Friday, May 31, 2013

Your Turn

Favorite actor to play James Bond?


Jane said...

Sean Connery, for the win....

greenmountaingal said...

Roger Moore.

I love James Bond.

Vikingwench said...


Glitter said...

Sean Connery

Gayeld said...

Seriously? Sean Connery. If you want it to be interesting, ask everyone their SECOND favorite actor to play James Bond.

Amartel said...

Connery. Sean Connery.

Merlin D. Bear said...

This should be good...

I personally have 3 faves - Sean Connery for originating the character, Pierce Brosnan because he just fit the tux perfectly, and Daniel Craig because he quite simply, rescued the franchise.

Anonymous said...

I can honestly say I've never, ever watched an entire Bond movie (gasp!), but I vote Pierce Brosnan based on looks alone.

MontanaMarriott said...

I grew up on Roger Moore, LOOVED him

camembert said...

Sean Connery, however I must add that I really really enjoyed Pierce Brosnan in the role.

Ms. Rose said...

Sean Connery!!

jane3113 said...

George Lazenby

The Real Dragon said...

Idris Elba-2025

Anonymous said...


Kelly said...

Roger Moore, then Pierce Brosnan.

Jennifer H. said...

Roger Moore.

Alicia said...

Connery IS Bond

kmidgitz said...

@TRD Idris Elba would be great! I LOVE him. So gorgeous. I like how Daniel Craig looks as Bond but Roger Moore is my favorite as he's the most spy-ish.

kathy said...

Daniel Craig.

Ms Cool said...

I know I'm supposed to answer Sean Connery but of course it is the smoking hot Daniel Craig. Sean Connery next and I do love a little Roger Moore.

AndrewBW said...

Sean Connery. No one else is even close to him.

auntliddy said...

Sean. Hands down.

PugsterMom said...

George Lazenby. Just kidding! ;)
I loved Sean, Roger and Pierce in their own era. Craig isn't suave and debonair enough for me but I do like the films. They're fun.

Del Riser said...

Sean for the classic, Daniel for the here and now.

Unknown said...

Roger Moore.
Pierce Brosnan.

I preferred my bond tall dark and handsome.

Anonymous said...

Sean Connery!!!!

The Real Dragon said...

@iceberg. I dont know how long Daniel is going to be milking the bond series

@kmidgitz *highfive*

NomNom83 said...

Timothy Dalton

Just kidding! Everybody hates that guy. Poor Timothy. He was awful.

Yabba Dabba Doo said...

All others are merely chasing the vapor trails of Sean Connery's coolness.

CJ said...

@ blfo - ditto. Pierce was a HOT James Bond.

di butler said...

No, he wasn't.

Pini 27 said...

Daniel Craig

saucyjane said...

Pierce Brosnan. The cheesiness of the franchise during his tenure was totally not his fault, and I think he did the best he could. I also think he's unfairly blamed for it sometimes. Goddamn he's handsome. And charming. Daniel Craig is hot, but not nearly as likeable.

OneGirlRevolution said...

For classic suave crime fighting, Pierce Brosnan.

Daniel Craig doesn't really go in the mix because he's a dark reboot of the series (kind of like trying to compare Christian Bale with Michael Keaton, et. al.) and in my mind is set apart. Personally, I love the gritty reboot.

Claritysk said...

Pierce. He was suave, and timeless kind of looking, without being over the top muscle hardened.

I don't really like the new bonds. They don't even seem like the fit with the other series at all. I know they wanted to revamp and get a younger audience, but I think they lost a lot of the older audience. The last once my husband fell asleep in the theatre, he said it was boring, and he think Craig is the best one lol.

califblondy said...

I'm torn between Sean and Pierce. I was disappointed when Bond went blonde but I just recently watched Daniel in Casino Royale and really enjoyed it.

Even though I loved Steve McQueen, Pierce was an awesome Thomas Crown.

LottaColada said...

@dragon- Ha! I like it.

Bit dams said...

clive owen. but of the ones who have actually plyed him, pierce.

Angela said...

Sean Connery MADE the part. Bond would have never been that huge without his creation (though the original director, Terrence Young, also contributed to shaping the part).

Lazenby wasn't a gifted actor, he was a passable Connery double, but his film is one of the best in the entire series and Connery, who was fed up with playing the part at the time, may have been worse for the story.

Roger Moore was good looking but his acting chops were not that great, except for a few scenes. He was an apple-polisher to the producers, who kept him far much longer than required.

Timothy Dalton can be a great actor but his take on Bond was much too introverted for a film. He would be perfect for an audio recording of a novel.

Pierce Brosnan had more panache, but he was also clueless about the part. GoldenEye was a great start, then he accepted everything he was given and his final films are less than interesting.

Craig may actually be the best actor of the bunch. Even in a disappointing episode such as Quantum of Solace, he's a delight to see. I agree he may not look the part as much as Connery or Brosnan, but, as Connery, the guy has a clear idea on how Bond should behave, and he's not afraid to voice it to the producers, the screenwriters and the director. Since Connery, he's the first actor who makes me concerned about what Bond thinks.

Freya said...

Daniel Craig revived my interest in the James Bond franchise. I wonder who the next one will be. I heard they're thinking about Idris Elba.

rhinovodka said...

Daniel Craig

Stacey Charter said...

Brosnan - then Roger Moore. Do not like Daniel Craig at all in the role. And I second the Idris Elba vote. The sooner the better please.

Munch said...

Sean Connery, then Daniel Craig, then Timothy Dalton. Heresy I hear you say... but Dalton is a good actor, a great actor when he's on form, and his portrayal of Bond was MUCH closer to the books.

Bond was written as a well dressed psychopath. He should be introverted, a gregarious spy isn't a successful spy. He should be dangerous, Roger Moore was too jokey to be dangerous. Pierce Brosnan was good, but not in the least scary - Bond should have an edge. Connery had it, Dalton had it, Craig has it.

Bond should give you the feeling that you can never turn your back on him, even if you're a friend, because he's so unpredictable - like a good psychopath should be.

kmidgitz said...

Craig coming out of the water - not even sure which one - but my goodness. If I wasn't with my husband I would have groaned out lod. He is the best eye candy. I will fantasize about Idris doing the same *sigh*.

The Real Dragon said...

@iceberg then Idris should get in there lol

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Craig absolutely nails the core of Ian Fleming's character, but the blond hair -- especially the lack of eyebrows -- really detracts from his "Bondness." That said, his performance is so good he's tied with Connery for second place.

But if you want to see James Bond as Ian Fleming imagined him, Timothy Dalton is it. He's got the look: dark, dangerous, handsome. He slightly resembles the late Hoagy Charmichael, who was Fleming's image of Bond. He has genuine acting chops, and while he can bring bond a sense of lightness and romance (which is absolutely part of the character Fleming wrote about) he can also bring the darkness, the anger, the aggression, the sheer weight of deadliness.

After Connery and Craig, we have Brosnan in a very close third place, followed by Lazenby, who is actually very good in the role, and trailed in last place by Roger Moore, who is a lovely man and a terrific, fun actor, but is never, ever, ever anywhere close to being James Bond, and stayed in the role way too long. He seemed grandfatherly by the time of For Your Eyes Only, which made his pursuit by seeming-jailbait Lynn-Holly Johnson a lose-your-lunch concept, and followed up, seeming even creepier, doing the nasty with Grace Jones, which is-- NO!

Yeah, I'm very opinionated about all things Bond.

PotPourri said...

Brosnan, then Craig

rajahcat said...

Sean Connery #1
Daniel Craig edging in at a coming closer 2

rajahcat said...

an absolutely no to Idris-sorry

FlirtyChick74 said...

I vote for Idris!
Faves: Connery & Brosnan

SkittleKitty said...

Roger Moore, then Connery, then the rest.

Unknown said...

Sean Connery, he was so perfect in that role.

mesewprettyoneday said...

Danny boy.

Robert said...

No one's ever done it as well as Sean Connery.

iheartjacksparrow said...

Sean. All other are pretenders to the Bond throne.

nightowl said...

Timothy Dalton. :)

Anonymous said...


Evil Kumquat said...

Brosnan is my favorite, even though he was in the worst of all the Bond films (TWINE).

Moore is who I think of as "Bond", simply because he was Bond when I was growing up.

Connery was good at originating the roll.

Dalton was simply a caretaker Bond until Brosnan was available.

Lazenby was a joke.

Craig ISN'T Bond. He's "Jason Bourne".

Bond films shouldn't be dark and gritty. Now the franchise is just another action franchise with none of the charm it used to have.

Mary Ann said...

Even though he's not a very nice person, Sean Connery will always be the man I think of as James Bond.

Pogue Mahone said...

Sean Connery. I don't like Daniel Craig as Bond simply because he's blonde and Bond has always had black hair so I don't see him as Bond.

Snowbunny said...

Pierce Brosnan, Roger Moore, then Sean Connery. Daniel Craig doesn't do it for me, I agree about the blond hair thing.

MISCH said...

I loved Sean but I think Daniel Craig is great

Erik said...

Connery -> Craig -> Dalton -> Brosnan -> Moore -> Lazenby

Erik said...

Niven in the jokey Casino Royale next, and as for the first guy to play Bond, Barry Nelson (also CR), the less said about him the better...

Henry Spencer said...

Connery will always be THE James Bond. However, I love Daniel Craig and Pierce. I also liked Dalton a lot, too. Moore was enjoyable, but his got kind of silly. The only one I didn't like was Lazenby. I love me some James Bond films!

Jenn said...

Roger Moore. The dude was in a movie called Octopussy, which made me giggle as a kid, and now, if I'm honest. Yes..even as I typed it I LMFAO.

PugsterMom said...

You made me giggle too! Nice to know that a part of me will always remain a giggling teenager... :)

Fluffy White Clouds said...

Ya know I didn't think Daniel would make a good Bond. I was a die hard Sean and Roger woman with a twist of Pierce, but I LOVE Daniel Craig. I also love his chemistry with M. Just awesome.

Topper Madison said...

Hands-down Timothy Dalton and I'm not being ironic. He's better looking than Connery, more genuinely charming (not so winky-wink) than Moore, and just dangerous enough to be thoroughly believable.

The rest don't count. I never saw Lazen-whats-his-face film, Brosnan was too "Remington Steele" for me, and Craig just...well, I just don't find him at all attractive and I need me some Bond eye-candy.

AuntJess said...

I really liked Tim. He was brooding.


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