Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Blind Item #4

Things were going well for this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress and her athlete husband. Then, she had to go on a press tour for a new movie and now her husband is back to his old ways which involves hooking up with women from the past and present.


GoTrollUrSelf said...

Gabrielle Union?

david said...

The best I can come up with is: Ashley Judd and her IndiCar-driving husband Dario Franchitti.

Now, I view car racing like i do golf: It's more of a game then a sport.

Alistdiva said...

Pretty sure Ashley and her hubby got separated years ago.

Alistdiva said...

Ashley and her husband got divorced in 2013 according to her IMDB.

TiggyTea said...

+1 on Union. Now that her hubby is back in Chicago, he's prolly calling up all the ass he got in his college years. And new ass from being a Bull.

RenShaw said...

They divorced a while back.

RenShaw said...

+1. He is now back in his hometown Chicago and most likely old gf are still there and Gabby has to promote her new film. I think that marriage is on the clock.

OKay said...

I will never understand why people bother to get married if they just want to screw around.

Suz said...

I agree with you! Why get married at all?


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