Thursday, September 08, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

August 2, 2016

Continuing a tradition, this A list reality star who also sells makeup had to pay for the birthday party her boyfriend threw her.

Kylie Jenner/Tyga


Zilla1 said...

All that money and she can't buy an ounce of self respect. I wonder if Kris sees that Tyga makes the tabloid news regularly and figures that any publicity, even stupid, embarrassing publicity, is good. Probably. Look who her son-ion-law is.

sandybrook said...

Nobody else is available in her family to buy her an 18th b'day party except her?

Lapsed Lurker said...

I'm sure they did throw her a party but she wanted more than one. I think she spent about a month celebrating her birthday

Malibuborebee said...

Awful people. There isn't a genuine romantic relationship in that entire family. Not one.

Grandma said...

Look who is calling people AWFUL. The person that lies about dead babies. YOU are worse than any Kardashian!

glue said...

What did I miss?! O_o

El Prez said...

mud sharks
This is a female that wants to crush her father's hopes and dreams, so she exclusively dates black men and makes a lot of noise when accomodating the licorice stick. This type of chick either winds up dead, or with five oreo cookies and welfare money, which the fathers will spend on additional booze, whores, and drugs. It is a vicious cycle.

Crushed her father so bad he became a she

Grandma said...

Read yesterdays Your Turn.

Whatever said...

I actually feel sorry for her and Kendall. They were/ are too young to be exposed to this shit. The rest of the family can frankly go to hell.

Robert said...

You're an asshole

HG Tells said...

Nothing gets me horny like paying my boyfriend's bills

Suzanne said...

Well, in all fairness, what else is she going to do with the money? She is functionally illiterate. She believes (rightfully so, unfortunately) that plastic surgery and whoredom are the keys to financial success. It's not like she could have a meaningful job. This is her job. Follow big sis, make mom tons of cash, and buy the boy she wants. She can pay for what she wants, and she does. At least she isn't knocked up... yet.

Whywhywhy??? said...

Poor Kylie.... I believe the tale Linda Jenner is putting forth in her book. Kris knew Bruce was taking hormones and this ended his marriage to Linda. Having children in that circumstance was just insane. Dad is conflicted about transitioning and has no time to be a role model and mom is a sociopathic social climber. No wonder she hasn't found her way and never will. I'm sure mama Kris has a sex tape of her and Tyga on stand by for a ratings hit.


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