Friday, October 31, 2014

Brittany Maynard Decides Not To Die Tomorrow

For the past several months, Stage IV cancer patient Brittany Maynard has been documenting her story of living with brain cancer and her plans to take her own life tomorrow. She and her family moved specifically so she could be in a state which allowed that right. She said that she wanted to die on her own terms and has been a lightning rod for discussion of the topic of assisted suicide. In a blog post this week Brittany says that since she is still feeling good and able to live life the way she wants to live that she will not be taking her own life tomorrow. I think that is a great idea and that she should live as long as she wants to live. The will to live and the fight for life can will you beyond what you or anyone else thinks you can do. No matter what your views are on the subject I think that setting a specific date was always going to be like this because you don't know how you are going to feel that day health wise. Brittany may live another year or another month and one of her reasons for setting a date was she didn't want to try and live every day like it was going to be her last on earth which she would feel obligated to do in her condition and she doesn't want to wait too long. She completed her bucket list and has a loving husband so just enjoy the time you have with your family and don't rush to end that. 


The Fox said...


Regan MacNeil said...

Think it was a gelding. It was grey. Oh it was so beautiful, the guy let me ride it all around

sandybrook said...

As long as she is functioning normally she shouldn't die. I'm not a big fan of people committing suicide and think its a gutless thing to do. However, it's her decision to not be helpless and a drain on people around her.

Tricia13 said... that you in your avi??

MeanieRhysie said...

Q. Why do demons and ghouls hang out together? A. Because demons are a ghouls best friend!


Tricia13 said...

Also, agree with your comments. this is a tragic tale that cannot be fully comprehended unless one has lived it. So I applaud her courage and continued inspiration to fight on...

Town Crier said...

Hear ye! Hear ye! The Queen hath spoken.

Regan MacNeil said...

It was so nice, oh I loved it. Oh mom can't we get a horse?

Town Crier said...

Hear ye! Hear ye! The Queen hath asked a question.

Beetlejuice said...

Tis a Halloween miracle, the face of Sandy has been revealed!!

Beetlejuice said...

I lived through the black plague...

sandybrook said...

Yes Beetlejuice since it's Halloween I thought I'd scare the $hit out of people!

MeanieRhysie said...

Q. What's a monster's favorite bean? A. A human bean.


The Fox said...


Tricia13 said...

You look like a proper Brooklyn boy:))

Regan MacNeil said...


Unknown said...

I think you took what she said and worded it way out of context Enty. In any case I think picking a date is a lot of pressure and I wish for her a miracle.

MeanieRhysie said...

Q. Why can't the boy ghost have babies? A. Because he has a Hallo-weenie.


Seven of Eleven said...

She completed her bucket list and has a loving husband so just enjoy the time you have with your family and don't rush to end that.

Your advice makes Dear Abby sound like Louis CK.

sandybrook said...

Thx Tricia

Regan MacNeil said...

When can I have one?

FearN said...

I think its her decision and I don't have an opinion on what she does, either way, cowardly or courageous. I support whatever she wants to do. Lord know what I would do in this situation, it's s case by case thing.

Seven of Eleven said...

LOL @Beetlejuice, I think you're qualified!

Beetlejuice said...

It worked.

Steven O said...

What about the group that has been fundraising off her death?

crila16 said...

I just read the book E2 and after doing all 9 of the experiments and they all worked, I am a true believe. Brittany can cure herself if she wants to.

Seven of Eleven said...

@crila, I don't mean to be rude but saying someone can cure themselves of stage IV brain cancer if they "want to" just because you read it in a book is presumptuous and cruel. What about the mothers who died of breast cancer? Did they not want to cure themselves and live to see their small children grow up and graduate and marry and have adorable grandchildren?

It's the same thing as telling someone who's depressed that if they just prayed harder and believed in Jesus more, they wouldn't be depressed. Illness doesn't always work like that. State of mind is important, but declaring a woman with a fatal disease can cure herself if she wants to is just... I don't even know.

Cowardly Lion said...

Death is such a horrible thing to talk about, can we talk about my favourite subject, me?
I'm very nice and perky, once you get to know me.

Beetlejuice said...

Oh crila, You cannot think away cancer, look at Steve Jobs.

FearN said...


audrey said...

@seven...well said, and I agree.

crila16 said...

@Seven Eleven...relax. You don't have to take my comment seriously. There are people who do believe what you do not believe it. So let them and stop judging.

crila16 said...

I also believe cancer cannot thrive in a alkaline system...and can only survive in acidic environment.

surfer said...

This is news to me, Crila.

My friend died from the exact same brain tumour that she has - he lived eight months from the time he was diagnosed. He also planned to end his life on his own terms, but it didn't work out that way.

Steroids, which are taken to control the swelling in the brain, affect the body horribly. There's massive weight gain, the inability to sleep, seizures and so on. Death from this type of tumour is just horrible.

Seven of Eleven said...

I'm perfectly relaxed, thank you very much, and I'm fine with people believing in things I don't believe. I don't believe in $cientology or that wearing crystals protects you from microwave rays or tin foil protects you from the government mind-reading wands. And you called me "judging" when you said a woman with fatal cancer can heal herself "if she wants to" - that right there is a judging statement. You're saying everyone who dies of cancer died because they didn't want to live. (Or because they didn't get your special book when it was on sale at Amazon.)

A little compassion for people nearing the end of their lives is far more useful than telling them to think themselves better.

crila16 said...

@ surfer. I'm so sorry about your loss. I lost my best friend to stage 4 breast cancer a year ago. It's a terrible thing. I wish cancer didn't exist. Since I've lost my friend, I just like researching and seeing different people's views. I'm open to anything. Medicine, Self Healing, Holistic. Hopefully one day it cancer won't exist.

crila16 said...

@Seven...relax. It's a blog site.

Seven of Eleven said...

I'm sorry, I came across as rude and snotty, and that's not cool, either. I'm sorry about the loss of your friend and I agree that hopefully one day cancer will go back to the hell from which it came.

(Also, it makes me irrationally crazy when young mothers die of breast cancer and douche canoes like Charlie Sheen live forever despite abusing themselves and other people. Grrrr....)

surfer said...

Amen to that, Crila.

FearN said...

Cancer survives in alkaline environments, sad to say. Link me some peer reviewed research and we can talk science.

You need both eastern and western concepts to fight disease.

crila16 said...

@Seven. No worries. I don't actually think that cancer at that stage can be cured by positive thinking, but I just read this cool book that made me think that there is definitely something to positive thinking. I read the last chapter today, so it's fresh on my mind. One thing discussed is the healing of disease. It's a cool concept, but I this stage in this poor woman's life, there's not much you can do.

Captain Howdy said...

I created the Black Plague

Captain Howdy said...

I am cancer.

MISCH said...

Who knows she might get lucky

Kels said...

I can't this morning lol

Sarah said...

All I can say is God bless her and her family.

Gayeld said...

And enjoyed every minute of it!

discoflux said...

I'm sure she's grateful for the Wisdom of Enty in this crucial time of her life.

Gayeld said...

@Seven. +10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

auntliddy said...

Domeone has to say it: FUCK CANCER!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I support what she is doing and wanting to die with dignity. At the risk of sounding very inappropriate - it's about finding the right time - not too early, but certainly not too late. Don't stick a flag in the sand and set a hard date - you'll know when the time has come. Live every day until then.

rolotomassi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tillie said...

So sorry about your parents and sibling. Good luck to you and I hope you don't have to deal with cancer again!

SugarTitz said...

@7.. Don't forget that you can pray away the GAY...just ask every Republican ever.. look at papa Joe.. he's not gay and he's a preacher!!!

Cowardly Lion said...

Oh, no, don't say that!! Uncle Sandra is a nice fella!

Cowardly Lion said...

What is a proper Brooklyn boy, dear?

Cowardly Lion said...

Hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha

Tina Mallette said...

We have a family friend with inoperable brain cancer and the family debated about doing the chemo/radiation thing because all it would do was buy time but not cure the cancer, but the specialist said he had less time than the other doctors had indicated so the family is doing the chemo/radiation to buy some time and the doctor said he had been able to shrink the tumour in some people that they have lived an extra year or two and even has one patient that is alive 13 years later and living a normal life. It's a crap shoot and it does come down to quality of life.

Sherry said...

I think everyone should have the right to say when they want to go and if they change their minds then good for them. As I have had little experience with cancer I won't even get in on that discussion. But the will to live is so very strong that some people hang on longer and heal when odds are totally against them.

Hugs to you Rolo...

RowdyRodimus said...

For one day only (and to copy Sandybrook) I will use the REAL me as my avatar.

Tina Mallette said...

I hear ya rolo have another friend whose spouse had non Hodgkins lymphoma and it goes in and out of remission and they insist on the Akaline water thing, I suppose if you got cancer it can't hurt to live as well as you can esp if you've been able to achieve remission but it's back again.

I read a very interesting book about one of the doctors that developed interferon because he had a ER patient that experienced what they call in the medical world spontaneous remission. As in unexplainable at the time.

His patient was a homeless man who was rife with Stage 4 cancer, they did wha they could, cleaned him up and he was discharged, he insisted on leaving.

A few months later the same man was back in the hospital cancer free. They ran the tests a few times because they couldn't believe it. That got him thinking about what is different about this man, why is he in complete remission with apparently no treatment. From there, he developed interferon with a few other doctors.

LuLu said...

That's a pretty broad brush you're using to paint "every republican ever".. I am a republican and could care less what two consenting adults choose to do with each other. I think the church is nothing more th a corrupt bussiness so I would never ask anyone to pray away anything. I also choose a woman's right to choose so I think you should re-evaluate what you think a Republican is

LuLu said...

That's a pretty broad brush you're using to paint "every republican ever".. I am a republican and could care less what two consenting adults choose to do with each other. I think the church is nothing more th a corrupt bussiness so I would never ask anyone to pray away anything. I also choose a woman's right to choose so I think you should re-evaluate what you think a Republican is

Unknown said...

Judgementsl. People in great pain which is distressing for them and their loved ones often opt to end their life peacefully on their terms.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Gee crila so you can cure all cancer? You need to save billions into cancer research and tell people to stop eating citrus fruit cos, you know, cancer is pretty serious and I'm betting the world would like to know.

Unknown said...

I had a family friend who died at 18. He was pretty positive despite his entire body being ravaged

Unknown said...

A-freaking-men rolotomassi. Thoughtless, stupid and insensitive. I'm so sorry for your losses. Xx

MadLyb said...

I didn't think she'd opt to check out so soon, but at least she has that choice. I'm really glad to be living in one of the states that allows assisted suicide.

Anyone who has seen a close family member suffer terribly from cancer or has lost a couple family members to suicide could probably do without some of the ridiculous comments here, especially in regards to cancer. My mom lead an extremely healthy lifestyle, and didn't eat much meat or dairy, so she was "PH balanced".

One of the many signs that our country is a burgeoning Idiocracy is how proud people are of their bigotry and ignorance and their unrepentant willingness to spread utter bullshit at every opportunity.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pusssykatt said...

I don't understand what this fund was established for. Was it so that she could fulfill her bucket list? I'm just asking.

rolotomassi said...

I deleted my post cuz I didn't mean to say so much..never have b4 regarding stuff like this.A coupla comments just really hit a chord & I reacted quickly.I know those comments were made with the best of intentions & w/a good Heart!!

In short,I do not think the solution to this & other illnesses is quite as simple as some have suggested...Sadly,there's still much work that needs to be done for a "CURE".

Kat has left the building said...

I'm with you Pussy. I don't know who she is and why she's made this public. Is it so millions of strangers would beg her not to jump? Now she had a fund?

RowdyRodimus said...

@Seven You don't need to apologize, everyone realizes how awesome you are and that you give a damn unlike many people. Just one of the reason's we love ya.

@Madlyb But Brawndo has Electrolytes. It's what plants want because water comes from the toilet and you never see plants grow in the toilet.


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