Friday, October 04, 2013

Blind Item #7

This A- list mostly television actress on a hit show for an almost network is discovering what so many others have learned before her. Her celebrity boyfriend had a friend come over to the house the other night and since our actress was high as a kite and wanted more the celebrity said he should help out his friend first. He always does this. The guy is f**ked up.


E=MC Hammer said...

Huh? Should it be the celebrity said she should help out his friend first.?

RangersGirl said...

Nina Dobrev & Derek Hough?

VIPblonde said...

Is this the first in a slew of Nina Dobrev / Derek Hough blinds?

Unknown said...

So did celeb boyfriend mess around with friend or have A- list actress girlfriend do it?

Kelly said...

It's a typo. It's meant "...said SHE should help out his friend..."

Unknown said...

She is A-??

Anonymous said...

Pronouns are hard.

rajahcat said...

how would Nina Dobrev get that rating????


FSP said...

@VIP - this must be the Robin Thicke reveal Enty.

Stonegirl said...

Zooey D

Unknown said...

@Reno- makes more sense that way unless some closeted actor that likes mm fun in front of his gf.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
VIPblonde said...

@FSP Oh boy, I can't wait for the all-Derek Hough reveal day!

Unknown said...

Commas would also help. Sheesh!

Anonymous said...

no way is Nina Dobrev A List

Mr. T said...

Don't understand how it could be Nina/Derek - doesn't she have way more money than he does? If they're getting high, she would be the one buying the drugs, so why would she need permission from him to do more drugs?

White.God.of.Fuck said...

Tomatheila Cruise and Johnboy Revolta

nurysp said...

so he passed her along
train? jesus

Noel said...

On what planet would Nina Dobrev be A- when she was B- in other blinds. I'm guessing it's someone else

Harry Knuckles said...

So what's with Hough and Nina anyway? Are they both gay and are bearding for each other, or he's gay and she's bearding for him? As has been said, she's got some dough so why would she want to be with that little greaseball if she didn't have to?

BitterBlondin said...

I don't even know what I just read.

Della said...

To whoever types this blog:
Do you read the post before you hit the ENTER key? Just a little helpful tip.

ladybaus said...

yeah Im no grammar nazi but this really made no sense

Tigercat said...

Ha ha ha ha ha! Loved your comment @BitterBlondin.

skimpymist said...

"He always does this". Hmmm I wonder why. Could it be because he's gay and doesn't want to wrestle off a horny girl all the time so he just passes her off to his friends.

Kamikaze Butterfly said...

Am I just high or did that make no freakin sense?

CanadianMiss said...

I find that if I just skim the posts, and don't read too carefully, they make more sense.

MadLyb said...

I don't know who this is, but he needs a debilitating kick in the nuts.


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