Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Blind Item #6

Producers of this residency had always assumed their new star attraction could sing. Sure, they knew she would need backing vocals, but when she showed up for rehearsals, they freaked at just how awful this A list singer sounds and how she is going to have to lip sync everything other than talking to the audience.


  1. Whose coming to. Vegas? Cesar’s it is right?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. this had to be Britney Spears

  4. haha you got me NE Peanut

  5. Gaga has a new residency but out of all the mainstream singers I thought she was always on point.

  6. Actually just saw Gwen has been announced for a residency. Gonna go with her.

  7. Definitely not Spears as this sounds to be a "new" attraction. Both Gaga and JLo fit, but I'm going with Lopez. Gaga does usually sound on point and Lopez never has.

  8. I take that back. Lopez has been there since 2016 per the ticket site I'm on and Gaga hasn't started performing live yet.

  9. Gwen has the more recent announcement, but Gaga has had more time for rehearsals.

  10. Has Gaga lost her voice or something? She's always been able to sing.

  11. How did Gaga sound at the Super Bowl? I can't remember.

  12. Huh. I'd have been willing to swear that Gaga and Stefani both can sing well, but those are the only two upcoming residencies I see. So, I'll go with Gaga. I have No Doubt that Stefani can sing.

  13. I totally believe it’s Gwen. She’s terrible. Listen to any song.

  14. Don't ask "who used to have the better voice," ask "who has the more difficult songs to sing?"
    Although I'd rather see Gwen any day of the week.

  15. Gwen. But, in all actuality, it could be ALL of them.

  16. I remember Gaga's national anthem at the super bowl in 2016(ish) and it was spectacular. At least I thought so.

  17. What about Adele? http://metro.co.uk/2018/03/18/adeles-las-vegas-residency-plans-doubt-fears-voice-7396516/

  18. Not Gaga....she may have her issues, but singing not one of them.

  19. Gwen Stefani is starting a Vegas residency

  20. None of them can actually sing. That is how the industry controls them. Step out of line and a video will mysteriously be leaked of you singing without autotune.

  21. Thia - I heard someone on a show talking about how they filtered the background away from some of Adele's music to see how she really sounded and she kills it.

  22. like her or not, gaga can sing. gwen's residency was just announced. i'd be much more inclined to believe this is her.

  23. Gaga crushed it singing the Star Spangled Banner.

    I believe that Stefani and JLo have weak voices.

  24. JLo = MV?

    Right? Was that a reveal or did I dream it

    1. @chug choo choo

      If your question was rhetorical please forgive me & skip this comment.

      The MV blind was revealed ages ago. A lot of people correctly guessed JLo in the original blind. The MV blind became the blind that wouldn't die, so Enty would periodically give clues. A lot of people switched their guess to Brit Brit because 1. Some clues fit both of them & 2. Enty gave red herrings.

    2. Link to the original MV blind:


      Link to the MV reveal:


  25. No offense to the work she did a decade ago but I would think Gwen is former A list

  26. I saw Gaga at Coachella last year and her voice was legit. Sticking with Gwen. Her voice has always been....meh to me

  27. Obv. not gaga are y'all kidding me? There is more than enough proof that she is an amazing singer lol Definitely gwen

    1. I wouldn't say she is 'amazing' but she's good enough that this blind isn't about her. She is a shit human being though.

      This is Gwen.

  28. It was just announced that Gwen was starting her residency. I saw Gaga live twice...I think she has more than cemented with evidence that her voice is fire!!!

    I think this is Gwen all day

  29. Gwen hasn't started rehearsals yet.

  30. It's got to be Gwen. I love her, but her vocal chops are just not good. Great for ska but not much else.

  31. That was my thought as well, Bklynbaby

  32. Anonymous9:01 AM

    No way is it Gaga unless she has lost her voice. She sang The Edge with no backups or tracks, on Howard Stern, live first thing in the am (which is hard to do vocally) while playing the piano. It is still one of my favorite performances. She has a great voice.

  33. Gwen was only good singing in that cupie doll voice.

  34. Gwen Stefani. She has a new residency coming out.

  35. I was at Gaga's concert a few years back and girlfriend can sing. Gwen has always had a strong voice and has been singing live with No Doubt for years before going solo, so not her. JLo cannot sing, so she fits if the blind refers to the time before she started her residency

  36. I'll just say that Gwen Stefani did a bit on SNL with Peter Dinklage where they were playing performance artist-type singers. Someone messed up on her queue and it was totally obvious that she was lip-synching her 10-20 second long parts. That said, I get why it is safer to pre-record for live sketches...when Chris Pine hosted, he wrecked his voice during rehearsals because just about everyone sketch had him singing.

  37. OK probably not Jennifer Lopez because she already had a Las Vegas residency for 6 months back in 2016 so producers would be well familiar with her singing ability.

    I vote for Gwen Stefani.

  38. I cannot stand Gag Gag but I would never say she can't sing. I know people who knew her back in Jersey before she was famous. She had pipes back then, she's got them now. This isn't her.

    Lina Morgana, R.I.P., however.

  39. I saw Britney lip syncing once, she messed up the lyrics, quickly ducked behind a dancer, laughed at another dancer, and then popped back out totally in sync with the song. I couldn't blame her though with the amount of dancing she was doing, it was crazy.

  40. I'm going with either Gwen or Jlow

  41. Gwen is not a vocalist. She is an performer/entertainer who sings.
    If she sticks to certain songs, she will do just fine.

    I saw her way back in 1988, opening for The Beat. I recall thinking she was a jumping ska version of Dale Bozio. She has a fun energy.

    (Incidently, Dale still sings with Missing Persons- barely. I walked out last year after 2 "WTF is that?" songs and her arguing with a young person in the audience who mistook her for some other 80's singer. Truly terrible. I had come by invite of a friend who opened for her so at least I didnt pay! That other friend just had a fab launch party at the Viper Room this week. It's like going back in time to the early 90's!)

  42. I hate Gaga....but she can sing.

  43. Britney can sing. I heard her. In a room, no music, no back up vocals - just her. Her shows have too much dancing and it's had to sing and whip your hair around. JLO CAN NOT SING AT ALL!! Awful. I think Marc Anthony tried to help her - no dice.

  44. I've been in a studio with Gaga while she was warming up and rehearsing and she could sing. Amazing. So either something happened to her voice or it is someone else.

  45. Not Gaga. I've seen her perform. Not only does she always sing live, her voice is amazing.

  46. Taylor Swift has absolutely no voice but she's also probably not doing Vegas. Just needed to toss that comment into the hat.

  47. Say what you like about Gaga, but that woman can hold a tune.

  48. I saw Gwen about 2 years ago, the last concert at Irvine Meadows. She was terrible. She’s nothing without No Doubt, sad to say.

  49. Gwen for sure, she sounds horrible even after the auto tune. Her Christmas show songs from last year still pin ball around in my head unfortunately.

  50. this is any and all of them! Brit, Jlo, Gwen, Hells bells, maybe even Celine!

  51. Shania Twain is scheduled to be there in August.

    1. @T.W.
      That would fit with the "Lyme disease is really plastic surgery" blind

  52. Britney has been more about the dancing and the costumes than singing for years. She's done well in Vegas, so definitely not her.

  53. As long as he or she puts on a performance that comes even close to justifying insane Vegas prices, I’m good whether the singing is live or not.

  54. For all her faults, Gaga can sing. Also Tony Bennet would never stay with a bad singer. I say Gwen or Shania

  55. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Since P!nk is there only one night in May, Gwen it is. Nobody would assume J. Lo can sing.

  56. I’ve seen/heard Gaga live and she’s incredible...girl can sing.

  57. Gwen Stephanie. Well, maybe she can get Blake Shelton to sing with her.😂😂

  58. This is not Britney Spears yes she lip syncs but her shows at Las Vegas VERY SUCCESSFUL. This blind is NOT Jennifer Lopez because she's already been in Las Vegas for over a year. It is someone else probably Lady Gaga.

    1. Gaga can sing!
      Google Howard Stern interviews

  59. Absolutely Gwen Stefani. I saw a clip of a concert or something taken from an iPhone and GOOD LORD she was absolutely terrible. I'm a bad singer and I didn't think she was better than me, it was really really bad - like why are you a singer bad.

    She doesn't have a good voice for actually singing.

  60. Gaga is amazing live and fantastic playing acoustic.

  61. If you have any doubt what so ever about Gagas ability to sing, you need to listen to her Howard Stern interviews. She is raw and amazing.

    I feel like this is Jlo or Gwen

  62. Gaga is a natural, powerful singer. She started as a studio singer and writer. Not her. Def my girl Gwen but she gets away with it because she is a sweetheart of a person and so pretty to look at.

  63. GaGa can sing.

    This is Gwen Stefani who cannot.

  64. Lady Gaga did songs from The Sound of Music live at the Oscars in the original Julie Andrews keys!
    (Gwen Stefani just nasally squeaks.)

  65. You guys are high if you think Gaga can't sing. She's phenomenal. I saw her perform live 6 times and she sounded better than on her album. I saw Gwen live once. I thought she sounded great but she could have had assistance. Gwen seems like the best guess based on the timing of her residency announcement

  66. Adele and Gaga can belt out a tune, it's whether their voices have been affected recently. Adele certainly has-pretty sure she wouldn't be doing a residency as she can't finish a tour.
    Sounds like it's Gwen Stefani.

    On another note, there was a blind, maybe about a year ago, that talked about how a studio singer had basically been singing all the parts for an A list singer and that it was all a complete secret. Worth looking up. I don't know if it was revealed or not, but I seem to remember JLo was the strongest contender with the evidence that was given.

    1. @reese

      You are referring to the infamous MV blind and yes, it was revealed to be JLo.

  67. I can't believe there are people who still think Gaga can't sing! (I'm not even a Gaga fangirl) ... Watch her at the Royal Variety Performance:


  68. Gwen is not a vocalist but she's not terrible. Probably just a bad rehearsal on material that didn't suit her voice. And she's getting up there in age so she's losing her voice.

  69. It’s Gwen, has to be. Gaga can actually sing. https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/04/10/a-perfect-fit-gwen-stefani-announces-las-vegas-residency/

  70. Gaga has a great voice live, acoustic, with piano etc. It's not her. It's probably Gwen or J-Lo.

  71. It's all smoke and mirrors, they're all canned singers.

    Some years ago, there was a person looking for a single recording anywhere at any age of Beyonce singing live and he was offering good money for it.

    No one could find anything.



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