Saturday, April 14, 2018

Blind Item #9 - A Reader Blind

One closeted half of one of the best bands ever was having an affair, rivaling that of Shakespeare, with his long dead bandmate. The two first met prostituting when they were around 15 as they were incredibly poor. When that backfired, one suggested mugging dudes in back alleys but the more violently perceived one couldn’t do it, so they started an empire.

Despite the fact they were estranged for the late halves of their lives, they often booked rooms in hotels under different names and their public feud was just for show, much like most of their lives. As well as this they ghostwrote some of the most famous songs ever for each other, and called each other regularly. Their relationship in its day, though not public was an open secret, especially to their rock buddies who admired the couple greatly.

The wife of the deceased member of this couple has no idea and would probably scream if she found out. The wife of the other knew about it, supported it and just wanted her husband to be happy even if that meant abandoning the kids.

During their reign, they threw bricks at each-others windows, tried to fight each-others girlfriends, publicly screamed about how much they missed eachother at parties, spiralled into depression, took copious amounts of drugs and alcohol, and were planning to ‘reunite’ and get a old man farm together before one half’s unfortunate death.

The alive one, who is considered a bit lame, still loves his other half immensely and plans to release a tell-all once the banshee dies as he wants to preserve their relationship and finally tell the truth about the ordeal.

Truly a sad story indeed.


  1. Paul Mc/John Lennon??!!

  2. Holy sh** Tricia if that’s it!!!

    1. Dunno sounds nutso right?
      Could be The Righteous Brithees Maybe?Bill Medley/Bobby Hatfield?

    2. The band is a duo.

    3. @Picklet, that's what I thought too, based on the first sentence. But if they were both closeted (with wives & families) then half of the band could mean both of them. Which makes the band a four-piece.
      I think it's poorly written regardless.

  3. Wow. I think Tricia's got it. Although nothing surprises me anymore after reading this site.

    1. @Darth

      If the author is correct in that the men were both 15 when they met then this is nit McCartney & Lennon.

  4. Yeah, I was picturing them too! Kind of nice. And my apologies in advance to the writer, but the way that first line is written suggests necrophilia 🙈

  5. Fleetwood Mac? Rolling Stones?

  6. It sure sounds like them, but how does this fit McCartney?
    "The wife of the other knew about it, supported it and just wanted her husband to be happy even if that meant abandoning the kids."

    1. Must have been Linda. Yoko would freak out. Paul and Linda lived on a farm too.

    2. McCartney certainly is a lamewad.

  7. This doesn't fit a Jagger/Jones storyline. They were still together as a band when Jones died, Jagger's not considered "lame".

  8. Never mind my question about how does it fit McCartney. Linda was alive when Lennon died and could have been resigned to Paul leaving her, I guess. This is the only couple that fits the blind, I'd just love to know the source because there have never been rumors about them before.

  9. I don’t think McCartney or Jagger would be considered lame.

    I am thinking Led Zeppelin and John Bonham/ John Paul Jones

  10. I thought Lennon and McCartney immediately. Linda would have to support anything cPaul did, although I really can't see Yoko not knowing this.

  11. I find it hard to believe that they helped ghost write each other's songs after the split. McCartney's music became pure fluff and Lennon's purely dark or intellectual, neither's music showing any sign whatsoever of a continued collaboration.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. How about Roger and Pete? Or Plant and page? Or Mortisey and everyone?

  14. Do we have to accept "The Beatles" as the one of the best bands ever?
    I don't want to concede that.

    1. Paul McCartney: "Everybody thinks I'm an aggressor, but I just want out." (Philip Norman, John Lennon: The Life, p. 702)

      John Lennon was rumored to have thrown a brick through McCartney's window at the end of the trial. (Albert Goldman, The Lives of John Lennon, p. 395)

    2. I’m more of a Stones gal in the Stones vs.Beatles ,but they certainly earmarked the music world for sure

    3. It was the purpose of Tavistock

    4. First and worst boy nand ever. The Beatles sucked. Especially John and Paul.

  15. This article suggests that John and Brian Epstein were involved sexually.

  16. McCartney was never poor

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Actually Geejire, we need to accept "The Beatles" as THE best band ever. "The Rolling Stones" a close second.

  20. Yoko is infamous for her screaming "songs" and performance art. (Really - Googling "Yoko scream song" will get dozens of hits.) Definitely John and Paul!

    1. YEah. I did a parody of her MoMA screaming for Halloween once... I called it the “acoustic” version, because she’s obviously charged. ⚡️

    2. You know you’ve made it when people are dressing up as you for Halloween...

  21. Uh oh, Tricia, sh!t's about to go down.

    1. Put your dukes up lolol😂😂😂👊

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. gauloise, Lennon was notorious for a mean/cruel/angry streak and numerous incidents of violence, including domestic...

  24. John was 17 and Paul was 15 when they met. Don't think that it fits them. Also, it's a known fact that George Harrison disliked Paul. I don't believe that he admired him.

    Jagger and Jones were also both in their 20s when they met one another so it doesn't fit.

    1. If they said "one was 15,the other was 17“ it would be too obvious. Saying they were both around 15 is more vague.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Can't say Lennon or McCartney are particularly violently perceived, but the "wife would scream" bit is a clue for Yoko. Funny because when she sensed he wanted to stay, she sanctioned an affair with a Chinese girl. Still, after Pryor/Brando nothing surprises me.

  27. Haha, I was about to say the exact same thing, Tricia!!!

  28. "Banshee" was the dead giveaway that it had to be Yoko, for me, (though I find it a bit unkind.)

    1. Agreed. Who knows if Clapton actually “stole” George’s wife, Patty Boyd. Maybe it was him and Lennon. He is definitely the lamest Beatle.

  29. Will any of you non Beatles people kindly go find another instance of brick throwing then?

  30. Yoko's singing is like a banshee,and she is older,so it could be. Red herrings though.

  31. Neither Paul or John was "incredibly"poor.

  32. @gauloise

    That sounds really accurate! Vicious was 15 and Rotten was 16. They also did a boat load of drugs so I could easily see them turning to prostitution for money before the band was started.

    The wife thing I'm unsure of though.

    1. Sid had no musical talent, couldn't even play the bass.

  33. Could this be Pink Floyd? Roger Waters and David Gilmore had a massive falling out over creative differences in 85. They also knew each other as children.

  34. @Kyle Clyde I deleted the comment, cause it says the alive one is waiting for the widow to die. Nancy was murdered by Sid, so it can't be them. There is no banshee that would be keeping Lydon from telling his tale.

    The pistols had the right level of poverty and hooliganism, though.

  35. Unless Enty is fudging their ages this cannot be McCartney/Lennon. Lennon was 2 years older than McCartney.

  36. Nevermind they are both alive !!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Aw, sorry you feel that way Bagel baby.....
      You’re guesses are always so-illuminating☀️⭐️✨⚡️💫!!!!

  38. One closeted half of one of the best bands ever was having an affair, rivaling that of Shakespeare, with his long dead bandmate.

    The way this is written, this is NECROPHILIA. REWRITE!

  39. “they ghostwrote some of the most famous songs ever for each other” could be interpreted a few different ways. Literally written for, with the other taking credit or secretly by/for the each other but recorded by/credited to third person. Would be ironic, given McCartney & Lennon legendary writing credit disputes.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. @gauloise

    Oh, I see. Still don't think it was John and Paul though. Neither was poor as children, I mean they both went to art school instead of college which I don't think is a cheap thing to do.

    When they met, John was already a known performer in their area. I just can't see him having to resort to prostitution.

  42. Jagger was raised in an upper middle class home, I do believe.

    Paul was middle class growing up. John had a more troubled background and was 2 years older than Paul. Their songs after the Beatles were distinctly their own, not collaborations (Lennon would never have cosigned the sentimental hogwash McCartney turned out on his own.)

    If it were George Harrison and Paul, that might be interesting but no bricks thrown there.

    The Sex Pistols fit for economic class but Nancy died with Sid.

    "Best Bands Ever" doesn't mean most famous. Sounds like a wider net could be cast. Cream? Led Zeppelin? Pink Floyd? Any band with a member who died unexpectedly and young?

    Not buying this BI...yet.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I thought Keith Moon and Roger Daltry or Pete Townsend...

  45. Is this intentional, the necrophilia, maybe having to do with the band name or act? Someone guessed Waters and Gilmore from Pink Floyd,what about Syd Barret and one of them?

  46. Unless the reader who contributed this story gives us some info as to his/her irrefutable source, I'm thinking this falls more into fan fiction "shipping" territory. It doesn't fit the Beatles origin story -- how they met, started playing together, etc. Among other things. And there's this which could have inspired the blind:

  47. Does Julian Lennon know? Julian has overcome enough already. Just STF about it.

  48. "Banshee" - is thos just in reference to the "she'd probably scream" comment, or is this just good ol' misogyny?

    Also, is this our first necrophilia blind? I would DIE (no pun intended) if we started having blinds tagged with "necrophilia". 😂

  49. Nirvana? The group was on the verge of splitting up at the time of Kurt's death, so he may have been estranged from one of them. Courtney is def a banshee.

    BUT The Shakespeare reference makes me think it is a british band.

    My first thought was Wham, but George wasnt married at his death. I do want to think it is someone from the punk / early 80s scene as so many of those bands came from poverty and London was so super seedy at that time.

    1. Wham was my first thought too! Until I saw the married part...

  50. Maybe Lennon and Harrison if the group is the Beatles.

  51. During the distressing George Harrison Blind session, Beatles were referred to as "one of the best, if not THE best."

    This one is just "one of the best." Could still be the Beatles, but the others near that pantheon would be Stones, Led Zep, The Who. Don't think there's anybody else.

    Many rumors about John Lennon with both Stu Sutcliffe and Brian Epstein. Plus his rumored dalliances later with Bowie and Elton John. But I've never ever heard anything about a bisexual Paul McCartney.

    But it still looks like they fit better'n anybody. Unless Pete Townsend and Keith Moon? No other key songwriters are dead from the other bands (Mick/Keef/Page/Plant).

    This is maybe one of those fictional blind items used to help defer lawsuits for the ones that are true. But maybe after Macca / Yoko pass away, we'll find out.

  52. Nevermind since both are deceased.

  53. I wonder if some of these reader blinds are just trolls.

    1. +1000
      But same goes for some Enty blinds as well.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. This sounds like it's "about" the Beatles.
    It also sounds like bullshit.

  56. Did Keith Moon write any songs though? My impression is that Townsden wrote everything for The Who.

    "I wonder if some of these reader blinds are just trolls."

    Surely not! ;P

    @just sayin'

    Great Find! Sure seems like it.

    1. Townsend wrote most, but the others wrote a little.

  57. Now THAT is so gross, to have an affair with a long dead anyone. Yuck. All bones and dirt?
    No. Thank. You.

  58. Seeing how McCartney still whinges on about how Lennon got credit for songs he wrote by himself and even went to court because their songs were listed as Lennon/McCartney instead of McCartney/Lennon, I just can't see him ghostwriting any songs for John.

  59. Other possible 'greatest bands' that sort of may generally fit for me would be...

    Velvet Underground
    The Stooges
    Sex Pistols
    THE Pixies
    The Doors
    Culture Club
    The Who

    1. Velvets would be believable, but Reed & Cale didn't meet until their 20s.

    2. Pixies still alive and toured last year, but I like Nirvana.

  60. @gauloise, I thought the same. Again, there is nothing in the blind that suggests the reader is involved in the story, it wouldn't occur to me to send in a completely made up or lifted blind. Does Enty check it out at all?

  61. "The wife of the deceased member of this couple has no idea and would probably scream if she found out."

    That's how Yoko sounds when she sings

  62. Walter Becker and Donald Fagen? (Steely Dan)

  63. It's obviously supposed to be The Beatles, how many other members of the bands mentioned had two members that had solo careers. I think it's obviously a bit exaggerated like most blinds.

  64. These are some of the dumbest guesses ever posted on this site.

  65. As much as I'd like this to be Lennon and McCartney (the first an evil cunt the second an irritation) think Enty would mention 'foreign born (for him) and 'A++' at least.

  66. Paul and John were both middle class. John's family was dysfunctional, but his Aunt Mimi owned a very nice house, and John admitted that he wasn't really working class at all. However, he was violent towards the women in his life, and Yoko is notorious for screaming.

    Most importantly, though, John and Paul never liked each other very much as humans. It wasn't even that they argued; the relationship was a cold one. If John was passionate about anyone in the Beatles, it was Stu Sutcliffe.

  67. Paul McCartney is considered "a bit lame" by exactly no one. Look elsewhere, people.

    1. He is considered lame by some as a solo artist. It might not be him though anyway.

  68. “Half” of a band to me implies a duo. I would go with Sam & Dave. They had a very tumultuous relationship and one of them has been dead for years. As for the Righteous Brothers, Bill Medley is definitely straight and Hatfield hasn’t been dead THAT long.

  69. that's not true about paul and john not liking each other. not true at all. and if this BI is about them, it's just bullshit. in fact, way too much here recently has been made up bullshit, IMO.

  70. @Sd Auntie all 4 you mentioned are alive.

    1. Oh yeah JPriest. Just got carried away🤣

  71. While I immediately thought of Lennon/McCartney, lennon was definitely not poor. Huge Beatles fan and McCartney is not considered lame.

  72. Guess best just to bookmark this and come back when / if Yoko passes away.

  73. I am thinking Ringo actually ..

  74. Simon and Garfunkel?

  75. Are Hall and Oates both still alive?


  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Definitely not John/Paul...

  79. There is no way Ebony and Ivory is anything but lame ;)

  80. I looked up the biggest rock and roll feuds,and most of them involved people that are alive. But the biggest one involved the Death Metal band Mayhem. You could not make that story up.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Both Hall & Oats and Simon £ Garfunkle are all alive. It's not a duo it's one half the band is closeted ie: two people out of four band members.

  83. Reader Blinds have jumped the Shark

    1. Aha! You've cracked it! This was a fake blind sent in by someone who hates reader blinds, in an effort to get Enty to stop posting them.

  84. Keep in mind we don't know that much about the Beatles early years. For decades after they became famous even their most clued-in fans didn't know the details of their debauchery in Hamburg---prostitutes, transvestites, heavy amphetamine use, etc.

  85. So Yoko is the "Banshee"?

  86. If one of these people is one half of a band, then the band is a duo.

    1. I assume he used band to rule out duo names like Simon and Garfunkel, Sam and Dave, etc. and lean towards Tears for Fears, Wham!, (duos with a band name.)

  87. Picklet, the blind implies that "THE DUO" is closeted, which means the band is a quartet.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It says one closeted half was having an affair with a bandmate, not one half was having an affair with each other.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. @gauloise


    Silly Love Songs, too.

    The only song that has any chops in Paul's solo career is Live and Let Die.

  90. I don’t know about the 60s, but it was free when I went in the 2000s.

  91. Folks, you’re trying to decipher whether it’s a duo or a quartet, but the writer screwed up the sentence fragment “each other’s” three times. Perhaps the writer bungled the bit about “one half,” too.

    It’s possible the writer didn’t properly state what he meant to about the half of the band.

  92. "They started an empire" - Apple
    "Banshee" - Yoko
    "Violently perceived" - John went all peace and love in the 70s but was renowned for his filthy temper and violent tendencies
    "Estranged for the late halves of their lives" - Post-Beatles, they hardly spent time together

    I think we got it early. The only bit that throws me was the plan to 'reunite', though the farm reference could be about Paul's block of land.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Songs Inspired by Shakespeare:
    3. "I Am the Walrus" – The Beatles
    With their all-encompassing cultural reach, you might think that the Fab Four would've had more Shakespeare references in their songs. But there was only this one, and it was a happy accident. While making a sound collage for "Walrus"'s fadeout, they switched on a radio in the studio and caught a broadcast of King Lear. "Oh untimely death..." is one of the lines that pokes out, from Oswald's death scene.
    5. "Get Over It" – The Eagles
    Lawyer jokes go back a lot further than contemporary times. In this song about confession culture and victimization, Don Henley nods to Shakespeare with a nickname, then quotes from Dick The Butcher in Henry VI: "Old Billy was right / Let's kill all the lawyers tonight."

  95. I thought of The Grateful Dead- Jerry Garcia
    The line about “An old man farm together”...
    Do the people in the BI have to be in the SAME band?

  96. as said Lennon and McCartney were middle class, not poor, and would not have both resorted to prostitution as teens. That's ridiculous

    George and Ringo were the two working class members of the Beatles, both had impoverished or childhoods.

  97. Maybe Cobain and Novoselic?

  98. Page & Plant didn't know one another as 15 year olds. Neither one abandoned theor kids, either. No one in Zeppelin did.

  99. We could ask Ringo to be sure....

  100. AppleThief4Elliot - Doesn't fit, Krist recently said they were in their late teens when they met (Krist was 18 or 19, Kurt a year younger)

  101. "John and Paul didn't get along and fought about song credits"

    Yes, that is the point They argued in public as a smokescreen.

    Linda and Yoko both fit.

  102. Seems to me that there are various clues here that don't fit Lennon and McCartney. I don't know who it is or whether it is anyone.

  103. Jones and Strummer met in their early 20s, introduced by a music producer.

    1. I was thinking of those two but they didn’t have public animosity on such a high level nor did they have such distinguished solo careers. Like if it came out Jones helped write Coma Girl, no one would care.

  104. How is one half of a band referring to the Beatles?

  105. Anonymous8:24 PM

    the entity known as the Beatles, was an ongoing social experiment.

    1. Speaking of “social experiments”, has anyone ever entertained the possibility that Goop (the lifestyle website, not Gwyneth Paltrow) might be a social experiment too? Like, she’s selling $15 kitchen table cloths and $700 cotton sundresses (that I can find dupes for less than $50 and aren’t even timeless items) and when I go on her Instagram I can never shake the vibe and feeling like, “IS THIS WOMAN JUST MESSING WITH US ALL?”

      Like she’s shitting us in a prank. Has anyone tried purchasing anything from the site? Maybe when you do, they send you a card/email that lets you in on the secret that it’s teally a social experiment. ANd once you’re in on it, you’re not allowed to talk about it, like “Fight Club”.

  106. The Village People, except none of them were married. I think.

  107. Probably lots of other options, but fwiw, Scott Weiland and Robert Deleo were born less than a year apart and met at about 19.

  108. I doubt very much this is a real blind, and it is most certainly nor John Lennon/Paul McCartney. Nothing fits. The only time Paul was ever apart from Linda was the time he was in a Japanese prison. Yoko controlled every aspect of John's life, even what he ate and who he slept with. Aunt Mimi wouldn't let George Harrison through the front door because she thought he was lower class. You think she would have let John prostitute himself?

    1. I hope Paul enjoyed his stay! Japanese prison food isn’t bad:

      Aaah. Nothing like that Eataku lifestyle... 🍜🍱🍣🍛

  109. NoNONO said...

    11:07 AM

    I'm more inclined to believe it's this.

    Jagger said that when he was in London he make a living as a "Housekeeper".


  110. Squizgig said...
    Simon and Garfunkel?

    2:05 PM


  111. The "one of" modifier makes me think this is not the Beatles but another British band. No US based band would be making Shakespeare references (I don't think. And I could be wrong.)

    Calling a wife a "banshee" would of course make people think of Yoko but I still don't think it's The Beatles. Besides neither Lennon or McCartney abandoned "kids". Linda passed away and John and Cynthia divorced.

  112. @Bumtitty believe it or not the lead singer of the Village People (the cop) was married to the mom from the Cosby Show, Phylicia Rashad, divorced in 1980

    Also Strummer was a diplomats son who went to expensive boarding schools, so he doesnt fit

    Brian Jones doesnt have a widow

    1. WTF do you mean the cop from Village People was married to a woman?! I thought they were all gay bears? I mean the construction guy and the biker dude were hairy AF.

      Today is a day of loss innocence...

  113. Are we trying to interpret British slang? Is there a British meaning behind "Catherine?" Or "she?" Other than what we as Americans think it to be? Just a thought.

    1. Who the hell knows what these British English-speaking people mean anymore?

      I went to school with some students from Commonwealth countries (ex-British colonies) who are pretty much Anglophones, even if their country’s official languages were some Asian language.

      One makes a remark and I MY HEART SWELLS (because I thought it meant she was comparing me to a Spice Girl—I’m a huge fan). I thought she was making a compliment. She did have a look on her face, I thought because calling me a Spice Girl’s name implied she thought I was pretty and she hated to admit it.

      It wasn’t until YEARS later that I learned that particular Spice Girl only called herself that as a self-deprecating joke (with irony) and the fact was, English people LOATHED people like that.

      It’s not just the Americans who get confused. You guys are at least English-speaking. Imagine what it’s like for someone from a ex-French/Dutch/Spanish colony. Their words are like landmines.

      I was devastated. But whatever. I chose to remember it as the day someone compared me to a Spice Girl, I prefer the version of the story that’s less humiliating for me. I’m like a Spice Girl. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it. 🙎🏻‍♀️

  114. Why would anyone conclude it's McCartney/Lennon? By all accounts both men LOVED women. No reason to fake things to that degree.
    Has to be some other two men entirely. SO many rock stars have died. It could be anyone.

  115. Dunno and don't really care honestly but who would blame the wife for freaking out? Sacrificing your life for a liar that wants to use you as a secret beard? Fuck that. Screaming would be the absolute minimum thing I'd be doing. Fuck these liars. You wanna be dysfunctional? Fine. Fight. Throw bricks. Whatever. Don't bring unsuspecting people into it by feeding them lies. This pisses me off so much.

  116. Flea/ Hillel Slovak. Red Hot Chili Peppers

  117. Anonymous2:25 AM

    OP here, the piece is badly written as it was a first draft, I never expected it to get out + I expected enty to add some Enty-ness and fix parts which is why I’m here to clear up some mistakes. I have been lurking for ages, but due to the lack of any stories about this topic I decided to come out and share it with you as I consider it incredibly interesting. Regarding my questionable involvement in the story, I myself am not involved (though have talked to people who were and they would testify) and did start off as a shipper, though it was almost more like taking the red pill. This is wholly based on evidence, comments and events gathered by the two and their friends.

    Any differences in the official story is because what is public is a cover-up by most involved as these guys are not averse to lying. As many of you would show, they’ve done a damn good job of it too. And some differences are for the sake of vagueness.

    To start let’s just say they were a duo, whether in a band or not. And absolutely no necrophilia was involved at all. They didn’t ghostwrite for eachother, they ghostwrote about eachother, the alive one still is, and is prolific in writing for folk like t-swift. Most of their official songs are also about the affair, and would hint at that, especially the one who seems the straightest, who’s lyrics stop being kinda bad and start being kinda sad when looked at in that context. They also left lots of hints in their work and almost talked in code and riddles. They also had many liaisons with other famous folk, and have therefore been the subject of some songs themselves.

    Regarding the abandoning of kids, wrong word, the truth would probably be an incredibly amicable divorce, in which both are involved in their children’s lives.

    It does seem odd when you take into account one wife didn’t know, but it was mostly the dead ones attempt to keep them all safe, as god knows what she would do with the information. It didn’t stop her suspecting however. The only reason he was with her was because the relationship caved in on itself hey wanted to be together,

    The list of dramatic stuff did happen, but it was an extremely passionate relationship, and they did much more regular romantic stuff.

    About the book thing, things that have been said would hint at a coming out in the future especially a song from 2005. It seems as if he wants the truth out but as many of you have pointed out is waiting for the widow to die.

    It is basically an overview and there is lots of other information I haven’t mentioned. Such as the fact they got casually fake married to eachother around 21. But it’s not a complete as only our Romeo himself knows that.

  118. This reeks of Bowie. And Jagger maybe?

  119. @odamned Thanks so much for commenting and expanding the blind. It must be a weird experience to see all the guesses and comments on your own blind! (My personal apologies for having mentioned necrophilia - it was just a joke based on the sentence structure.) Off the top of my head I don’t have any more guesses without having a dig around on the web, but just wanted to say hi and thank you.

    1. Anonymous3:01 AM

      Haha, ur welcome. And the right answer has already been said (a lot). :) It’s kinda funny reading guesses on ur own blind tbh.

      It’s odd people are pointing out the poor thing as the least believable part though like ??? I mean it was more like just kinda wanting gay sex + getting money for it rather than street corners + such.

      Might be worth listening to literally any of the alive ones songs if you can stomach ‘em as it’s basically emotional devastation from start to finish.

  120. Neither John or Paul were incredibly poor, everyone knows that. If this is supposed to be them, its bull.shit.
    This has never even been a rumour.

    More likely bisexual Jagger and Brian Jones.

  121. @odamned I will do! Although if itge answer is the most common guess then can I please take The Frog Song out of the equation??

    1. Anonymous3:23 AM

      Oh come on, that’s the best one?

  122. @odamned That’s the problem - I watched the film SO many times as a child that I inextricably link that song with itchy nylon dressing gowns, the horror of starting school, fake cheese sauce (my mum put it on everything in the 80s) and my parents’ simmering pre-divorce tensions. Maybe I’ll stick to the Wings catalogue!

  123. Here is a list of all the people who have written for Taylor Swift, none of them have been mentioned already in these comments

  124. Oops here is the link to the writers of swift songs:

  125. If this is meant to be McCartney/Lennon it sounds like a work of fan fiction. Total BS.

  126. Thanks O'Damned, so we are to gather that this is John and Paul...
    I wonder, would the "Paul is dead" meme part of this then?
    A way for both of them to declare the death of their relationship?
    And if this is "Romeo and Juliet", then the song "Julia"...

  127. More like fake blind ;)

    People who have reached legend status dont write under fake names, especially for huge artists like Swift. Esp for an aging rock star trying to stay relevant.

    In any case, if you go to the list of people who write for Swift, they all have clicky links to their bios and pictures and life stories. They are all high profile people themselves. She has relatively few people who write for her.

  128. @ancoranonhocapito Julia was the name of Lennon's mother, and the song is about her.

    Paul is extremely ego mad about his writing credits, he would never in a million years write under a fake name for Swift.

    1. The thing with people who are “ego mad about their writing credits” is they’d also be prone to being picky about having their real names attached to projects/acts. It’s not about having your name credited for as many projects/songs as possible, it’s about having your name attached to the right ones. Now a paycheque is an entirely différents animal.

      Maybe he was embarrassed so he used a nom de plume?

  129. Syd Barrett and Roger Waters

  130. @B626 I thought of Barrett and Waters too at first, but the downward spiral of Barrett plus his almost nonexistent solo production don't seem to match the turbulent and romantic relationship described here, with two people both at least for a while active musicians (and who would be the "lame" one anyhow?). Besides O' Damned (OP) said that the guess has been revealed a lot in the comments and only one person before you guessed Barrett and Waters, most guessed John and Paul.

    @galuoise Well that could just be media fodder and not the real story but yeah, rereading OP's comment it seems that Paul is Romeo and John is Juliet. The "speaking in riddles" certainly fits the Beatles and especially the many cryptic songs John wrote, and the whole "Paul is dead" thing. I still don't see the Shakespeare reference in the Beatles' songs though. Shakespeare would be more of a Springsteen/Van Zandt thing except they're both alive.

  131. This is from Mc Cartney's "Friends to Go", 2005:

    I've been waiting on the other side
    For your friends to leave so I don't have to hide
    I prefer they didn't know
    So I've been waiting on the other side, for your friends to go

    1. My, my... Those must’ve been some nasty “friends”.

      So harrowing.

  132. I take the closeted half saying as meaning half of the couple not half of the band, making it more than 2 people in the band.

    McCartney/Lennon would be my guess. After court, Lennon, Harrison, and Starr drove to McCartney's house and threw bricks through his window. McCartney and Yoko had a pretty public feud. That is all.

  133. Anonymous6:25 AM

    i agree that this is a fake blind.
    The entity known as "Beatles" was an ongoing social experiment by Tavistock.
    Still surprises me, how many people believe everything they see and read.
    All the world is a stage; we are all players.

  134. The Beatles did a Shakespeare skit.

  135. If you read the name "Tavistock" here and were not familiar with it,
    Become familiar with it!

  136. People need to step away from the Paul/John guesses. None of the clues fit. You can't fit a square peg into a round hole.

    1. Hey, as the only commenter here finding an instance of band members throwing bricks through windows, which, as it would happen, involved The Beatles, of Tavistock fame,

      Paul clearly put his square peg in John's round hole.

  137. The Tavistock conspiracy is ridiculous and utterly baseless. Like pizzagate it uses symbols and words to try and connect things, not actual proof or evidence. I love a good theory as much as the next person but when there’s no evidence, I have to roll my eyes.

  138. O'Damned's confirmed that it is John and Paul, lutefisk.

    Misleading phrases include "half of a band", when they meant "half of a duo", whether that duo was in a band or not.

    O'Damned didn't know them personally, this blind is taken from evidence from multiple sources. I maintain that the book “John Lennon: The Life” by Philip Norman. Here is an excerpt from a New York Post article:

    The last song John Lennon ever sang on stage was by Paul McCartney: “I Saw Her Standing There.” When Lennon did the song at Madison Square Garden during a guest appearance in an Elton John show on Nov. 28, 1974, he introduced it as “a number [by] an old estranged fiancé of mine called Paul.” Hanging out with Elton’s entourage – a camp camp in which the boys often referred to one another as “she,” Lennon fit right in: The others called him “Catherine.”

    To those who do take the time to read other's comments, I apologize for the duplicate post.

  139. And btw, thank you, O'Damned, not only for the update comments but for the original blind. This is a great one (any blind that gets people this worked up is a success!) and it has lots of evidence to support it.

  140. Sorry O'Damned, I do not believe a word of this if you are confirming a sexual relationship between John/Paul.

    I believe that they secretly met in hotels in the 70s for sure, they were like brothers and Yoko kept John like a virtual prisoner. When Lennon was with May Pang he started to have contact with Paul again. Of course they wouldn't use their real names, can you imagine the attention. I also believe they may have swapped writing credits in the early mid 60s.

    But if that has been twisted into this

  141. BTW there are so many songs from 2005 alone (as hinted at by O'Damned) that could be interpreted to fit this blind I won't bother quoting from them. (Look up "The Summer of '59" and "Fine Line" as a start).

  142. "It's not the Beatles, it's not John and Paul, there's no evidence, you're all wrong."
    My first thought is always what sort of person takes the time to write things like this and offers no alternative explanations.
    Especially when the claim of "no evidence" almost certainly means "plenty of evidence exists and most definitely refutes my position."
    Ronaldo is a giant queen too and it's pretty open, especially here on CDAN, but if people knew would they still buy the shirt?
    If they knew Paul and John were banging, would people still revere this artificial Boomer institution the way they do? Plenty in the west, sure, what about internationally?

    1. Could you imagine Yoko finding out the were screwing behind her back?????

    2. Do you even understand what evidence is lol?

  143. I personally don't believe that there was a sexual relationship. I believe that at the end they loathed each other and John's comments on stage about his ex-fiance Paul was meant to be an insult.

  144. @just sayin, This sounds like someone watched Brokeback Mountain and decided to turn it into a blind.
    Is that you Heather Mills?
    "Regarding the abandoning of kids, wrong word, the truth would probably be an incredibly amicable divorce, in which both are involved in their children’s lives." Neither one of them had an incredibly amicable divorce. Neither of them were poor. They also started getting paid for performances when they first started out as The Quarrymen. Paul was responsible for John and Yoko reuniting after The Lost Weekend. The only divorce was John and Cynthia, and that was very far from amicable.

  145. Haha, agreed, lutefisk. Just as this blind is popular, the book that spread these rumors probably sold too. And if we're going to believe anything about a McCartney-Swift collaboration, I'd say it's that TayTay's heart was in it when she sang "Saw Her Standing There" with Macca:

  146. Lutefisk "is that you Heather Mills?" >LOL

    Geeljire, its not up to me to offer evidence this is not true, the burden of proof is on the OP and they are offering no evidence.
    Have you read the book 'The Beatles - Tune in?' The author is an independent historian and spent years researching that book, did he even mention a rumour of this? No.

    I'm getting fed up of the Beatle blinds, first George and now John and Paul. Is Ringo going to be revealed as being in a Mexican drugs cartel next week?

  147. Totaji: "evidence" that's adequate to support the creation of a blind, and the actual "evidence" you need for scientific or legal proof are VERY different things.



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