Sunday, October 14, 2012

Blind Item #3 - Easy

This A list all movie actress recently split with her boyfriend because she just realized she was not as into S&M as she thought. Being tied up and dominated was fun for awhile, but just like most everything in her life, her attention span is fleeting. What she thought was going to be a lifetime has already turned into something else and someone else. She is back to wanting to be a singer again.


Sunny said...

I'm going with Scarlett J again on this one. She just split with Nate Taylor, and I think she recorded an album covering John Waits songs

Momster said...


Kelly said...

Yep, you guys got it. ScarJo.

JSierra said...

I'm down with the Scar guess. She has a good voice but none of her music has ever clicked with me to where I want to listen to her songs more than once.

Sarah said...

God she is daft. That guy was so douchey, and it was Sean Penn before.
I wonder if she wishes she had held hands or kissed her husband in public every once in a while. Blake looks pretty happy, and that's a nice ring.

All about Eve said...

Good guess, I'll go with Scarlett too

Sarah said...

God she is daft. That guy was so douchey, and it was Sean Penn before.
I wonder if she wishes she had held hands or kissed her husband in public every once in a while. Blake looks pretty happy, and that's a nice ring.

News said...

Definitely, 100% Scarlett Johansson.

junecartercash said...

Not for nothing, but she covered a TOM Waits song, not John.

Kathleen said...

I am so depressed that I live in a world where dour, monotone, vacant-eyed Scarlett Johansson and her cellulite are actually considered A list.

Sunny said...

@june carter cash
Gah! - I knew I should've used the google. I always merge people's names ex Tom Waits/John Waite

Jules said...

definitely Scarjo...just read yesterday how Nate has a personal website full of bondage pictures which shocked me...but she is one nauseating we have to bear with her singing?

Unknown said...

@kathleen, i know. so many stars are just... unattractive and unappealing. snooze.

Anna V. Xol said...

A lot of people cover Tom Waits. Though sge probably thought it was so out there and unique. If she is going to sing again (uyuyuy) pick up a pen, bro.

katsm0711 said...

I didn't know John Wayne was a singer?

Ellen said...

I always merge names too! :)

Beth said...

So Scar Jo went from A+ to A in the course of one blind?

Sugar said...

Glad to know Scarlett can get her freak on!

PS Good luck to Enty aka Abba on The Amazing Race tonight!!!!!

Amber said...

She also recorded an album with Pete Yorn.

FrenchGirl said...

ScarJo !
Enty,ScarJo is stayed 3 months in France this summer and her now-ex-boyfriend only came 2 weeks (she lived in the same street than her friend Melanie Laurent and the french paps followed her/them every day)

FrenchGirl said...

i like how Enty imagines his blind items! he learns a stuff in a tabloid about someone(bondage images and Split)and accurate facts (ScarJo yet says she wanted to sing again)

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Her Tom Waits cover album was pretty good. She has said she wants to do a Leonard Cohen album next.

Scallywag said...

Too bad it's not John Waite, because I ain't missing you and your singing at all, ScarJo.

Chismosa Street said...

Isn't she a Scorpio? Then there's no way she would allow herself to be the dominated one. Probably the other way around.

msgirl said...

Jason, WHAT? She wants to do Leonard? Sacrilege!

Anonymous said...

Scarlett does have a pretty good voice. With the right direction, she could make it a solid second career.

katsm0711 said...

True dat @chis maybe that's why I avoid scorpios like the plague! The last Scorpio guy I chatted with on a dating site made so much fun of me for being into astrology punctuated with many "I know more on this subject than you ever will" made me hate his whole species. Now I know why I stopped talking to my Scorpio sister a loooooong time ago. (sorry scorpios but I bet you wouldn't like me either we just clash)

MrWolf said...

Wait, the Black Widow likes to be spanked?

Fifty Shades of Scarlett!

OKay said...

@katsm - What's your sign?

katsm0711 said...

@ck1 I'm a Capricorn

Jazzy said...

Scar Jo is actually a Sag, but I agree with you, Scorpios can be trouble. I'm currently trying to exorcize one from my life now. They like to play games and dominate because they don't want to show how very sensitive and insecure they are inside (more so than cancers).

Ryan Reynolds is the perfect example of a typical Scorpio male. They want a simple minded, June Cleaver who doesn't question their ideas or actions. They can play the role of the perfect husband and king of the castle at home. In the real world, they're screwing any hot little thing that will worship them. When the suspicions creep up, the wife is to turn a blind eye or face their wrath, a la 1950's tv housewife. Looks like Blake is already following to the T. Curious to see what happens after a few years and a few kids. She'll either be Jen Garner (faking everything's perfect) or she'll be replaced by an up and coming 23 year old actress.

Btw, I have many Scorpio friends that I love dearly and have big hearts, but they don't rule secrets and sex for nothing.

Elizabeth said...

Scarlett is friends with Melanie Laurent? I didn't even know who that actress was until I saw Beginners a few weeks ago. I was stunned by how beautiful she was. I'm surprised she's not a bigger name in the US.

katsm0711 said...

Thanks @jazz that really interesting about the June Cleaver reference!

CarolMR said...

June Cleaver was not simple-minded and she questioned and disagreed with Ward plenty of times.

Selock said...

@JasonBlueEyes Really?! How intolerably predictably pretentious of her!

Tatyana said...

@Kathleen said...
"I am so depressed that I live in a world where dour, monotone, vacant-eyed Scarlett Johansson and her cellulite are actually considered A list."
Jealous much?

Pookie said...

now, i'll admit i lost all respect for scarjo after her foray into sean penn's peen, but come on...she's gorgeous, she can act, and she can actually carry a tune w/o a graduate degree from the chris brown school of autotune. what's w/ the cattiness? #donotget

Andy said...

I'm surprised she's such an ADD case.

Erika said...

Well, if she's not into being dominated, we can count out her going back to Jared Leto.

Candi said...

I'm a Scorp and I quite like being dominated thank you very much! ...that's not to say though, that I don't like to do the dominating too ;)


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