Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Another Rape Charge For Sons Of Guns Star - Daughter Going On Dr. Phil To Tell Her Story

Another woman has come forward to tell police that when she was 12 she was raped by Sons Of Guns star Will Hayden. The woman, who is 34 now says that when she was 12 her family was staying at the apartment of the Haydens and was raped by the reality star. She says she waited all this time because she didn't think anyone would believe her. Yesterday, police added another charge of forcible rape to the continuing list of charges that Hayden has piled up since originally being arrested on August 8th. Meanwhile, when asked about her claim, Will's daughter Stephanie says that she can't talk to the media about it. What she really means to say is that she will be on Dr. Phil and he has an exclusive with her where she will reveal to the world the story she has told police about Hayden raping her from the time she was 11 or 12 until she was in her mid-teens. One interesting confirmation that came from all of this is that Stephanie confirmed that the original victim that Hayden is charged with molesting and raping is her half-sister. Police had never confirmed that because they do not release the identities of victims, but it had been widely believed to be Hayden's daughter with an ex-girlfriend because she herself had told many people, just not the media.


FearN said...

Good riddance.

Gayeld said...

One gun, one bullet. Problem solved.

Sherry said...

Or one asshole many prison boyfriends seems a better choice.

Steampunk Jazz said...

Loathsome slug. Wonder if he'll eat his gun now that he has been exposed?

FearN said...

Child molesters are on the lowest of the low on the inmate totem pole. I don't even think other guys will hit it, they'll probably use him as a punching bag, thankfully.

Unknown said...

Would not surprise me.

Navymommy said...

It's astounding, the conceit of these men, thinking this will never come out. Especially when they engage in a reality show. Time after time the skeletons just run out of the closets. Smh.

Unknown said...

FearN: are paedophiles and other sex offenders imprisoned in special jails away from the mainstream penal population in the US?
Here they are. I've worked in 2 of those jails. They keep them in medium to low security prison facilities because most other prisoners have a code when it comes to "rock spiders" (which mostly means they get shivved in the showers)

auntliddy said...

He is a liathesome slug, steampunk, i think u hv won the internets today! Seriously, he is a piece of shit, and i hope any victim who can comes out to help nail his ass.

Unknown said...

When a perp gets caught, they've usually got years and years of abuse and multiple victims in their past. They rarely get caught early on.
Rot in hell you POS.

Brian said...

Is it ok to Dr. Phil-shame a rape victim?

Lady Heisenberg said...

@Bee: In American prisons, pedos are often housed in separate units- but not always. This is a pretty universal hierarchy. The UK is having a hard time keeping Ian Watkins alive.

Yoj said...

@Lady Heisenberg
Roy Whiting, too. They try to keep him separated from other inmates, but he's still been attacked with a razor and stabbed in the eye. Apparently, he's not even safe amongst convicted child molesters. Shame.

Lady Heisenberg said...

@yoj: word. Ian's been moved a few times due to sugaring threats. Boiling sugar water thrown on you or dumped down your throat is basically sticky sweet napalm. British inmates these days make us Yankee Doodle Dandies look like such cavemen with our Hard Candy shivs...
I have heard from several reputable sources that Ian picked up HIV while tweaking out in LA a few years ago. Meth is one hell of a drug. I could give a fuck what happens to Ian. At least two other countries have investigations pending on his raging pedo ass. Not even the guards give a fuck...just look at Ariel Castro...

Yoj said...

@Lady Heisenberg
Whiting was stabbed in the eye with a weapon fashioned from a toilet brush! Prisoners do seem very resourceful. I'm not sure we should go adding a category to the Olympics, though, even if it would mean finally winning against Americans (seriously, what do you feed your athletes? Magic beans?).

Count Jerkula said...

Serial pedo. Bind his hands and feet, then step on his throat until he stops moving. Throw him in an unmarked grave.

Krissie said...

Child molesters are disgusting slime.

Not sure if "Dr. Phil" is the right person to go to. From what I heard mostly he and his wife just shill their products on his show these days. I was under the impression he stopped even pretending to be a real therapist long ago.


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