Sunday, February 05, 2012

Russell Brand Wants The Zooey

OK! Magazine has gone off their weekly diet of Jennifer Aniston pregnancy stories and claim that Russell Brand really wants to be starting something with Zooey Deschanel. It is not very often that you can incorporate lines from Michael Jackson songs into a Russell Brand/Zooey Deschanel post but I say go for it if you can. I know OK! wants to be right but if they actually knew anything about anyone and did not just a machine to put together couples and stories each week they would probably know that Zooey is fun and cool but I think Katy was way more into trying new things than The Zooey ever would be. They just would not be a good match at all.


Del Riser said...

If this is true, run Zooey, RUN.

Discobitch said...

Lolz I said this weeks ago fnar

jensun said...

No. Zooey + Joseph Gordon Levitt, please.

Del Riser said...

@*Jen, I second that!!

figgy said...

Euw. He is the furthest thing from attractive, even if he WEREN'T a man-whore, which he is, he's still a scrawny weasly-looking little thing. Blech.

YES to Zooey + JGL!

RenoBlondee said...

He certainly has a "look" for his women. The look incredibly alike.

Agree though, bad match!

strawberrygirl said...

Katy and Zooey could be twins.

Unknown said...

This can not happen!!

Mango said...

Is he going to work his way through actresses that look like his ex? The other day on Fashion Police they were saying that Emily Blunt looks like Katy Perry, but I'm sure Russell has already been there, done that one.

Brenda L said...

How about Zooey and Alexander Skarsgaard

Kathryn said...

I love her and her sister, and she deserves better. Wow, he really does try and hitch his wagon to America's quirky sweethearts.


Cheryl said...

This is a silly story based on the two slightly resembling each other.

Linnea said...

I know I might be the only one, but I just can't stand her acting. I didn't really care about her one way until she ruined the Hitchhikers guide, then I caught a scene from her new show the other day and MAN, she only knows how to play one role, doesnt she? And even that one she doesnt play very well. Her acting just isnt very convincing to me.

That said, she is cute and seems nice. Brand could do much worse!

Henriette said...

She could be Katy Perry's twin. Brandt must really have a type of woman he goes for.

Princess said...

LMAO Zooey is an uptight, high maintenance biatch, and I really don't get the love for her (or her new show?)
Just the fact you can't have a simple meal with this chick would be enough to make most people say forget it. I mean, vegan, gluten-free and an assortment of allergies would make every meal feel like a crisis.

Amanda M. said...

We could call them...Zoogaard

Amanda M. said...

We could call them...Zoogaard

GladysKravitz said...

Or Skaarzey.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Princess: Actually, in this month's Allure cover story, she says "I used to try to be a vegetarian while also dealing with a lot of food allergies, and it was impossible. So I eat meat, vegetables, and rice...very balanced." Presumably she's telling the truth when she says she has allergies (based on the rest of the interview, it sounds like dairy & gluten are among them), and she's not trying to be difficult and "high-maintenance" at mealtime; she's being careful because she has to be. Yes, there are plenty of people getting all precious about their food when they don't have any actual medical issues, but for those who do, sometimes eating the wrong thing can literally be a matter of life and death, and while hopefully Zooey doesn't have to worry quite that much, I'm sure that she'd much prefer not feeling like crap. Therefore, I personally make it a rule to always believe people when they say they have allergies and not try to "sneak" something into their food, because you never know, and do you really want someone's bad reaction on your conscience?

(I have a friend who's so violently allergic to gluten and soy that she can't even eat chicken that's been cooked on the same grill as anything with those 2 ingredients in it. Unfortunately, it means I can never bake her any of my most popular baked goods, and my entire apartment would be the equivalent of a Superfund site to her, but them's the breaks; her health is more important than my being Our Lady of the Octo-Nom Brownies.)

Lux Luthor said...

Not a big fan of Russell, always been kinda "meh" about him. I did like him with Katy Perry, though. But Zooey? Oh, no, no, no. She's way too good for him.

crichmond1000 said...

The first time I ever saw Katy Perry was on his blog and I thought the pic had been labeled incorrectly. I would think, aside from him being kinda gross, that It might be weird to date a guy whose ex looks so similar. That's like a creepy, lifetime movie.

Icecat said...

This is the silliest thing I have read all day. Please.

mooshki said...

This article was as blatantly made up as their typical Aniston ones.

lutefisk said...

Zooey is stunning. Please don't let Russel Brand near her.
By the way, there is nothing wrong with people sticking to their dietary needs.
We were recently at a bat mizvah that was supposed to be peanut free. The caterer swore up and down there would be nothing to worry about. The first cousin of the bat mizvah girl is highly allergic to peanuts. He ate something at the buffet, and within a few minutes had to be rushed to the emergency room.
The whole family missed the entire party and photographs. They forgot to pack an epipen, but also assumed there would be nothing to worry about. Turns out there was a peanut dressing on one of the pastas.
People really need to be sensitive to something that could be a matter of life or death.

lunabelle said...

It is annoying that people get annoyed when they "thunk they might" have a food allergy.I was one of those annoying people once because my stupid Dr told me i was gluten or dairy intolerant. It was a huge PITA and I hated it. If i ate gluten (the dairy was BS) i would get all bloated and gassy for days afterwards. So, i just stopped eating gluten. I never made a thing of it, i just stopped. A couple years later and now i can eat moderate amounts of gluten. If I go on a brerqd binge i get eczema and gas but if i just occasionally eat a muffin or cookie (holidays, birthdays). I am fine. Gluten won't kill me, of course, most people don't even know this about me be because i didn't bother telling anyone i just stuck to the salad with oil and vinegar etc.

mooshki said...

Lutefisk, normally I hate people who are sue-happy, but they need to sue that caterer to try to stop that from happening in the future!

lutefisk said...

Mooshki, it was horrible. It was good friends of ours, and the whole family was at my table. The mom kept saying Daniel looked "off" for some reason. Then they all disappeared. The caterer didn't charge for all of the family members who were at the hospital and missed the dinner. But they also pissed the party and the family photos. I felt awful. It was supposed to be peanut-free, but they used a new sauce and never checked the ingredients. I don't think they sued. I don't know if anything else was offered to them.
I am supposed to have my son carry around a glucagon God forbid his sugar run slow. It is always packed in his backpack that he carries, but if he runs out with someone besides me no one bothers to grab it. People with peanut allergies also need to be prepared. Had they had the epipen on them they could have injected him immediately.

lutefisk said...

that was runs low, not run slow.

Idontwantaf*ckingblog said...

what a stupid article, why even bother with this, Enty?

Jolene Jolene said...

Seriously, Princess! Someone who has to be picky when they eat dinner with me because of allergies that may very well kill them are NOT people I want to be friends with. What a bitch! *eye roll* (WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?)

crila16 said...

Zoey and Katy look like they were separated at birth.

Anonymous said...

since when is having food allergies considered 'high maintenance?' it's not like she's cutting out food groups just to be 'cool.'

Zooey and Katy do look alike. It's really creepy sometimes.


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