Monday, September 08, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

David Beckham went to Fashion Week to support his wife and then took off his shirt to support everyone else.
Eva Longoria was at the US Open.
Debra Messing was there and wondered if her show ill make it past two episodes.Doubtful.
They were all on hand to see Serena Williams win.
The Goopster and Jennifer Aniston hugged it out Friday night.
Jennifer Lopez enjoying summer weather in NYC.
Ashley Judd at the premiere of Dolphin Tale 2 with
Harry Connick Jr.
Jay-Z and Beyonce continue their vacation.


Seven of Eleven said...

Is that really Jennifer Aniston? She looks like Leslie Mann!

I am Bey, I shall wear a bikini, with a half coverup, a golden choker necklace thingie, and peacocks on my thighs. And a straw hat.

SkittleKitty said...

Wonder if Brad's name came up between Jen and Goop...

Ashley's face is looking different. And that's a lot of skin for her to show. Think maybe she's looking for some more roles...

MeanieRhysie said...

Dear gawd, wtf did Ashley Judd do to herself?!?!

Sprink said...

Ashley Judd looks the same to me.

Gawd, I feel so alone.

Kelly said...

Goop and Jen look good, if not a little botox-y

AndrewBW said...

I'll eat my hat if that's Jennifer Aniston.

Kno Won said...

I wonder if there are ashes in Messing's cup.
JLo looks thin, I think.

Kno Won said...

Hahaha! I had to read the caption to figure out who it was supposed to be, Andrew. Not totally buying Aniston.

crila16 said...

What did Ashley do to her face? She was just starting to look normal again.

Danielle said...

I think my head just exploded! Jen and Gwenyth together?? That's so weird right? I thought they avoided each other at all costs...

Greengrl said...

Why are people saying that isn't Aniston? I think that definitely looks like her but by the looks of that forced smile she didn't want to be there with GOOP

violet said...

I thought Ashley looks good and returning to normal again. I know she is crazy on the inside - but outside she looks good to me.
Sprink- you are not alone ;)

EastCoaster said...

love, love, love that Serena leap!

discoflux said...

Bey's covered in those flash tats. I think they're cute and I want some.

lolaluvs2snack said...

Goop looks so grumpy next to tiny Jen. That's Jen peep the bifocal glasses. That's the tale tale sign for me, Jen seems to always have them close. Plus what her shirt says:-)

msgirl said...

I used to really REALLY dislike Serena but ever since her near death scare she's gotten so much more humble. I like Caroline but am glad Serena made it into the 18 grand slam academy.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Glad to see you've finally returned!! Hope all is well!!!

Tina Mallette said...

Are Bey and Jay vacationing from the last vacation?

mooshki said...

It's definitely Aniston. I had to google it to be sure. Click the thumbnail to make her picture bigger and inspect what she's done to her face.

They were promoting the hell out of Messing's new show on the SVU marathon yesterday. Mariska and Debra did a clip together where Mariska called her "my good friend" and it made me scared she might be Coke Mom 2 instead of Angie Harmon. (I can't remember if she was ruled out? I'm too lazy to check.)

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Agree with @knoWonUno that JLo looks thin- I think she looks much thinner, never seen her look like that. I'm wondering if planned shot and photoSHAPED.

LOVE Ashley's dress. And I had to expand the photo so I could get a good look at her.....DRESS. However, her pose is awful or the dress doesn't fit her, and a little to desperate in the cleavage. Esp for what looks to be a Daytine summer dress. CLOSE IT UP CRADY. (Crazy + Lady)

Unknown said...

Jen definitely looks uncomfortable

Frufra said...

@Meanie - +1! I thought the same thing when I saw here - I had to blow up the pic, and they I was just scratching my head harded. W. T. F.!

Jordan T said...

Eva longoria bores me

Lisa said...

I think Ashley Judd also looks good here.
Love Harry Connick Jr.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

David B. is getting rather too skinny for my personal liking. He needs to bulk up a bit more, but I wouldn't kick him out of my bedroom.

Unknown said...

Every time I see a photo of Ashley Judd I think of the CDAN reveal where Matthew McConaughey said she was the worst girlfriend ever. I'm sure Michael Bolton would agree.

Funny how she keeps playing supporting roles as mothers when she's on record saying it's "unconscionable to breed."

And ... does she ever get a role anymore if Morgan Freeman isn't in the picture? She owes her career - such as it is anymore - to him!

Kathleen said...

Ashley Judd has lost a ton of weight. And even though she has clearly purchased a brand new face, if anyone is honest enough to point that out she'll pen a lengthy and self-righteous essay about how sexist and misogynist everyone is.

Unknown said...

Seven: I was trying to work out who Jennifer A looks like, because I wouldn't have guessed it was here without Enty saying. I hope she hasn't messed with her face too much ala our Nicole.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Greengrl: I didn't recognize her - now when I ponder this, I think she resembles Eddie Falco with the chin and wide eyes.

Unknown said...

Sincerely: agree, she's definitely lost some of her curves (sad if she's no longer immune to the Size 00 club)

Unknown said...

Meanie- she looks like the Beast from the 80's tv show with Linda Hamilton. Very feline.

Nothanksdarlin said...

JLo looks great dressed down and not making her cat that smelled a fart face. Big improvement. Not sure about being photoshopped but she looks great with less diva on her

MinPinGirl said...

What happened to JLo's side kick Lisa Rimminey? They were everywhere together and now? Nada.

Wonder if Eva L. Was offering lap dances?

I like Ashley Judd (as an actress) I've seen lots of movies she's been in and watched that TV show she starred in (it lasted just one season). I think in her case if she was a man, much of what she says would be accepted or over-looked. Just look at the shit Jonah Hill says in interviews yet he has no problem getting hired (no way I think Jonah is more talented than Ashley). Even so, she is yet another example of the need to keep your personal life more of a mystery. Too many actors have ruined their box office appeal because they're deplorable people in real life and let everyone SEE them being that way (or hear it from a phone message recording- Mel & Alec).

MinPinGirl said...

And another thing - since when does Matthew McConaughey have the final word in what constitutes the worst girlfriend? For all we know Matthew loves blow jobs and Ashley didn't want to give them because he never showers. WTF? Why you gonna take his word for it? I don't believe everything an ex says.

As for her opinion on breeding? Take a look at Demi's spin on mothering or a million other shitty parents out there. Not everyone should procreate. Ashley's just saying what she thinks why is that such a big deal (shit look how she grew up.) Sure she plays mothers in's called ACTING! By your standards if an actor plays a racist, he should be one in real life for it to look real on screen? George Clooney has played a dad and he doesn't want kids either, why isn't anyone caring about that? Cause it's acting!

Lady Heisenberg said...

OT: holyyyy shniiiiikes!!!!
Michael C Hall is taking over NPH's role of Hedwig!!! Oh my gawwwwd

Yoj said...

Shag: Harry Connick Jr. If he either shaved or grew a beard. Stubble = trouble.

Marry: Serena Williams. Being 5'10" and 140lbs, I've never had a boyfriend who could fulfill my fantasy of being carried to bed. I think Serena might manage it.

Kill: Gwyneth Paltrow. With an exclusive monogrammable beach racquet, cleaning up afterwards with exclusive monogrammable hem-stitched towels (all purchased from, natch).

Unknown said...

That's amazing LadyH (not that I'll get to see that). I can totes see him in that role (still one of my fav movies).

Yoj said...

@Lady Heisenberg
Great casting makes me giddy!

Iwinjen said...

Hooray! I was so worried about your cryptic message pre labor day

Unknown said...

@MinPinGirl, you are aware that you are posting on a CELEBRITY BLIND SITE, right? That MMcC blind was posted here on CDAN. And I think we can take Matthew McConaughey's word for it that she was HIS worst girlfriend ever, by whatever standards he judges girlfriends.

Funny he has never said a bad word about Sandra Bullock or Penelope Cruz, yet in Hollywood where few people will go on record about anything, you've got people going on record disparaging Ashley Judd. Such as Jason Patric and Ned Beatty.

As for her being a good actress, OMG, REALLY? I can't think of a single role she has had where you would say "Only Ashley Judd could have played that role" or even "Ashley Judd was the best choice for that role." Whereas I can think of tons of movies she's been in, that would have been MUCH better if a more talented actress had played her part.

And her series "Missing" was just dreadful. Fabulous European scenery but the plot, the dialogue, and her acting were all just awful. She either cried, or she acted all bad-ass and neither was believable. No wonder it was canceled after 10 episodes.

Penelope said...

The problem Ashley had is that she's getting old ( by Hollywood standards) and is by many accounts a complete pain in the ass to work with. Her marginal talent doesn't offset the downside.

Unknown said...

Yup. You know where she lost me (not that I was ever a fan) ... she was quoted in a magazine interview about attending the Paramount 90th anniversary luncheon back in 2004. At the time she had reached the mediocre pinnacle of her brief career as a Hollywood leading lady ... Unfortunately that was also the year that "Twisted" was released. It may hold the record as the worst-reviewed movie ever, but it was certainly the worst-reviewed movie of 2004 and it lost $25 million on a $50 million budget.

The interesting thing about Ashley's career is that she has almost never headlined a Hollywood movie without a very strong male co-star who has more star power than she does, and the ability to put butts in theater seats. For example, Morgan Freeman (over and over) and Tommy Lee Jones. Or, she's a supporting character in an ensemble movie ("Heat" for example). The first and last time they give her a movie to headline, it tanks.

It was coincidentally that year that she "retired" to become a humanitarian. Or rather, spend two weeks a year staying in 4-star hotels in third world countries, getting chauffeured around in air-conditioned jeeps for photo ops hugging orphans ... and insisting on being flown first class everywhere ($$$).

Funny that after her "retirement" she continued to act, in indie films that nobody saw, and in supporting wife/mother/girlfriend roles in Morgan Freeman movies, mostly.

Anyhoo, in this magazine interview she's talking about the Paramount luncheon and how she got seated out in Siberia at a table with a bunch of studio accountants, until her BFF (and possibly more than BFF) Sherry Lansing, the *OTHER* person whose butt she should kiss for her career (which ... nah I won't go there)...retrieves her and seats her at a table with a bunch of A-listers.

And this was Ashley's final sentence on the subject:

"And thus I was restored to my place in the pantheon."

The PANTHEON? As in the temple honoring the GODS?

Ego much?

I'm a huge Audrey Hepburn fan, and on the surface there are similarities:

- actresses
- first names start with A
- traveled to Africa to see poor people
- difficult childhoods

But there the similarities end.

While Audrey Hepburn was dying of cancer, in great pain, she went to Africa to raise funds for UNICEF and never complained. In fact, few people knew she had cancer. She just showed up and did her job. For $1 a year.

Ashley, on the other hand?

WEll, there's THIS.

Unknown said...

Serena Williams is a man.

Bubbles said...

steve button is an asshole troll or an asstroll.

DevOcean said...

I liked her in Devine Secrets of the Ya - ya Sisterhood. I think she did an excellent job.

Kelly said...

Me too Dev

MinPinGirl said...

Hey I was agreeing about loads of stuff Prunella. As I said too many celebrities open their mouths and ruin their reputations with letting the world in on their idiot ideas about themselves or their personal lifestyle. I never said Ashley was a great human being I just said she seems to get more shit about her stuff then a lot of male actors (that seem equally as stupid). There are more mediocre actors out there than great ones so sure Ashley's played parts that could have been played by someone else. That's true for 70-85% of all actors. I personally like quite a few things I've seen her in and yes she does seem strongest in an ensemble cast (again true for a large percentage of actors). If she had as much press as the K-Trash Klan I'm sure I would despise her and her opinions of herself as much as you do. I don't see her as being any less talented as say Julia Roberts (who isn't all that) but she's certainly not as talented as Kate Blanchett or Winslett. I just don't hate her.

Unknown said...

Thank MinPinGirl, I understand now.

I know a couple of people who have spent a LOT of time around her (one professionally, one personally) and they have the most dreadful stories to tell about her. That and watching her ego in full sway in interviews ... ugh.

Interesting, the comparison with Julia Roberts. I think you're probably right about their respective levels of talent. However JR has an "it" factor on screen that Ashley Judd doesn't have. I think that's why JR's movies - that she HEADLINED - have made something like $3 billion, and Ashley's haven't.

I have to laugh at something. Ashley narrated this film about elephants who lose limbs to land mines, and get prosthetic replacements. I mean it's a wonderful wonderful thing that they're doing over there (I want to say in Cambodia) - I'm just sorry her sanctimonious voice is the one telling the story.

In the film, and also in interviews about the film, both the producers and Ashley refer to these artificial limbs as "prosthetics." Um, "prosthetic" is an adjective. The actual term for an artificial limb is "prosthesis."

A couple of years ago I tweeted this to Ashley who actually tweeted back thanking me for correcting her.

Just this week, she was being interviewed about Dolphin Tale 2 and she sort of struggled with the pronunciation but she said prosthesis. Hee!

Knowing her, she's probably going around correcting people when they say "prosthetic" - and pretending she knew it all along.

I think she's on the outs with half-sis Wynonna. I guess when a childless woman in her 40's goes to court and testifies that her sister is an unfit mother and gets custody of her 17 year old daughter, that kinda puts a strain on family ties.

Wynonna has never been anything but loving and generous to Ashley.

Wynonna put a tracking device on her daughter's car (well, Ashley's car that the daughter was driving) ... Ashley found it and called the police and fingered Wynonna for it. Then "someone" leaked the story to the press.

She didn't even tweet happy birthday when Wynonna turned 50 earlier this year.

And she's been living on a farm that Wynonna loaned her, for the past 20 years. Rent free.

Sad. Wynonna deserves a better sister.

violet said...

Just because someone didn't "tweet" a happy birthday- doesn't mean that the sentiment was not exchanged. I don't think every essence of communication must be streamed live to the public. I will get off my soapbox now.

Unknown said...

Except, when you regularly read a certain person's tweets, you know that she DOES tweet happy birthday to her significant others. So it's significant when she doesn't.

Hope you didn't slip on the dismount.

violet said...

You're right. Stalkers know better. You win Prunella!

Unknown said...

Thank you Violet, I'll take it. But sad that when you lost the argument you had to resort to the cheap shot. Not a worthy debate opponent, alas.

Unknown said...

As for what Ashley Judd did to herself, after her hubby left her, she threw herself into self-improvement. Yoga, running, Zoomba, backpacking. Lost a ton of weight, and she's in the best shape of her life probably. Also, any exercise that makes you sweat is great for your skin.

And I have to admit, she's got good skin for her age. Thanks to mommy, I think. Wynonna has good skin too.


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