Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blind Item #9

This actor is B- list. Maybe a B. Mostly movies. Foreign born. A very, very good actor. Apparently he is back with his celebrity ex, or at least as back as he ever gets with anyone. She was with a B-/C+ list mostly television actor but went back to the movie actor because as she put it, "He has a d**k that goes on for miles."


MISCH said...

Well that's interesting...

VIPblonde said...

Obviously Fassbender
Zoe Kravitz/Penn Badgley for the others

plokzy said...

Vincent cassel?

FSP said...

Warwick Davis

VIPblonde said...

And since we've seen Fassbender's peen so many times, how about shaking things up? Didn't someone request Christian Bale?

Unknown said...

Vincent Cassell is married to Monica Bellluci.

VIPblonde said...

@plokzy I've seen bigger ;)

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

You guys are all making an assumption here!

I say he has a pet mallard that can walk all the way to the store and back on its little webby feet.

VIPblonde said...

@JAS Yep, that's about the size of it

DomBarbie said...

Hope he is a grower.

The Real Dragon said...

@Vip Christian peens looks like Snail.

Unknown said...

Jude Law.

L-rod said...

Since we are putting in requests can I please lick oops I mean see Paul Walker's package.

VIPblonde said...

@ian I've seen bigger ;)

Cleodacat said...

Loving you VIP!

Brenda L said...

A dick that goes on for miles....priceless.
For everything else, there's MasterCard.

Tori said...

VIP you must have the ultimate spank bank.

Hanwi said...

It's not the length, it's the girth that matters. Fassbender's looks painful.

Unknown said...

I want to see Michaels peen!

rajahcat said...

OK this is fun

Anonymous said...

That woman has a swollen labia

HannahBanana said...

Its Weiner Wednesday up in here!! YaaaaaaaY!!! Thanks VIP for the "hump" day pix! :)

skimpymist said...

How about shaq. I've always been curious on the size of his peen.

Oopsy_Daisy said...

Much better than the failed Full Frontal Fridays!
VIP kept it up!

a non a miss said...

These dick pics ain't helping disprove the fact that you're Enty VIP!

VIPblonde said...

No Paul Walker or Shaq, but did you know that Michael Vartan did full frontal?

Pazazz said...

He's small

Laura said...

Best comments ever! Thanks VIP!

VIPblonde said...

Also, apparently Trey Songz has a brother named Forrest Tucker, and he appears to be very *ahem* talented

Anonymous said...

I understand why he's so angry now. I bet his tongue is wicked though.

Anonymous said...

Lmao!! My sides hurt.

AndrewBW said...

Milton Berle!

Anonymous said...

I miss out on all the fun. His peen is that big really?. Hes very goodlooking too.. If its that big no girl is going to want to ride it unless she has pain meds. Too big is not good...ijs

nevermindthat said...

@VIO Blonde I wish I still had that photo of Trey SOngz, his peen is just as big as his brother. BTW if you can find any RDJ's photos of his peen, please do share.

Seven of Eleven said...

@VIP, that last one was tres scary! I think I jumped a little. Tucker for sure.

True Blood spoiler for Askars lovers. Not really a spoiler if you don't read the article, just the headline and gaze at the pic:

Alexander Skarsgard Goes Full Frontal Nude on True Blood Season Six Finale (semi-nsfw)

Seven of Eleven said...

My request - Viggo Mortenson?

You're a goddess, VIP.

a non a miss said...

Vartan can GET IT


Gertie Raus said...

Oh my and holy shizznit...thanks for the dick pics @VIP!! :)

nevermindthat said...

@Seven of Eleven watch the movie Viggo did called Eastern Promises with Naomi Watts. He has a fight scene while he is completely naked and you get plenty of full frontal.

Oopsy_Daisy said...

Really? Didn't someone compare it to a salami? Richard Lewis, I think said that on Conan.

Erin B said...

These comments are making my week! Thanks!

a non a miss said...

Great movie and awesome scene. Vincent Cassel is in it too so there's plenty of eye candy (that's essential to me when selecting movies to watch)

chopchop said...

Best. Thread. Ever. Thanks VIP!!

Snootches said...

@VIP I asked for Christian and I'll take more if you got 'em! I see some girth and I'll bet he's def a grower.
He has the sexiest voice and his mouth is killer...excuse me..........

Interplanet Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SophiaB said...

Vartan: awful pic, awesome dick.


Fun topic, better links...

SophiaB said...

OH. EM. GEEEEE. THAT is a Godzilla dick.

I HAVE seen bigger and thicker (and quite frankly ran screaming-poor guy never forgave me and probably committed suicide he was so depressed about the nightmares his dick caused) but THAT made me gasp!!!

Maggie said...

yes she makes this site bearable.

Haywood Jablomee said...

Yeah it is me. But please stop referring to me as foreign born. It is an unsubstantuated rumor that just won't die.

Unknown said...

Thank you VIP!


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