Monday, July 01, 2013

Kitten's First Jump


AKM said...

SPLAT! Poor little guy! Too cute.

rubylipgloss said...

I don't know much about cats, but that seems a bit mean. You know that cat is too small to make the jump successfully so you wait until it falls and then laugh? Not really my kind of fun :(

Harry Knuckles said...

Couldn't agree more.

Salsa Lover said...

The cat isn't going to get hurt. Kittens do this all the time. It's how they learn. Cats can jump from very high and not get hurt - hence the 'always land on their feet' phrase. Lets not overreact to this.

Salsa Lover said...

The cat isn't going to get hurt. Kittens do this all the time. It's how they learn. Cats can jump from very high and not get hurt - hence the 'always land on their feet' phrase. Lets not overreact to this.


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