Friday, October 09, 2015

Blind Item #4

In exchange for an interview when his return to the franchise movie is released, this A+ list worldwide website has been posting story after story about how great this A+ list mostly movie actor is and totally ignoring any of the things that got him in hot water over the past month.


Sadie said...

Agree. Damon. But what's the website? EW?

Damon really, really needs to learn to keep his mouth shut. It seems obvious he's not the great intellect Hollywood tried to portray him as. He may have got into Harvard, but he never graduated lest we forget. Both he and Affleck are college dropouts.

DoctorMaybe said...

I get a vibe off Damon like he was one of those guys who was smarter than his peers all through high school and most of college and basically assumes that carries through into adult life. You know, the kind of kid who could glance at the reading and still do better than most in the discussion - the kind of kid who assumes, therefore, that he doesn't need to try very hard or read very much to know all he needs to know about something. Alas.

"Most of a bachelor's degree in English" doesn't qualify you to comment on much, dear Matt, and while you may be a great actor and know a lot about the movie business, you are, at best, a dilettante when it comes to anything else.

SarahLA said...

That is dead on. I get that he is glib as well.I still admire his talent a ton though.

H2O said...

There is nothing easier than to say something stupid. Most of us do it several times daily. We are lucky that we don't have more than a few people listening. I really think that Matt is smart but doesn't express himself very well. The words come out before they are properly organized by his mind. We all know he is not guilty of the things he has been accused of. He has a great record with diversity and gays to fall back on but what's not to love about running him over the coals.

OKay said...

I tend to agree with this as well. I really don't get a snob vibe from Matt Damon, but I do get a smart vibe.

HRH2 said...

I get a 'genius in his own mind' vibe. His best (and most accurately portrayed) role was in Team America.

Gookie said...

Am I the only one that agrees with him? I think that most of society has a difficult time separating an actor's personal life from big screen role. I think that knowing who the actor is impairs the judgement of the audience.


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