Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Your Turn

How often do you go to the movies? What kind of ticket price are you paying?


Jayne Townsley said...

I go see every Star Wars movie and Marvel movies that have the big casts like Avengers and Civil War.

I also made exceptions for the Tolkien and Lewis and Rowling franchises.

Other than that, I pretty much wait for Netflix to have it.

Jayne Townsley said...

And we pay around $10 a ticket, I think.

Seachica said...

Maybe twice a year. I don’t like superhero movies, and don’t like supernatural themes. I feel like Hollywood has left me behind. I just saw Baby Driver on an airplane, and that was very good. But overall, I’d rather watch tv where quality shows are being made.

Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...

I was thinking of going vegan, but Don Lemmon said it would be a miss-steak

Seachica said...

And movie theatres here are about $15/ticket. A rip-off.

sandybrook said...

Never and therefore nothing. I wait for On Demand and pay cable.

Count Jerkula said...

Every couple of months. Only go see movies w/ my kid, so usually cartoons in 3d, $15-20/ticket.

Love that you can pick your seats online and the theater seats are also eletric reclining loveseats. Can also preorder drinks/snacks and have them delivered to your seat. The imax theater near me doesnt iffer such amenities, so i dont go.

MontanaMarriott said...

I only go see the big budget special effects flicks (JL, SW, Thor, etc)in the IMAX 3D here in NYC and that goes for $26. I did try the new 4D option which is fun and that's like $30.

Every thing else I watch at home via screeners.

Honey Bunny said...

I go at least once a month
Mainly for Marvel. Always go to the early showing. Only 4.50.

txredhd said...

I love going to the movies. Usually go 2-3 times a month depending. I think around $9.25, I won't do 3-D or special "Imax" because it's a waste of money. I usually go to the Alamo Drafthouse because, hello pick your own seats, ahead of time and the crowd is more of a movie going crowd and not the general public that act like they are in their living room.

Tyler said...

I rarely bother anymore since the advent big screen TVs. Watch the movie without losing all the conveniences of home, not the least of which is being able to pause it when nature calls.

John Doe said...

I don't go anymore. today's movies are just garbage. My last time was years ago, and it was with tickets from a gift of never expiring Regal Cinema coupons that I received years ago. Even for free, I'm just not motivated to go to the movies anymore. Superhero garbage, remakes, prequels, sequels. Hardly an original idea at all anymore. It all died in the 1990s.

Last time I was there, I saw coke for $4.50 and a small popcorn for $8.00. Constant chattering and people on their cellphones. Ridiculous!

I have an 80 inch TV in my living room with kick ass surround sound. I stay home and watch my favorite old movies and tv shows on that instead. Sometimes Nextflix, too.

ryan1814lamb said...

Once or twice a year. There are very few movies these days I’d go out of my way to see! I think the last time it was about £9

DavidHowesCREBroker said...

Rarely go to the theater.

I would rather wait to see a flick on Netflix then go.

But, I have gone and I think $10 is the most I will pay.

(I don't understand parents who bring toddlers to action films and let the child dry throughout it. Most new cinemas now have a quiet room they need to realize they can use.)

Useful Vidiots said...

Never. None.

Florin said...

We average once a month, and it's around $16/ticket.

Elle Kaye said...

Used to go twice a week before kids, then twice a month after, then they started playing commercials, then actors/actresses became lecturers on the side and now that it feels like I’m funding pedophilia and other perversion, probably never again.

Violet said...

£5 a ticket. A quick Google tells me that's $6.59 at today's conversion. Next trip will be to take child to see Wonder (allegedly the best book child has ever read in her life so we hope Julia Roberts lives up to her expectations).

Dena said...

I go to all the Oscar nominated films and some where there is a best actor/actress nom, plus the big ones my kids want to see and a few others here and there...I love the theatre experience and live for movie theatre popcorn. That said, I usually try for a matinee and that's around $10, and last time I took my kids it set me back $60 just for tickets and concessions. Not a cheap date.

AndrewBW said...

I haven't been to a movie theater in years. It's really too bad because I enjoy going to the movies. But the experience is just a pain in the ass anymore, and most of the movies aren't worth the price they charge. Especially when you can get the DVD out of the library for free. On the other hand I just recently paid $50 to go to a great performance of "A Midsummer Night's Dream." And it was worth it.

Dog Mom said...

The last movie in a theater I watched was maybe 2ish years ago. It was a matinée which cost something like 15/ticket for 2 adults, so 30 bucks for a movie at 1pm. Add in snacks and it costs around 60 bucks for 2 adults to watch 1 movie in the middle of the day. 15 year old theater, stinky and sticky. Totally NOT worth it. Now we have netflix, amazon and watch on demand movies. Much better experience.

Lurky McLurkster said...

Maybe a couple a year for the likes of a Marvel, Star Wars or Tolkien movie and almost always at a IMAX 3D. I think it is somewhere around $25

Misty said...

I don’t go to the movies. Can’t afford it.

aanjheni said...

Now, after all this rape/harassment/death/murder/pedo stuff?

ZERO times and ZERO dollars.

Alexandria said...

HA! Only the movies that are worth watching ayy lmao. Last movie I went to see in the theather was Blade Runner 2049, because it's so spectacular, it has to be seen on the huge screen, and in the IMAX, and LOUD AS HELL.
I live in France, it's like 8.90€.

AngryLiberalKTS. said...

I haven't been in years, not a big movie guy, I'd rather read the book. I don't like movies or stars but hate Pedophile's and just asshole people more. Only reason I'm here, Hollywood needs an flaming enema. I wanna watch.

Kimberley said...

I haven't been for years. The last movie I saw at the cinema was 'The Golden Compass' starring Nicole Kidman - and I was on a date. I was looking forward to seeing it as some of the movie is set in Oxford where I used to live (I'm British.) It wasn't a great experience; over-loud, boring, chattering people, very expensive.

Bleu said...

About once a month -- but only because I often choose a movie gift card when redeeming credit card points. But FFS, even the matinee non-3D showings are $13-$15.

James said...

last film I saw was fury since the ticket was free last paid film I saw was snatch I don't feel like lining the pockets of weirdos

Unknown said...

+1 Roxy, that describes my trips to the movies to a 't'. When Alan Rickman was alive, I tried to make it to each one of his movies as well. We try to make sure we get in before the prices change in the evening and pay $5.50.

Unknown said...

Why pay the outrageous prices and deal with the rude patrons when I can buy the DVD for almost the same price as a ticket? Streaming movies is the future and theaters will go bye bye...adjust your stock holdings accordingly..or do you cats not realize what’s going on?

mooshki said...

Once or twice a month. I used to go weekly, but for the last year or so most of the movies released have sucked. $15 a ticket.

Rinky said...

Maybe 2-4 times a year, depending on what's on offer. This year I've seen Dunkirk and Blade Runner 2049 at the cinema. Both required a viewing on the big screen for me. I go on cheap ticket day here in the UK, which costs £4.50 at the moment. Normal tickers in my area are around £8 now. Much of what ends up at the multiplexes is simply not of any real interest to me. Sick to death of the kidult comic book fare that's being churned out for the past few years - all loud noises, bright cartoon colours and zero ideas, characterization or dialogue worth a shit. I used to read comics too, so it's not a case of disliking the original concept.

I find way more of interest to me on Netflix. That's well worth the 7.99 I pay a month. Good writing and acting, plenty of series aimed squarely at adults and not people who may be 40 but whose taste is eternally that of an 12 year old. Even the comic book adaptations there are vastly superior to the Marvel and DC crap on offer on the big screen.

Shotinthedark said...
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Shotinthedark said...

About once, maybe twice a year and what we pay depends on where we go. The normal, big commercial cinemas will charge:
- £5.50 / $7.24 if I buy the ticket in person for an off peak move
- £6.25 / $8.23 for online but off peak movie time
- £9.25 / $12.18 for in person ant a peak time and;
- £10.00 / $13.17 for online during a peak time.

If I go to an 'adult' cinema with huge comfortable seats, tables and table service that includes wine, then we're talking over £15 / $20.

@Violet where do you go that you can go to the cinema for £5? I'm nowhere near London, but it's been a long time since the cinema has been that cheap in this neck of the woods.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Good God where the FUCK do you live that non-3D screenings cost that much?

And I had no idea matinée shows had different prices overseas. Where I live, they're a flat rate. I go to mâtinée weekday shows because it's less people and I don't like crowds. 👩🏻📽🚕🍂

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Please don't say New York.

Holly Golightly loves New York. 🗽

luckythewondercat said...

I don't go. The last movie I saw in a theater was "The King's Speech."

Shotinthedark said...

@Scandi Sanskrit - I'm in the middle of the UK, close to the second city, so definitely not New York : )

I just checked another site in case I had an expensive cinema and the flat 'adult' rate for a different cinema is £10.50 or $13.91.

Then I thought, perhaps it's because I'm looking at cinemas in a major city? So I checked with a cinema about 30 minutes in the other direction. For 1 ticket booked over the internet (bearing in mind booking this way costs them less), it's £11.79 / £15.62, plus a £1.50 / $1.99 booking fee. Unbelievable.


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