Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Blind Item #2

Acting wise she is probably B+ list-ish. It is hard though because she has A+ list name recognition which she wouldn't have if not for that marriage. Anyway, she is filming a new project and things are not going well with her acting. Scenes are being rewritten just to give her less time on screen.


  1. Replies
    1. A blight on everything in which she appears.

    2. True... trying to think of something I saw her in and liked.....

      Still 🤔thinking lol.
      Though to be fair I never watched Ray Donovan?

    3. She sucked in Ray. Just horrible.

    4. I thought Batman Begins was good. I also enjoyed Thank you for Smoking. I don’t think that she was particularly good in either movie, though.

  2. She was good in The Gift, but she was mostly dead in it. Such a great movie, too.

    1. Anonymous7:01 AM

      @cheesegrater mostly dead or all dead?

    2. @one_eyed_bob - Mostly dead is slightly alive.

    3. Whoo-hoo-hoo, look who knows so much. (Please get that)

    4. Have fun storming the castle!

    5. Anonymous9:49 AM

      It will take a miracle

  3. Katie’s new project is an FBI drama/pilot filming in Chicago apparently....

  4. All dead with tits. I'm a straight girl, but damn she had nice boobs.

  5. I liked her in Logan Lucky.

  6. They were great boobs. I doubt they still are though because she likes to run long distance without a sports bra.

  7. +1 Tricia, that description is almost always Katie Holmes.

  8. Coming out of Lurkerville to say KH was in The Wonder Boys. Pretty sure that film was nominated for the Oscars that went to American Beauty.

  9. I have friends who went to the school she did in Toledo, the teachers there must have a gag order on them bc they refuse to talk about her. Word is she was "difficult"

    1. Eh, @Maude, all of my teachers and most of my professors would tell anyone I’m “difficult.” Difficult doesn’t have much to do with talent, but it looks like this blind does.

  10. I remember watching a Conan interview with her in her Dawson’s creek days and she said she got a lot of demerits at school. Which is funny because she was always presented as this Goody Goody girl. So much so that people actually believed the BS that she was a virgin when she first got with Tom. And we all know she slept with Joshua Jackson and Chris Klein. People believe anything they read

  11. I liked Katie in Disturbing Behavior, but that might just be a halo effect from liking the movie in general. Also, I was a teenage boy when I saw it first, and she was really hot.

  12. You know what I watched Touched with fire recently it was previously called mania days and she was really great in it, she does quite a comedic turn in Dear Dictater. I still think she’s a better actress than Blake Lively

  13. Jennifer Garner

  14. i liked katie in dawson's creek lol
    Haven't really seen anything else with her in it

  15. KH was great in Pieces of April.

  16. I found her enchanting in that bad weather movie (from at least more than halfway to back in the day). It seems like everyone knows one of her - the rich girl with the absent parents, who sleeps with men she meets in first class, or who do business with her father, for money or cocaine - and it's funny because I actually know someone with this character's name (although she's very nice and smart - nothing like the character). She was my RA in college times. She writes for that other big I-95 paper not located in New York.

  17. Thank you cheesegrater15 for spurring me to google "Katie Holmes tits". You are correct - fantastic.

  18. @Sign Name Below - I got it, thanks. To-blathe.

  19. Garner and her fucking cheesy acting and baby voice, filming with Lena Dunham of all people.

  20. I like Katie's role/character in Ray Donovan - I thought she did a good job and I'm hard on actors who are on paid channel shows (HBO, Showtime, cineMax, etc).

    I never watched Dawson's Creek and haven't really seen KH in anything else, but I don't understand the outright animosity and hate for her. She doesn't bother anyone, she spends more quality time w/ her daughter than practically any other "celebrity" mom out there - she doesn't speak poorly of anyone - she doesn't act out like a hot mess on social media, she went to great lengths to protect her daughter from the evils of Scientology.... what exactly is it that Katie Holmes has done so vile, that she's despised so much by those who frequent this site?

    1. I’m wondering that too. But we are on an extremely hateful site. Not shocking. Nothing but venom around here haha. They’ll believe anything and jump to conclusions in a second. They’ll also hate anyone they make a guess about without knowing their guess is even right. Lots of looney tunes around here.

  21. I know from firsthand experience she is not particularly pleasant.
    She's always been a terrible actor too.
    She worked her way thru the DC cast pretty well in the early years.

    Not a fan.

    1. I was never sure if the James rumours were true. But it did make sense as to why josh and James never got on during the creek days. Rumours that even when she was dating Chris Klein her and josh stayed very very close.

  22. She had a role in Go, the John August movie from like 1999, that was pretty good. It features one of Timothy Olyphant's first roles, too.

    1. Olyphant is awesome! Justified, Deadwood etc. I liked Katie in Thank You For Smoking. Great movie

  23. @Christina - I like Timothy Olyphant! Always liked him - then after watching Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix, I fell in love. He is SO FUNNY!

  24. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I'm going to guess Blake Lively for this one, who is only A list because of her marriage and fashion sense as well as her leeching onto celebrity friends (Tay, and now all of a sudden Emily Blunt). Acting wise, I guess she is B list but for me, more like C list..

  25. +1 Christina, totally forgot she was in that.

  26. She was good in GO!
    Thankfully, not a starring role

  27. Yep, GO was a great movie. Need to Google those ta-tas now.

  28. I think GO was one of her best performances. The whole movie has a good vibe -- the director, cast, story, etc. All came together. It holds up on repeated watchings.

  29. I loved The Gift, and The Ice Storm.

  30. Katie's tits are nice, but in a bland sort of way.

  31. Go is my favorite Christmas movie.

  32. Katie Holmes and her annoying smirk. It’s cute when you are a teen, as an adult, not so much.

  33. I extra’ed on DC a couple times when I was younger. She was a total diva and wouldn’t look anyone in the eye. Supposedly she had a stalker at some point which is why she was so standoffish. That said, the rest of the cast were relaxed and very nice- Michelle Williams was a sweetheart. I have heard KH and JVD had a much longer on again off again fling than her and JJ ever did but who knows?

  34. @Glue - if you're an Olyphant fan, you must watch him in Deadwood. He was pretty damn good. Not a humorous role for him, but just dark and intense as fuck.

  35. Olyphant is awesome. Great actor who earned what he has gotten.

  36. Justified-Rapaport=Top 5 TV

  37. I agree Dusty Fairy. She was not very good in Ray Donovan. I don't hate her though.

  38. Olyphant is talented and hot as hell. He was really funny and charming on an episode of "The Mindy Project", playing a 42-year-old "Sk8er man". Bonus: He's shirtless in a scene.

  39. Thanks to everyone who mentioned "Go". It doesn't try too hard and succeeds.

    Olyphant is one of my favorite actors. Loved loved loved him in "Justified". He was also pretty good in "Damages". I haven't watched the Santa Clarita show yet because I just got over my crush on him and don't want it to start up again.

    I think I'll dig up my DVD of "Go" and watch it this weekend.

  40. Katie Holmes, loved as Joey, which got her the movie roles that everyone hates, go figure, ho hum

    Love the GO soundtrack, it's the best!

  41. @Nick Rivers - Yes! Saw him in Justified and Deadwood, but it was in Santa Clarita Diet when I fell head over heels - the man can play dark & intense then move straight into comedy w/o missing a beat.



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