Thursday, August 22, 2013

Your Turn

Is it better to be absolutely ridiculous or absolutely boring?


Seven of Eleven said...

How about just plain ridiculous? Is that option available?

VIPblonde said...

It's better to be Absolutely Fabulous, darling!

Sugar said...

Uh, sorry, but who would ever choose to be boring?

Count Jerkula said...

It is better to be a middle aged MANsogynist woman who knows nothing about marathon sex but knows how to pretend to be a fat man entertainment lawyer with a bacon addiction.

Fugazi Enty, I really felt bad for you when I read that Marathon Sex line earlier today. I now know where the anger and bitterness come from.

auntliddy said...

Ive been around manic absolutely rificulous people. They are exhausting. Ill take boring.

Del Riser said...

I'll be boring, but you all feel free to be absolutely ridiculous. I've been around ego maniacs and absolutely ridiculously passive aggressive people, and boring is better.

@auntliddy, we can watch the antics from the sidelines.

rajahcat said...

how about neither

LottaColada said...

Is this a trick question?

VeeBee said...

Boring for sure. Being around chronically ridiculous people is exhausting and frustrating.

Amartel said...

Boring and ridiculous are becoming one and the same these days. Boringly ridiculous. Ridiculously boring. Tediously predictable, predictably tedious. No to both.

DewieTheBear said...

Are you asking this question specifically in relation to this website?

figgy said...

Boring. Because ridiculous people are boring anyway, but pathetic at the same time.

Unknown said...


Erin B said...

My sister-in-law is absolutely ridiculous, & my whole family would love it if she were absolutely boring. She is unbearable to be around.

Robert said...

I'd much rather be who I am. If people want to make judgments about that, that's their problem, not mine.

JoElla said...

At this stage in my life.. I am quite happy to be boring!

Sure it is fun to be wild and redonk, but only for a visit.

Steampunk Jazz said...

To be considered boring here means keeping personal business personal : )
I can be a bore (monopolized def.) On certain subjects like books and movies but that's only if I find You boring,lol.

Stacey Charter said...

I'd say it depends on the day, and the alcohol content in my bloodstream but mostly, absolutely boring works for me just fine.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Exactly, @joElla. It's too hard to be absolutely anything. I prefer boring with a twist. : )

OKay said...

Happy to be boring. Got no time for ridiculous.

Nellie said...

Your turn! Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

Sugar said...

In the immortal words of one Paula Deen, "I is what I is"

auntliddy said...

@del, :)

Anonymous said...

ridiculous obviously

Anonymous said...

All i have to say is everyone loves watching a good trainwreck.

Tru Leigh said...

Boring. It's less dangerous.

Sugar said...

Well, I stand corrected. I thought nobody would choose boring! I don't consider you guys boring!

ethorne said...

VIP- <3 ya betch!


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