Sunday, September 11, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #8

August 15, 2016

This A- list mostly movie actress married to an A+ lister brags to her friends and people she is trying to impress about the nannies she stole from this A+ list couple with a handful of children. So, why does she try and spin a story to the tabloids about how she doesn’t have any??

Blake Lively/Ryan Reynolds/Angelina Jolie/Brad Pitt


sandybrook said...

Because part of the perfect image she puts out there has to include her being the perfect mommy. And hiring nannies means you aren't a perfect mommy.

Penelope2 said...

She has a history of grabbing for sloppy seconds, in everything.

Georgia said...

Amen to that!
Apparently, All I see is you is getting bad reviews at TIFF. According to some articles, moviegoers left the cinemas well before the end of the movie.


OFF THE SUBJECT: We lost two trannie stars this week: Lady Chablis and Alexis Arquette! Both probably from the same illness. People are still dying from AIDS.

oh really said...

Having a nanny or a babysitter means you have a job, not that you aren't an attentive parent. It's also entirely to stay home with your kids and neglect them.

Malibuborebee said...

I heard about the Lady Chablis, it's so sad. I hadn't heard about Alexis Arquette. I didn't know she was poz. RIP.

Yes, people are still dying from AIDS and have been for all these years.

Thanks for letting everyone know, @Betty.

Zilla1 said...

Yeah, just read about Alexis Arquette. I was quite surprised. RIP.

Zilla1 said...

x 10,000.

Oh my God, Mommy has to work, what a terrible Mommy she is. *eyeroll*

Tricia13 said...

Really sad to hear about Alexis( commentated on the Lady Chablis post) and she was a trailblazer sans doubt. But so was Alexis in different ways....coming from "an acting family" as enty says and being so forthright and owning who she was-without giving a s****, that was authentic and quite awesome. I also happened to get a distinct pleasure/ giggle from when she talked about Jared Leto . Best part of the Wedding a Singer, hands down.

Nygal said...

Just at 911 ceremony
Hilary left before the bell tolled for 2nd plane
Her handlers carri d her out she lost a shoe head jerking all over
Media cover up
She has MS for sure all the signs
The black dr that openly carries that injection was sitting next to her
My friend said I wonder if he is going to stick her with the injection to make her walk
Totally weekend at bernies
We were all stunned

AllieC said...

People have commented it could've been a seizure. Something def isn't right with Hilary!

sapphire said...

I didn't think they release Alexis' cause of death. Where did you read that? TIA

sapphire said...


Kno Won Uno said...

Maybe because she's a marginally talented, slightly attractive, boring af nobody.
She's basically low fat mayo with legs...uh..'pins'. She 'flaunts her pins'....

OB said...

Wow! Thanks for the extra detail @nygal. The media is not giving us that much detail, of course. To them here health is a non-issue

sandybrook said...

I wonder why when reading headlines about Alexis, they mention David and Patricia only and not Rosanna? Multiple sites did this.

Dina Lohan said...

She is the typical Valley Girl. Lots of work done, likes to shop. Vapid, skating by on her looks. She couldn't act her way out of a paper bag.

back again said...

stop it....she does not have " MS for sure all the signs" ..smh!

back again said...

RIP Alexis
but...wait...wha??.... Lady Chablis died? oh, I did not know that....RIP Lady Chablis too.

back again said...

hmmm, I saw Rosanna included in all the news sites I read(mostly nyc ones) they were all there with him at the end w/David Bowie's Starman playing

Dee Dee Dunn said...

Her cadre has more excuses than Plains, Georgia has peanuts! Now they're saying she was diagnosed with pneumonia Friday and is being treated for it. Someone her age with the Big P gets bed rest not showing up for memorials in the heat. In my circles, when you die of pneumonia it means you had AIDS. This died of a long illness BS means AIDS, dear. The raging gays in Hollywood are sooo proud to be out and gay, but when they die of AIDS they don't release the illness or tippy toe around it. I think we know how two of them died this week. If you're going to be out and proud, have the damn balls to own up to having contracted HIV and died of AIDS!

Dee Dee Dunn said...

You don't have to READ it anywhere, Sapphire, just do the math!

sandybrook said...

As I continue to surf, it's about half and half. If she's not in the headline, she's mentioned in the story.

sandybrook said...

They are saying she has pneumonia. Idk if they lied or not.

Lazy Daze said...

generally people die of an "AIDS related illness," not AIDS. That is usually listed as the cause of death. Unless you have seen a specific autopsy report......

Laninna said...

Maybe there's a cover up, maybe there isn't. But because someone faints or passes out does not mean s/he has MS. Please use some common sense! I saw some say that because she had a Foley catheter showing in her pants leg (allegedly) it was proof she has Parkinson disease. Please! A Foley catheter is used only for Parkinson?

Zilla1 said...

x10,000. So dumb. She DOES have pneumonia, though.

sapphire said...

What math are you talking about? If you think you know something, spit it out.

sapphire said...

Something Dina would likely try to say.

Oh no said...

Hillary's hands are frozen behind her back
Same thing would happen to my grandmother right before she passed away from ms

S.D.AUNTIE said...

Hey sunshine. AIDS is no longer a death sentence and the medications available today are top notch. You are obviously misinformed and really paranoid. You should see a doctor.


One of the on-line gossip sites mentioned he/she was tired of fighting his/her illness and wanted to end her struggle. Yes, there are medications to prolong your life with HIV, but the side effects are so debilitating that, after a while, like him/her, you just want it to end.


I was surprised a few years ago to read that the Arquette family is Jewish. Does anyone know what the religion believes about transgender-ing? Curious. I know you're not supposed to get tattooed if you're Jewish. What about sex change operations?

Sd auntie said...

Do you know which site? I was thinking she died of cancer. The Pegasus drug for hiv is the wonder drug that I know of. nothing but positive reviews.

Sd auntie said...

Dee dummy was referring to Hilaary not Alexis.

back again said...

yeah, I noticed that after you said it...wierd.


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