Thursday, February 09, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Mr. X

January 10, 2017

Golden Globes

This seemingly always happy couple consisting of a B+ list mostly television actor and an A- dual threat actress who made a really bad decision this past fall were arguing up to the last second possible before trying and failing to put on smiles for the red carpet.

Dax Shepard/Kristen Bell


ShanIntrepid said...

What was her bad decision?

Wade said...

That Good Life show with Danson that bombed.

SarahS said...

I've forced myself to watch every episode of The Good Place solely because she is in it. It's not very good. I'm surprised it was renewed for a second season.

I have a question said...

Who is Count Jerkula?

glue said...

Why is this a blind? Married couples happens....even before a big event - it's not unheard of and definitely not worth a blind item. Enty is getting lame is his old age. Must have bacon brain or something.

david said...

@glue, I thought the same thing. So funny!

There have been times my wife would give me "that look" and be very, very critical of me/my actions.

For example: a week or so ago, we were at a restaurant and the waiter placed some bread on the table. I took a piece to eat and she (loudly) let me have it -- within ear shot of everyone around us!
When she was done, I simply said, "I Love You, Too!"

(What set her off? I took the piece of bread before the bread plate was on the table.)
Oh, well. i still love her.

sandybrook said...

If the show was renewed it's not a bad decision on her part and Rotten Tomatoes gives the show 90%.

DUH said...

I can't stand these two. When she was on Ellen telling that stupid sloth story sealed it for me.

KellyAnne C., The Girl From P.U.T.I.N. said...

The big reveal is that the guy in charge lies about everything? Sad.

longtimereader said...

A popular poster on this site for years.

Kaja said...

Sounds like a marriage to me. You fight. If you never fight, that's when the marriage could be in trouble

Hothotheat said...

@longtimereader. Popular? Really?

Hothotheat said...

I always get Dax mixed up with the guy from Scrubs.

Mary said...

It was probably his CHIPS movie because she's in it in a bit part as well. His movies aren't really that good. He's kind of a jerk, it seems. She's cute and quirky. Lovely singer. Always thought she could do so much better. I don't know why she goes along with some of his stuff.

glue said...

I can see that. ^^

glue said...

ROFL. When a wife gives the husband "that look," she means business. /grin

shakey said...

Maybe their washing machine blew up.

CheeseFries said...

Her new show is painful, shocked it got renewed. Also agree with you @DUH.

Duh said...

The show was extremely well-received by critics and the audience straight through to the finale. If you don't like something it doesn't mean it's unpopular or a bad decision...

OKay said...

It didn't bomb.

OKay said...

Oh yeah. Everybody loves Count, although admittedly he is not for those with delicate tastes.

Hot Cola said...

Married couple arguing. Shocking

Barry Obama the Idiot from Kenya said...

I don't know who these people are... Fortunately, I'm a narcissist and therefore only care about myself.

Wendy said...

It's called The Good Place It didn't bomb, it got picked up for a second season.

Wendy said...

Comments on the original blind say the bad decision was partying with known Trump supporters in Glamis?

And I'm surprised others didn't find the show funny, I think it's actually pretty witty. It got renewed because the critics loved it, so I wouldn't really call it a bad decision on her part...she got one seasons paycheck and another season on the way.

Erin said...

I think it has to do with his sobriety. He's very pious, clean-living (and honestly, preachy and insufferable) and straight-edged. I think that's what she wants more than anything and to raise her children a certain way and guys like that in Hollywood are few and far-between

Meg00m said...

I really enjoy the good place. Its very funny.


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