigMama said...

What a pretty girl, wow.

parissucksliterally said...

She looks fantastic without tons of crap on her face.

She is still a trashy idiot though.

nolachickee said...

She looks great here. Now, if she would stop getting wasted and flashing her hooha in da club, that would be progress. And stop whining. And stop allowing the Situation to send her into a bat shit crazy rant. OK, I watch this show a little too carefully.

The Bitch Next Door said...

First time ever I've seen a woman look BETTER without makeup.

Lioness70 said...

She looks pretty! She should stick with this look. The Jerseylicious look doesn't flatter anyone.

RocketQueen said...

So. much. better!

I remember when I was younger and slathered on makeup and my grandmother clucking at me that young girls have the best skin and we're WASTING it by putting makeup on. Now that I'm in my mid-30s I see what she was talking about. Teenagers have BEAUTIFUL skin, I wish they'd leave it alone. Makeup is for ol ladies like me :)

GSDlover said...

She looks so much better without the clown makeup on, I wonder if she uses the gaudy makeup on purpose to make her character more appealing. (as if it helps)

Lelaina Pierce said...

She does look better! kind of the opposite of what I expected. I wish I didn't have to wear foundation. I hate it but my skin tone is too uneven now that I'm in my 30's, so it's not an option.

Too much eyeliner is what drives me crazy.

Mango said...

She looks adorable.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I think she's begining to look like a lollipop. I knew a guy once who lost a lot of weight and he looked like that too.

Not. The. Look.

Anonymous said...

Is this a recent picture of her ???

I'm thinking this photo is several years old !

Alicia said...

She DOES look really pretty! Whouda thunk it?

As far as the foundation comments go.. My secret weapon for the last few years has been Bobby Browns Tinted Moisturizer.. I saw it on Tyra ( I know ! ) on one of her makeup specials and it has been a permanent staple since .. Remember ladies.. Makeup brushes should be your best friend! Never ever use your fingers to apply!

Anonymous said...

Who knew she had eyes like that? She looks 500x better without makeup. Lucky girl.

selenakyle said...

No one can tell (until I wear foundation), but I have a lot of fine blond hair on my face, and foundation makes it POP out like friggin' ape woman. Makeup always makes it stand out worse. I just use some of that mineral powder with a big brush, when I even wear any makeup at all anymore. Too lazy. Don't even wear it at work around clients half the time! Fuck it. All they see is my tits anyway...

MadLyb said...

She looks so much prettier without makeup. Damn!

MadLyb said...

I guess I could say, "with minimal makeup". I agree that she probably has light foundation and lip gloss. She's almost as pretty as Alba au naturale.

Lori said...

she is definitely wearing make up, peeps...just not in the same amounts as usual.

As for foundation, I swear by good brushes, MAC mineralize and prep + prime primer (after hempz lotion). I have rosacea, so I look like I'm hardcore blushing without it. I ALWAYS get compliments on my "clear skin", noone ever believes me when I say Im wearing makeup.

Jessie said...

This is like Jerseylicious when the girls had a make-under and looked gorgeous. I guess if you're surrounded by other fake tanned And cake faced girls you begin to think that's normal.

peawry said...

I am sorry to disappoint but she IS wearing makeup ... eyelliner, eyebrows and some lip colour to start ... but it is a big improvement over the Jersey look.

Jennifer said...

She totally looks cute here, despite the kissy face. I can hardly believe that's her, and would be so happy for her if she did go with this look instead of turning herself into a caricature daily.

ablake said...

Agree with Patra, that's the first thing I noticed (you guys can't tell she's wearing makeup? Really??)
Second was that the angle isn't doing her nose any favors.
Hey, get paid to be in the public eye and you need to take the critique.

At the same time, this look is MUCH more flattering for her. She looks 10 years younger

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

She's really very pretty, and looks much younger without all the slap--if she'd just stay w/the low-key makeup, she could work her ethnic look and be much more striking than she is w/way too much makeup & fake bake. (Listen to me, Snooki--I'm old enough to be your mom, so I know this stuff, OK?)

Wil said...

Holy Cow! She looks lovely and young without the make up applied with a trowel! She needs to keep doing this .. she is really lovely.

The Black Cat said...

'cept her personality is still questionable.....

Jazzy said...

The online magazine Jane did a make- under on Sammi and she looked really pretty too. However, I don't think Sammi wears as much as the other girls.


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