Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 4, 2014

This A list reality star from an A list reality show who and which I dislike immensely was out the other night when a waiter at a club showed our reality star photos of her step-father making out with another guy. They were taken by the waiter and he has not decided what to do with them.

Kim Kardashian/Bruce Jenner (this was seven months prior to the debut of Caitlyn Jenner)


Kno Won Uno said...

Still holding the pics?

June Gordon said...

I have wondered if the "transition" is just a way for stupid, right-wing, homophobic Bruce to avoid being called "gay"

Zilla1 said...

Well, he missed the boat. Caitlyn has transitioned and has already been speaking publicly about dating men. So not really a big deal at this point.

I'm also wondering if they are interpreting a smooch on the lips or a hug as "making out."

BellaJ said...

Right? It makes sense

Kno Won Uno said...

I've long wondered how genuine his transition is. But whatev.

saras said...

Ding ding ding you win the internet's as usual June!

Zilla1 said...

How does it makes sense? Because it would go over so much better in the conservative community for Bruce to come out as a someone who prefers wearing women's clothes and who is "going against God's plan" by changing genders and taking up life as a woman?

Malibuborebee said...

I wonder how much Bruce had to pay the waiter to keep those photos out of the tabloids?

BellaJ said...

I'm very open-minded. Not even remotely conservative. I think what June wrote makes sense, that Bruce doesn't want to be called gay. I don't believe in "God's plan" or religious B.S. My religion is love and that love extends to everyone. I have a very close friend who transitioned from male to
female and she is living authentically. Maybe Bruce or Caitlyn is too. I hope so but its hard to believe anything that family does is authentic.

Eire said...

Nailed it! That was my first thought, too. When Kim saw the photos she called dad who made a beeline over to the restaurant, pinned the waiter against a wall and either said, "Hand those over or you're on the next plane back to your country!" or, "Do you take checks?"

Kate said...

Why do right-wingers view trans more favorably than gay? I don't think so. I think Bruce wanted to be Caitlyn. I'm just can't understand why not spell it with a k: Kaitlin

Kate said...

Maybe Caitlyn is a fiscal conservative / social liberal? google ash beckham's Ted talk on duality. She (ash) is incredible.

Kate said...

^made me chuckle!

texasrose said...

Which is probably why he whipped them out in front of KK in the first place. "Gee I came across these pictures of her stepdad. I wonder what I should do with them?"

texasrose said...

'your' stepdad

Pieret said...

Kate - I don't think Caitlyn Jenner is a liberal at all. She would love to deny others that rights that she enjoys.

inga said...

money, money, money blah-blalalalala...
money, fame and money ha-ha-ha-ha-hahaha...
gay, strait, transgender, man, woman, republican, democrat, bruce, caitlyn, kaitlin, jenner, kardas'an, whatever...

Kate said...

So why is Bruce Jenner now pretending to be inexperienced with dating or being intimate with other men? Just as a storyline for his vacuous reality show? Lying famewhore lies again?

OKay said...

Bruce isn't gay. But Caitlyn is.

Shalene said...

They don't


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