Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Random Photos Part One - All Reader Photos Part One

Reader Photo #1

Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Reader Photo #6
Reader Photo #7
Reader Photo #8
Reader Photo #9
Reader Photo #10
Reader Photo #11
Reader Photo #12
Reader Photo #13
Reader Photo #14


MadamChef said...

#12, is that you from the other day who said you were getting married the day after DOMA went down? CONGRATS!!

New Life and Attitude said...

Woo hoo! I'm #13 (sometimes I end up posting under Unknown depending on what account is logged into).

trainrides said...

Congrats, #12!

New Life and Attitude said...

Congrats #12! And #5 is the sign above what I think it is? Too funny!

Unknown said...

Beautiful readers!

Err said...

I'm completely straight... but #14 is a total hottie. Yowza!

sandybrook said...

Great readers

Shiirii said...

I am the one to the right on picture #7

Hello from Sweden! ;)

TalksTooMuch said...

Heeey! I thought we were ALL gonna wear our NNIM shirts! I'm number 2 but more people are gonna send theirs in, right?? This is like being the only one showing up in costume at a party, but with much less eyeliner.

yodelay said...

Congratulations #12!

Unknown said...

@ #5 - the guy you're with is a hottie. Husband? You're very pretty too! All the readers look fantastic, as usual.

@ New Life and Attitude (a.k.a. #13), I'm one of the other "Unknown". No idea why it comes up as unknown when my name on the account is Private Name. You'd think it would show that. Oh well...

TalksTooMuch said...

No I didn't know that! I will have to go back to the original thread and see if I can find the link the IDo posted. Thanks for letting me know!

a non a miss said...

Xander Dyle is a fraud who never donated any of the profits of those T-shirts to Robot or her family. He kept the money for himself. Fraudulent all the way.

Izzie said...

For some reason, my comment disappeared... I hope it's not being moderated, because people who bought shirts deserve to know. (Also, why would a comment with info be deleted but the comments about p*ies and c* shots still stand?)

@TalksTooMuch - I don't know if you heard, but the guy who was running the site that sold the t-shirts never gave the money to IdotheRobot. He gave her a bunch of excuses and then basically disappeared.

Good news is some people are getting their money back from either the site or their credit card company because he was committing fraud by saying it was a fundraising for Robot.

I guess someone emailed Enty about it since he promoted it for Xander Dyle, but I don't know what's going on with that. Anyway, just an FYI: Robot NEVER saw any money from that "fundraiser".

surfer said...

@talkstoomuch - IDoTheRobot never got the money that was raised on her behalf. Just so you know.

MnGddess said...

Reader #1 photo is fucking awesome.

CarrieGraceMoretzbetches said...

+1 shirt fundraiser was a fraud. I never wear mine now, makes me mad to look at it :(

califblondy said...

Congrats #12, great pictures everybody!

TalksTooMuch said...

That sucks that the fundraiser was a fraud, I will look up that link to donate to the family of little Ben. But I love my shirt, I wanted one as soon as Alex wrote one of the funniest comments I'd ever read.

a non a miss said...

Same here betch.

Izzie said...

@TalksTooMuch - if you can get your money back, though, it would be awesome to wear the shirt for Alex's brilliance and show support for Robot. :)

I have Robot's email if you want to contact her for info on how to donate.

TalksTooMuch said...

That would be even better; how can I get you my email addy without posting it here?

Bacon Ranch said...

Taking advantage of a community on behalf of such a tragic event is all sorts of wrong.
I hope that those of you who purchased shirts aren't hard on yourselves about it, you were simply trying to help.

I wish one of the Ents would make a post about it, though. Turn on the light so to speak so everyone knows how they are handling it. With all of the sh*t ads they are running, the least they could do is make a donation.

DixieTheNoble82 said...

Yup, #12 is me and my wife. :)

CarrieGraceMoretzbetches said...

I think I'll donate mine to Goodwill. If you ever see someone on a street corner wearing an orange NNIM tank you'll know where it came from! At least it will go to someone in need. He's a piece of shit.

Sherry said...

Wow..The t-shirt rip off sounds pretty shitty. How do people live with themselves? They should really be ashamed. Also with the predominance of social I would suggest you put his store/business here and people take to twitter to put the word out. There is more than one way to make someone pay for their actions.

Izzie said...

Comments are crazy, but here we go again:

@TalksTooMuch, I went over to your blog and subscribed (Tuscan Chicken!!!), if you look in your feedburner, my email begins with izzie. :)

Also congratulations to #12!

Sunny said...

Big hugs and kisses to those beautiful faces in photo 4 xo

Veech said...

Cheers #12!

L-rod said...

I'm reader #3

luvgossip said...

#5 - I'm from Sacramento too! That's my favorite restaurant!

MadamChef said...

#3, you are lovely!

#7, Shiirii, I would like to thank your lovely self and your lovely country for the gift of Askars. :-)

#12, congrats again Mrs & Mrs Noble!

#13, love it!

Reader photos don't bother me, I'd rather see that than KimK or BieberPampers any day.

Sherry said...

All readers are awesome looking!

And congrats again Dixie.

JSierra said...

Congrats #12! You gotta love reader photos, everyone looks awesome!

WTF Xander! I remember when he first started posting and said that he was a fairly popular model with all this inside biz info, I didn't even question when I googled his name and nothing popped up. What a shitdick.

Sherry said...

Who's #1? You look familiar..LOVE your're quite lovely.

urban chaos said...

Congrats Dixie! All lovely reader photos.

And thanks for enlightening those of us that had no idea re: robot's fundraiser. At some point that guy is going to get caught- reminds me of someone with a big blog presence who 'stole' to feed her shopping habit/debt issues- eventually these assholes get caught! And exposed for what and who they are

KPeony said...

Does anyone have the link to the discussion about Xander being a fraud or the link for Robot? I don't remember seeing anyone post anything about this before. Glad I didn't buy one.

Shiirii said...

MadamChef, What would you say if I said that a friend of mine has had her dirty time with that gorgeous man? ;) and that he actually just is a normal goofy guy?

Try to get a hold of 'Vingar of Glas' and 'Hundtricket'. Great movies.. ;) And that's where my crush on him started ;)

Fluffy White Clouds said...

Still loving all the reader photos! Should have sent one in. Next time.

Congrats 12! Sweet photo.

PugsterMom said...

Sweden! Cool! Nice pic!

PugsterMom said...


PugsterMom said...

A double dose of reader pics! Love it! Congrats #12! Many years of happiness.

Unknown said...

Well, to be honest, I wondered about the t-shirt fundraising campaign, and thought folks should just donate $$ directly to Robot since the family would receive more $$ than through a t-shirt once costs/shipping were deducted. But... I didn't want to say anything and come across as negative given emotions were already very high because of the tragic situation.

Everyone who purchased a t-shirt from that piece of trash should file a formal process to get $$ back from Paypal, their CC company etc. because it is fraud.

Melpomene25 said...

#1, you always send the best pics in and #5, you guys make a great couple!!

IDoTheRobot said...

Hi everyone.

The rumors are true and I am so very sorry that asshole stole from those of you who so graciously bought one to support my nephew. I hope you can get your money back.

If you would like to get in touch with me personally, please click my name and it will show you my email address.

@unknown- he posted about the fundraiser before he ever ok'd it with me. If he would have asked first I would have turned him down. I hope that doesn't sound rude but there was already a way to donate without him making money.

Love and light to each and every one of you.

I hope your 4th of July's are the brightest they have ever been. <3

a non a miss said...

Love you Robot :)

KPeony said...

Thanks for posting and confirming this robot. I hope you have a marvelous 4th as well. :)

OneGirlRevolution said...


I have thought of you often and hope your family has been able to find some healing and hope.

JSierra said...

Booo Robot, I'm sorry he took advantage of your situation like that! HE took advantage of everyone by knowing that he was in a strong community and that people would help their friends in need. People do some sick shit, and scheming to use a newborns plight to benefit himself is some of the lowest of the low.

Meanie Rhysie said...

♥ Robot ♥

EmEyeKay said...

Dixie! Congrats! So happy for you! Miss you <3

Pip said...

@KPeony, Xander Dyle sold his shirts, saying the proceeds were going to help Robot's family, as they had experienced a major tragedy. He kept the money for himself, though. Enty pimped out Xander's site for us all to go to as well, adding that it was for charity.

Alexander Dyle was an alias for Cary Grant's character in Charade. The whole Charade thing is pretty fitting.

ravenz said...

I am pic #6,..I am enjoying all the pictures of cdan readers posted . . . all so lovely !

DixieTheNoble82 said...

Muwah @Em. Miss you too. Email me sometime..

EmEyeKay said...

I will! xoxo and congrats again! Say hi to widely for me :)

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Reader 8 and 14 are fuckable. The rest are bowsers.

KPeony said...

@pip yeah I remember what happened, but I didn't see where it was posted that he was a fraud. I remember when he posted the pic standing outside the court for LiLo. If I ever run across him IRL I will give him a good kick in the balls.

Maui623 said...

Hello everyone! I'm pic #5 and the hottie is my 20 year old son!

Maui623 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SophiaB said...

Totally adorbs. Charisma! And again I gotta go get my shades to shoeld me from all the bright beauty of all y'all!!

SophiaB said...

Very disappointing. I didn't have the money to spend. It is so hard to trust people. Me and a team I worked hard to assemble got ripped off by a jackass. I feel dumb that I didn't catch it ahead of the con but karma is a bitch and justice WILL be served. That is my sacred vow.

I will pray for this asshat to get his just desserts. Since he committed fraud across state lines, you can all report him to the State Attorneys General of every state he made a sale in, plus report his butt to the FBI. If he does get caught he will go to prison. Lessons learned I guess. Maybe a bank acct in Robot's name? Or one of those fundraiser sites with more transparency and visibility?

Has anyone heard from her? How is her baby?

Meanie Rhysie said...

@SophieB...Robot is good, as is BabyBot. :) She left a comment on another post..don't recall which one, but she explains it all from her perspective. She's all kinds of awesome, is our Bot!

Xander Dyle is fucking scum. Yes, you, fucker...I know you're still reading this blog.

SophiaB said...

Yes!! Make sure there is a record. This asshat left a trail. The penny ante cons are getting away with it just like the Banksters are. I recommend at LEAST filing a police report. Because there were so many who bought a shirt it would get more attention.

Vicki said...

Oh # 14 you are the bombest of the bomb. Sigh, such skin.

DixieTheNoble82 said...

@Em, will do. Look forward to hearing from you!

New Life and Attitude said...

I'm in Sac too! But where is this place?

keks said...

I'm #14, thanks for the compliments, @Err, @Massive G and @Vicki

Xander Simon Dyle said...

Please wear your T-Shirt with a good conscience.
The fact of the matter is that I said I would donate 50% of my royalties to the fund - and I actually donated a little over 100%.
I kept the T-Shirts open longer than originally stated because of multiple requests - and didn't close it all until May 1st.
100% of my royalties were sent on July 1st. That is only two months from the closing date.
That is pretty fast for the process.

I'm sorry that some people are impatient, and running on half truths and falsehoods.
I know my personal intentions were honorable, I know people from this site who have emails back and forth with me throughout the process.
They know my intentions were good throughout the entire thing.

I take the high road here, and just say please ignore negative gossip - and know that you got a great quality T-Shirt with a lot of love and support behind it.

Xander Simon Dyle said...

People please...
Stop the Internet slander without knowing all of the facts or the ending of the story...
Over 100% of my royalties went to the fund.

Sorry it took longer than everyone wanted - but I know I did good, and I know I continue to take the high road.

FSP said...

Real classy you piece of swamp turd.

Meanie Rhysie said...

@Xander: you have my email: prove it!

I'll be waiting for a reply.

Xander Simon Dyle said...

@Izzie said: "I don't know if you heard, but the guy who was running the site that sold the t-shirts never gave the money to IdotheRobot. He gave her a bunch of excuses and then basically disappeared."

Again, please stop with the negativity.
I "disappeared" because suddenly people started a false accusation campaign on me.
I ignored it so that I could continue the process regardless.

I'm sad and disappointed that something good was tainted by negative gossip - but it's okay.

Sorry that everyone was so impatient with the process of something good and positive for everyone.

CarrieGraceMoretzbetches said...

"the check's in the mail" if you're going to lie at least be original.

Xander Simon Dyle said...

@SophiaB said "I feel dumb that I didn't catch it ahead of the con but karma is a bitch and justice WILL be served. That is my sacred vow.

I will pray for this asshat to get his just desserts. Since he committed fraud across state lines, you can all report him to the State Attorneys General of every state he made a sale in, plus report his butt to the FBI. If he does get caught he will go to prison. Lessons learned I guess. Maybe a bank acct in Robot's name? Or one of those fundraiser sites with more transparency and visibility?"
Thank you I agree with you.
My karma is just fine, because of my heart was in the right place and I did more than I started out to do.

It is hard to trust people! Especially after going through a lot of time and effort, trying to do a good thing for everyone - and then getting these negative half truths.
No good deed goes unpunished I suppose.
Makes me sad to try to do a good thing over the Internet again...

Xander Simon Dyle said...

...and the attacks begin in 3,2,1...

Meanie Rhysie said...

...still waiting...


Izzie said...

@Xander - your lawyer friend should acquaint you with the fact that there is no such thing as "internet slander." In the absence of that, however, Google can help. The word you're looking for is libel and doesn't apply since it doesn't affect your pecuniary reputation, "Simon."

The fact of the matter is that you started a fundraiser without Robot's permission, didn't contact her about the funds (there was already a fundraiser in place that you could have directed the funds to directly instead of collecting them - I have a Zazzle account, I know how it works) until after the fact, and then made excuses about not getting the funds to her.

Stop Paula Deening this situation. You screwed up.

And calling you on your actions isn't an attack. It's calling you on your actions - defrauding a grieving family to sell t-shirts. Grow up.

Bluezz said...

Dear Xander:

You don't know me. I was smart enough to figure out what you were pulling. See, your "voice" is one of those familiar ones that posts under different alts. Maybe I'm wrong & you're really Xander "Simon" Dyle.

Let me nicely point ain't Internet Slander if the facts are true.

You're a real brave man. Posting & then deleting. BTW, piece of advice: YELLOW is a terrible color on a man.

Yours truly,

FSP said...

I thought you disappeared to write another hit song that nobody has ever heard of. Or model for some magazine that nobody has ever heard of. Are you still staking out court houses for the Enties?

Bluezz said...

@Xander My apologies on one thing. You didn't delete your posts. But I know you were around during the days many of us asked that the @ sign be used when replying.

Himmmm...Methinks you didn't forget.

Signing off for good. Feel like watching one of my childhood favorie movies: Old Yeller.

Bluezz is out!

Izzie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Halloweenie said...

HOLY SHIT. Do not mess with these people, they have #anonymous on speed dial.


Sherry said...

Perhaps your intentions were pure but the fact remains that you never responded to requests for updates until this very moment when everyone had to go all medieval on you. If someone is in the up and up then communication should have been before now. People emailed you and you chose not to respond. Please explain why people shouldn't feel like they were taken? Why haven't you said anything up until this point? Had you done so there wouldn't be people angry with you. Sorry but your defense holds no truth at this point.

Pip said...

Xander is trying to save face, what a joke. You kept the money. The family who lost a child, and are still grieving to this day, have received nothing from you. There is no check in the mail. Just stop. You could just admit what a piece of shit you are, but a few of us already know that your ego won't allow you to.

TalksTooMuch said...

Holy cow! I don't check for a couple of days and then everything blows right up again!

Izzy, I tried emailing IDo from her profile, no luck. I tried to find your email address on my blog (thanks for subscribing!), no luck again!

However, I did find the original link for information; I am going to just go ahead and donate to the bank account as suggested in news account, instead of trying to figure out whatever is going on with Mr. Dyle and his cheque in the mail.

It is:

But I don't know how to make it easily click-able.

lc said...

Why thank you very much Miss Sunny! Cam was so excited to see her picture!


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