Monday, August 19, 2013

Today's Blind Items - The Manuscript

It seems that about once or twice a year, there is manuscript floating around the publishing world that is full of good gossip. This one would be considered great gossip. I mean really great. It is written by an offspring of an Academy Award winner/nominee. The other great thing is the nominee/winner is still alive to see it written. We are not talking about things from way back in the past, but instead, are talking about things in the last five years. For the purposes of this blind, lets call our nominee/winner NW. Let us call the offspring SW. Makes the whole pronoun thing easier. NW had a threesome with SW and another woman. NW watched SW have sex with women on multiple occasions. NW showed SW sex videos which contained women NW had sex with and also, SW's mom and another woman. Oh, there were also two videos which showed SW's relative touching herself. There were hundreds of these tapes and some had some of the most famous women in the world. many were hidden cameras and many were shot with the full knowledge of the participants. There are drugs mentioned on every page. It is the ultimate tell-all. After this book, there would be thousands of stories that could be written about everything that is inside. It is explsove.


Unknown said...

Ryan, Tatum, Farrah, etc etc

VIPblonde said...

Any time there is a father/son threesome, my first instinct is always Nicolas and Weston Cage

Cathy said...

cosign Vera's guess.

Bunni said...

I cosign with V.I.P. that's my guess also.

Kelly said...

So disgusting. I agree with VIP and Bunni. Although what about Sean Penn?

a non a miss said...

Agree with VIP.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

Jack Nicholson's son Raymond.

Kristin Wigs said...

Vera is probably right, but what about Sean Penn, Hopper Jack, Robin Wright, and Aimee Man as the relative.

msgirl said...

Farah isn't Tatum's mother, and supposedly Tatum didn't like the relationship between Ryan and Farah, so I don't think she'd watch sex tapes of Farah.

Katie said...

Within the last five years? I'm going with nic cage and son.

MontanaMarriott said...

The Douglases, Michael and his prison son, Cameron

DA said...

Sadly, I have to disagree with the O'Neal guess.

Wasn't there a time when Ryan hit on Tatum because he didn't recognize her?

Also, it mentions "SW's mother". Tatum O'Neal's mother died in 1997, and these supposed incidences occurred within the past 5 years, if I read the BI correctly.

BrainyAngel said...

...and what are they called? "The Aristocrats!"

Now! said...

Michael Douglas and his father, Kirk.

Cathy said...

I read it as SW being Redmond.

Cathy said...

and Tatum would be the "relative" of Redmond.

AndrewBW said...

Never be published.

Tru said...

It doesn't say if SW is male or female. In fact, it says "with another woman", the operative word being "another"

Cathy said...

good catch, Tru. I read it thinking the S stood for Son.

DA said...

Jamie Foxx and his daughter Corinne Bishop.

sandybrook said...

I read this as father/son not father/daughter but I haven't got clue one and this manuscript will never see the light of day for legal reasons.

fordellcastle said...

This would be a great blind to reveal!

HannahBanana said...

What is really sad part is...the seemingly endless list of logical suspects. WOW.

lizness said...

Tru, I read this whole thing as a mother with her kid -- I was thinking maybe Demi Moore

Tyger Lilly said...

But for a chance encounter backstage at an Aerosmith concert, the whole Steven Tyler/Bebe Buell/Liv Tyler/Todd Rundgren thing could have turned out a lot creepier.

Melissa said...

Tru, yes! It definitely sounds like the offspring is female.

Leo said...

I thought of this too

jes7o said...

SW's mom means that NW is male. NW had a threesome with SW and another woman means that SW is female.

Leo said...

That's good too, Cathy. So sick.

Mary said...

Demi and one of her daughters.

Leo said...

That could also mean NW is female and SW is male.

Leo said...

Ok you're right

Leo said...

Alec and Ireland

auntliddy said...

I cosign the whole redmond-tatum- oneal thing. Ryan has a sick sadistic streak a mile wide and his kids are all f*cked up because of it.

Staple611 said...

What do we think SW and NW stand for? There must be a clue there.

Tru Leigh said...

SW=Son of Winner.

shakey said...

NW = nominee/winner
SW = Son of winner

Academy Award winner and his son.

That would fuck anyone up.

kpist said...
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califblondy said...

Melanie and Dakota? Melanie and Tippi?

Where does it say NW is male?

timebob said...

and it will never get past the lawyers and vetting and will never see the light of day

LovelyCoconuts said...

Leo- SW is NW's offspring and they mention the mother separately, so NW is most likely SW's father.

They may have used another incorrectly and meant another person, who is female. Envy isn't known for great grammar.

Unknown said...

The O'Neals

NW = Ryan
SW = Redmond
Mother = Farrah Fawcett
Relative touching herself = Tatum

Tatum is low on cash, again, and is rumored to be writing another tell all. Since she gave up the goods in the last book, she was asked to up the ante this time around, or the book won't sell.

I don't think Ryan has the cash to buy Tatum out, and prevent the book from going to print. He would probably take action after the fact and sue her for slander/liable/defemation or some other nonsense.

Angela said...

NOT the O'Neals.

Tatum is the winner. Ryan was just a nominee.

Angela said...
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Anothergrayhare said...

Just reread it with Ryan O'Neil, Redmond, Farrah and Tatum as the relative and it all makes sense. @Angela, it says winner/nominee, so it could be either one.

BobNYC said...

Funny how you all assume MALE.
NW = Nominee/Winner and is a woman.
SW = Son of Winner and is male.
"NW had a threesome with SW and another woman. " - so NW = woman.
Got it?

Anonymous said...

duh, the Oneals of course. yikes. it's gonna be a while until I get that mental picture out of my mind... here honey, look what mom was doing to herself.....(shudder)

PS said...

It can't be the O'neals- blind says last five years. Farrah has been dead for several yearsI think you could read this blind about all females. If you read closely, it says some tapes have women the parent slept with (ie just the women) and the offspring's mother and the women (I.e. nw is also in the tape with the women). Conceivably, everyone in the blind could be female, and this whole thing as to do with women in Hollywood not known to be gay or bi, making the the tell-all explosive. Demi could fit, Irelamd and Kim could fit, Shirley MacLaine's daughter has said her mother waited outside door for her first sex. Jessica Lange has a daughter, Muriel Hemingway has a daughter, Annette Bennington has a daughter, and so does Meryl Streep. There are not enough clues to solve this one- there are too many screwed up Hollywood celebrities...

Oopsy_Daisy said...

I read this as:
NW - man
SW - daughter

Man and daughter had threesome with another woman.
Man watches daughter have taped sex with other women.
Man shows daughter video showing her mom has also gotten it on with chicks.
Man has video of daughter's relative masturbating. Relative must be famous or else why mention it?
Man videotapes his sex encounters.

One can assume that dad and mom are no longer together, making the "relative" perhaps a maternal aunt/uncle/cousin (no longer related to man) or possibly even step-sibling through a remarriage via mom.

Maybe that helps?

Leo said...

Sick shitttttttttt

Mag said...

Woman and daughter. Plus the relative is referred to as "herself". Plus teh many famous women. An all-female party, for sure :)

Mag said...

Oups, my bad, man and daughter.

NaughtyNurse said...

I read this as NW = man and SW = Son of NW (hence the S). I think the "another" when referencing "another woman" was just referring to somebody other than SW's mother, or the other woman. At any rate, it is seriously f-d up and needs to be revealed or published or made into a movie or something!

Count Jerkula said...

I got my tissues and lube ready for the books release.

Unknown said...

I read this as Demi and rumor but Demi never been nominated for an academy award.

I really don't know. did the parent have a threesome with the child.

Anonymous said...

this is a juicy one! ...thats all i got

lutefisk said...

Not sure if Tatum would release this info. She has 3 kids and a grandchild. I think even she has limitations to what she would put out there.

mistang said...

I definitely think NW is the father since it says, "NW showed SW sex videos which contained women NW had sex with and also, SW's mom and another woman." SW's mom is mentioned as another person. However, I believe SW could be male or female. Also, what male actors can get some of the most famous women in the world knowingly or unknowingly on camera? It is sad that it's hard to narrow down.

ReallyDonna said...

BobNYC--Just a shout out from an ole babe who read you over @Ted's old place. Good to see you.

Jenn said...

Shirley Mclaine was quite free-spirited, but I don't about lately.

Samantha M. said...

I got no clue, other than to say it certainly puts thinly veiled books like those Jackie Collins writes to shame. The truth is always stranger - and generally worse - than fiction.

Tara said...

Would more Tatum/Ryan news be explosive, though? Everyone, everyone, knows that they have a weird relationship. I also think that everyone involved in their family isn't a household name. While people in their 40's and 50's would be very familiar with Ryan, I doubt people my age (twenties) know about him at all. Farrah, to some, is just a poster. It's sad but true. I think this is someone like Demi - the "still alive" could simply be a chronological modifier or could refer to the direness of her drug problems.

The only thing I can think of is now that Farrah's gone, Tatum feels she can reveal dirt on her. But I think this is someone else.

Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Will Smith and one of his sons.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Didn't either James Brown or Rick James get in trouble for hiding video cameras in bathrooms?

NaughtyNurse - That's what I thought, too, that "another woman" meant a person who isn't SW's mother and not NW's wife.

Count Jerkula said...

Zeeky: I don't know. Really, as long as you don't sell or distribute, it is legal to have every inch of your home wired for video. Bed room, shower, living room, toilet. I forget if you have to have a sign on the door declaring "This House Has Video Surveillance" or not, but I don't think so.

I remember a case in NJ from a few years ago, where a dude had a toilet cam going on, and a chick found the video on his computer. He got arrested, and they tried to fuck with him, but there was nothing they could do to him, besides cost him some legal fees.

Hegg said...

This is disgusting.

a non a miss said...

It was Chuck Berry who got busted with cameras in the bathroom.

Anothergrayhare said...

So Count, how much were your legal fees? lol.

Count Jerkula said...

@Anothergrayhare: Nah, wasn't me. All my homemade nude videos/pics were shot the old fashioned way, by asking.

frausimon said...

What about Keith Carradine and Martha Plimpton? Keith's from an acting dynasty and he won an Oscar in 1975 for Best Song. The movie was "Nashville" and the song was "I'm Easy"...

AppleThief4Elliot said...

All this Demi and Rumor. How about Bruce and Rumor? And the "relative" might be her, *ahem* step-father.

Count Jerkula said...

I don't know if it would be worth the Mother/Daughter merit badge to have to bone Demi and Rumor.

Princess Bean Curd said...

This is Ryan and Redmond. It doesn't say when the tapes were made, just that they were shown to Redmond in the last 5 years. We all know dad and son have been partying together in this time frame and the last sentence seems to hint at the existence of a previous inferior supposed tell-all that hardly covered everything. Also, if it was a younger, more relevant actor, Enty wouldn't merely note that he is still alive. He would say something about potential damage to his career. Ryan doesn't have a career to damage but will have to witness the exposure. I think Redmond is looking for a quick buck.

Anna said...

I usually don't comment but this one was too good to pass up. My guess:
NW: Warren Beatty
SW:his transgender(now) son, Steve
SW's mom: Annette Benning
SW's relative: Shirley MacLaine?

Unknown said...

I'd say Robert Evans and his son, Josh.


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