Monday, August 19, 2013

Blind Item #1

This C list celebrity dropped off her A list celebrity mom with A++ list name recognition and then went and snorted lines of meth off the floor of a restroom this weekend because there was no other place to do it without being caught. This celebrity is going to end up dead. I don't know if her A list parents don't realize it or just have their heads in the sand. Everyone else knows it though. Restroom floor? You know you have a huge problem.


Cathy said...

The Hogan family?

It would fit that the mom would need a ride, but the ranking seems awfully high...

Rosie riveter said...

One of the Willis' chins

Cathy said...

Could also be Alexa Ray:

Topper Madison said...

The "celebrity" comment makes me think it's not an offspring of actors. Didn't one of the younger Kardashian's have a birthday party this weekend?

Topper Madison said...

Ooo! I like the Alexa Ray Joel guess, even though it makes me very sad.

Molly McButter said...

I think this makes sense. Too bad; Alexa is really talented.

Unknown said...

Me too, Topper.

marie-ski said...

Why off the floor when there is a pefectly good sink to do it off of?
Or the back of the toilet or off the tiolet paper dispenser?

di butler said...

Rumer, Scout, or Tallulah Belle. Awful, whoever it is. :(

Count Jerkula said...

Put it in a dollar, fold, crush it with your teeth, snort it out of the dollar. No need for any sirface to snort off of. Fuckin rookies. I've done it will Adderall, while driving.

Dasha said...

It says celebrity mom, so I'm inclined to think non-actress. Brinkley fits. Alexa Ray went the trouble of getting her nose fixed and now she's snorting dope off of bathroom floors? So trashy.

Now! said...

@Count. A dollar bill - now there's a nice, clean surface. It's been through dozens, perhaps hundreds, of hands, each with its own exciting set of bacteria. The bathroom floor was probably cleaner.

SaintsFan said...

Regardless of who it is, from what I've read it won't be long before we can see the signs. If Alexa suddenly has meth face, we'll have our answer. I hope not though.

Lynne said...

"Meth face". Please describe. I have heard the term dozens of times, but I don't know what to look for.


Cory said...

Lynn, you should google "faces of meth", it's an eye-opening experience.

Basically, they're scabby and lined. People age 10 years for every one they last through. Yellow and missing teeth as well, they forget to brush.

amused bush said...

@Lynne check out - it's a project run in Oregon to enlighten folks about meth abuse.

I also agree with the Alexa Ray Joel guess, she immediately popped into mind. Very sad if true.

Unknown said...

Kate and Goldie would be considered strictly actresses, right?

Betsy said...

Ali Lohan. DONE.

ladybaus said...

thats nasty, what a pig!

Count Jerkula said...

@Nutty Flavor: If the meth can burn holes in yer sinuses, I think it can kill off any pesky bacteria around.

And you forgot the various places on a stripper a dollar has potentially visited.

Cecilia00 said...

Yeah, I'll go with Alexa. Dina Lohan is not A-List, so not Ali. One of the Willis girls makes sense, but these are celebrity parents and not actors. Alexa seems so lost.

Lynne said...

Thank you, Cory and V. I'll have a look at the website you mentioned.

Barton Fink said...

One of the oddities of meth is that you can just put a quarter gram of it in a water bottle, dissolve it, and drink the water. 100% absorption. One reason it's such a horrible and addictive drug is that you can smoke it, slam it, snort it, eat it, drink it or insert it into the body through any means to get the same result.

Seven of Eleven said...

@marie-ski, I thought the same thing. The lid of a toilet bowl, FFS. This is just exaggerated but still, hope the girl gets help.

MollyMo said...

And she's already had 1 suicide attempt. It must be hard living in her parents' shadows.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

@Rosie completely agree. I was thinking Moore and Willis daughters. I'm going with Rumer

Jon said...

Kelly Osbourne.

Meg said...

Just checked out the site -- HOLY CRAP! I showed it to my kids. If that doesn't discourage them, nothing will.

I'm onboard with Alexa Ray Joel -- minor celeb herself, parents are A listers but NOT actors. Sad.

Anonymous said...

Willis girls or Alexa Ray Joel, it stuck with me when she said that she's struggled a lot with suicide, how would someone who's had everything be considering suicide? Go live for a year in Africa lady, tell me if you still want to waste yourself.

Jessie said...

MI isn't cured by getting presents, Anna.

ms snarky said...

Just saw a very recent photo of Alexa Ray in bright sunlight. She does NOT look like the face of meth. She looked pretty healthy.

NaughtyNurse said...

Must be a Willis girl.

Ktamc said...

Rumor. Has to be.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

How can a person do drugs off the floor, anyway? You'd have to lie completely down on the floor -- probably quite difficult in a public restroom.

Count Jerkula said...

Hands and knees.

Little Broken Bird said...

+1 but use a cut up drinking straw instead. Another good one is rinse out a pump action nasal spray, mix your finely crushed drug of choice with water, fires it right up there.

Count Jerkula said...

Usually, if I have access, then I'll run cold water over my hand, after hovering up some meth, then snort a lil off the finger tips. This helps rinse down the stuff, so you don't get the awkward cringe from the stuff dropping into your throat in public.

As an aside, you know you are getting old when you walk into a bar and someone you kinda know says, "Hey, you don't smell like weed, is something wrong?"


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