Sunday, February 05, 2017

Blind Item #4

Tabloids have decided to go the serious kneepad route while describing the relationship of this married couple. A terrible actress with a lucrative side job and her husband are having big issues but the tabloids just whistle and look the other way.


Curiouser said...

Really? Do tell! If the tabloids know, why don't they bust it open?

Buffalo Butt said...

I realized long ago I missed the chance to be a top-rate publicist. Now THAT'S where the money is. You get paid thousands a month by mediocre, drug-taking, shit-talking 'stars' to cover their shortcomings in chocolate. Saw Johnny Depp's ex-publicist's photo yesterday and could not believe how totally unattractive she is. Who would want to sign with that?! God, I hate Hollywood!


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