Monday, August 08, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 18, 2016

The dog of this A+ lister has destroyed a hotel suite where the actress is staying. It has covered almost every inch of the carpeting with crap. It pees everywhere and has chewed at the wooden base of almost every piece of furniture. Our actress doesn’t seem to care though and just said she would pay for the damage when she checks out.

Jennifer Lawrence


Seriously? said...

That's disgusting and disrespectful.

Kno Won Uno said...

I wonder if the dog also craps in the bed.

glue said...

She's pulling the same shit that moron- jonah hill - pulled when he trashed Brad Pitt's house in NOLA. "What's the big deal? I'll pay for it." Brad tried to explain, it's not the's the fact that you destroyed my personal belongings w/o any disregard for me or my property. The only thing JL has in her corner is that it is a hotel and there aren't any "personal" belongings that are sentimental in the hotel room, so yes, items can be fixed and replaced, but's the attitude that irks me.

Though, what REALLY sends me over the edge is that the dog probably never gets to go outside. Dogs need to be outside, fresh air, grass, run around...basically so they can be a dog. These people who keep them confined in apartments or hotel rooms should NEVER be allowed to have pets. Also, pets who destroy furniture are suffering from anxiety and loneliness. Dogs are pack animals, they should NOT be alone for long periods of time and should be outside exercising for AT LEAST an hour every day.

disclaimer: sorry for my irked state of mind today. some of my posts have a little venom in them and for those who get offended easily: my apologies.

sandybrook said...

Of course Entern left out of few of the details only he has figured out. She fails to take care of the dawg because she is too busy all day drinking and consuming drugs. (I'm still waiting for 2 years for her disappearance from public life for her rehab, never happened).

French girl said...

sandybrook said...

She probably chain smokes like a steam engine, too :(

Meg said...

Could not agree more with everything you just said!

fbag said...

People treat you (and your stuff) as disrespectfully as you allow them to. If the hotel doesn't ban her for this behavior then they are essentially asking for her and her dog to crap all over them the next time she stays there. OH WELL.

Soy said...

This is a recycled blind. It was revealed before as Mischa Barton.

Salaam said...

There comes a time when you go from being a loveable f*** up to just a plain old f*** up. Something for her to keep in mind.

Zilla1 said...

They should also charge her for the time they lose on renting that room out because it has to be repaired and cleaned up. I have never liked her.

Marianne said...

You are 100% spot on with everything you said there. I often wonder why some pet friendly hotels have become not pet friendly. That's it lock stock and barrel. I can't stand when a holes like her think its all ok to pay the bill but like you so well stated this dogs need an outlet to become the dogs they are. No matter how tired I'm at the end of the day I make sure my girls get out for their walk twice. They need stimulation of sniffing and exploring. They need that stimulation. It's so sad for the dogs of celebrities or anyone else who keeps their dogs inside 24-7!!

Zilla1 said...

Her people denied it. They are paid to protect her image.

david said...

+1 Very disrespectful even if it is "hotel furniture."

...and, it is alright to come 'un-glued!' every once in a while.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

b626 said...

Hire a dog walker with all that $$$ for Gawdsake

Guesser said...

She was never A+. Most people guesses Jennifer because it was known she had her dog at the hotel.

Seth Rogan's Jew 'Fro said...

Are you saying that Jonah Hill peed all over Brad Pitt's carpets, crapped everywhere, and chewed the furniture? If so, he might want to get off that low carb diet. O.O

magnolia belle said...

The dogs peeing and shitting on carpets in ridiculously expensive hotels was honed to perfection 50 years ago by Liz and Dick. This has been going on for eons! At least, at some point, Liz and Dick bought a yacht and moored it on the Thames where the dogs could piddle to their hearts content! God I miss those two!!!!

Saras said...

I remember reading that in that most recent book about them. To me it is so disgusting that it is common for celebs to have too many animals without care. Osbornes ect. The smell would drive me crazy and the destruction of expensive furnishings/ antiques is unnecessary. Put them in a crate training instead and hire a handler!

HH314 said...

Send the doggy to day-care, it's inhuman to leave it alone all day long

Abaddon said...

Kind of off topic but I hate carpeting. Wood floors or tile is the way I go. Much easier when one has kids and/or pets. Not to mention allergens and cleanliness. Can anyone explain the American fascination with carpeting?
And, yeah, she should be charged for all expenses and banned from that hotel. How could one live in a room like that? I have problems sleeping if my kitchen isn't clean and house tidy (I have pets and 3 kids under 7).

Rudiruled said...

Sounds like the dog really doesn't wanna be there. I'd imagine a hotel room is a very scary place for dogs, and is stressing this poor pup out. She should just let him stay at home with a dog sitter.

Studio54 said...

Now I don't know whose dog I feel sorrier for, Jennifer Lawrence's or Casey Anthony's new victim, I mean dog....

Carol carter said...

I used to like her
When she was with Nicholas Hoult she was ok
Since she started hanging out with Amy schumer she's just pure trash
Also think of the stink coming out of her hotel room and the vermin bugs it's attracting
I'm sure other hotel guests would love to know

Cam said...

Well said! +100

SnarkIsFun said...

Whoever's dog it is, I feel sorry for the animal.

MotherPlease said...

I can only imagine what her house looks like and smells like...Ew!

Ailor said...

That's Nassttyy. Nasty bitch. I hate dog owners like her.

SgH said...

Agreed. This dog deserves SO much better than this kind of life. No domesticated animal should be treated this way, and dogs are especially eager to please and give love so her treatment towards this dog is deplorable.

Rocky said...

So wealthy that she couldn't tip an extra $50 for someone in the hotel to take the dog out for a walk and crap?


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