Friday, April 13, 2018

Four For Friday - The Trafficking Train

A lot of moving parts here that involve not just sex trafficking, but also drug trafficking and an obscure piece of geography that makes it all possible.

A couple of decades ago, this foreign born actress was the hottest actress in her country. She wanted to be known. She pushed the boundary of what was socially acceptable in that country and eventually paid the price when the public wanted her to reign it in a bit and she refused. The last movie she made, she was kicked off when she wouldn't sleep with the director. That all changed when a mafia leader in the country went to the home of the director with three other men and raped the director's significant other at the time while making the director watch. The next day, the actress was back on the film, but it was her last.

That mafia leader became the husband of the actress and they moved to the Middle East to, you guessed it, Dubai. There they started trafficking in men to be exploited in the construction industry and in women to supply maids and housekeepers for private homes. Those women were often sexually assaulted by their employers and also abused and even in some cases murdered.

Other women were trafficked to the country solely for use as sex workers for the men working in the construction industry.

The pair never got into any trouble for any of the human trafficking, but did get in some hot water for drugs. They had paid enough in bribes over the years though, that a potential death sentence just led them to having their visas revoked and they were kicked out of the country.

The couple then found themselves in an African country. Kenya to be exact. There they continued their human and sex trafficking business and added Kenyan women to the growing list of people they were shipping all over the world. What brought them down again was their thirst for more money and drug trafficking. They just couldn't stop and they were busted.

In order to get a lighter sentence, they sold some people higher up in the food chain to authorities and also dropped a lot of high powered names around the world who were the recipients of these women for their "household staff." A shocking number of them went through Canada to the US by a fluke of geography that allows a piece of what should be mainland Canada to actually be located in the US. The border there is porous or non existent and once across, the trafficked women can be moved easily to another state.

The way it worked was the women would be flown from India to Canada where they didn't need a visa or were able to easily get one and then walked across the border to the US where they were then put on a boat for an hour to a more easily accessible US location. The couple estimates they shipped 500-600 women that way that were basically sex slaves to their employers. Over the past few years, some of those employers have been exposed when their "employees" have managed to escape.


  1. According to Google Mamta Kulkarni Bollywood actress

  2. I have no idea, but this is fucked up. Does Enty have any dirt on that cult that Allison Mack was in and Kristin what's her name was supposedly involved in before it got weird?

  3. International Falls Minnesota, the airport where Angelina and Brad broke up?

  4. Nice one, Sandybrook! I was at a loss.

  5. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Is the geography a reference to south Detroit? Which is actually Canada. The river bends around downtown.


  7. I can see why you would be, she would be almost unknown here TLT. And since this was widely reported in her country, this really isn't a BI.

  8. It's Maine bordering onto New Brunswick.

  9. For the Chris Hemsworth lovers: Full Frontal Friday NSFW! Have a great weekend, everyone!

  10. The land is the Northwest Angle

  11. Not having a damn thing to do with trafficking but need to put this somewhere -

    Actors' Unions are now voting to demand that hotel room auditions and meetings be banned in the film industry due to the huge number of young people abused in these situation.

    1. +1 plot!

      Fantastic news, now we just need somebody to violate their NDA code of silence.

      Baby steps but we are moving toward a less abusive future

  12. Damn @Dena! nice! Thanks for brightening up my day. :)

  13. Point Roberts maybe.

  14. Former actress Mamta Kulkarni was arrested along with her husband in Kenya in a joint operation between Drug Enforcement Agency and Mombasa Police, as per reports in social media platform Twitter.
    Kulkarni, who was a Bollywood siren in the Nineties, has resurfaced in news after after disappearing from the limelight more than a decade ago. Mamta was last seen in Dev Anand's Censor which released in 2001.

  15. As per reports, the actress is now in her 40s, has converted to Islam and shifted to Nairobi after leading an anonymous life in Dubai for a while. She has also been managing a leading real-estate and hotel business in Dubai.

    Mamta, now grey-haired and bespectacled, came into spotlight when a Dubai-based newspaper spotted her in Dubai jail. Earlier reports about Mamta suggested that she had shifted to Dubai with her boyfriend and international drug kingpin Vijay 'Vicky' Goswami. In 1997, Vicky was arrested in Dubai for trafficking 11.5 tonne of mandrax and was sentenced for life for 25 years, as per Dubai laws.

    Mamta KulkarniMamta KulkarniSources said Mamta was spotted in Dubai jail when she went to visit Vicky. The 52-year-old don's sentence was reduced to 15 years owing to his good conduct, and Vicky was released November 15 last year.
    According to a Mumbai tabloid, Vicky converted to Islam while in prison and married Mamta, who now manages his business. After his release, the couple has shifted to Nairobi where Vicky spent several years of his initial life.

    Vicky's release has also created ripples in the African media. As per reports in a prominent South-African daily, Mail & Guardian, Vicky first came to South Africa in 1994 and acquired property, luxury cars and shares in companies allegedly linked to money laundering and was involved in various drug related cases.

    1. @hhstarr Great digging! 🙌🏽


  17. I smell a muslim brotherhood connection here again

  18. "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

  19. I'm going to throw this one out there... how about Port Roberts?

    Fly in to Vancouver Airport, 25 miles North of Point Roberts which is technically part of the United States. There is a small 1 strip airfield there and a harbor. I'd say that a nice estimate of time between Port Roberts and Seattle would be approx 1 hour by boat. Seattle is a major hub for human trafficking.

    1. +1

      Yep... all the other potential spots ie:South Detroit are separated by a river or lake (cant walk across border). Port Robert's is unique as it is land border that is totally separate and isolated from rest of US


      Port ROBERTS is part of what should be Canadian mainland, but it falls below the 49th parallel, which was established in the 1800s as the dividing line between Canada and the US.

      It is 8.8 miles from the Tsawwassan Ferry in British Columbia.

      This is where the victims "were then put on a boat for an hour to a more easily accessible US location."

      From the ferry's wikipedia:

      "In 1990 a connection from Tsawwassen to Nanaimo called the "Mid-Island Express" was established, providing the fastest surface connection between Northern Vancouver Island and the border with the United States at Blaine, and, since the opening of the South Fraser Perimeter Road, to the Fraser Valley and points east. The route ran to Departure Bay until 1997, when the Duke Point Ferry Terminal opened."

      The trafficked women were likely ferried from Tsawassan, just outside of PORT ROBERTS to BLAINE, WASHINGTON

  20. Slavers are scum, right up there with pedos.

  21. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Fly into Winnipeg. Drive to Angle Inlet. There in NO border crossing guards on Winter Road, where the US/Canada border is. Take the boat from Angle to Warroad, MN. Then drive to Grand Forks and get on a puddle jumper to MSP.

  22. Real estate developer video advertising Point Roberts. A few details about the area

    This video shows someone driving from Vancouver B.C. into Point Roberts and how insanely easy it is to cross the border there

    This guy talks about Point Roberts and the history of it, and how it's below the 49th Parallel. "Thousands of Canadians come here to do things that are illegal back in Canada".

    Here is a plane landing on their grass airfield, perfect for smuggling drugs and people.

    I think the answer to the location in this blind is Vancouver B.C. Canada & Point Roberts, Washington State USA.

  23. One last thing... because it is a peninsula in British Columbia, there is no driving access to the rest of the United States from Point Roberts, even though it's a United States city. The only access to the United States is via boat and plane. I am extremely confident this is a haven for smuggling illegal goods and people both in to the United States and in to Canada.

  24. Trafficking "Train" seems like a clue...

  25. Interesting timing. Just read some info regarding a retired border patrol agent yesterday. He claimed that the Northern Border of the US was much more popular with smugglers and traffickers than the Southern Border.

    It's obvious as to why - given these comments! Yeesh!

  26. Yeah because Canadians aren't known for robbing or decapitating strangers they find on their side of the border.

  27. "The pair never got into any trouble for any of the human trafficking, but did get in some hot water for drugs."

    Aaaaannnnddddd that's why we have to keep pointing out how ass-backwards our priorities as a society are.

    Dubai, the US, and most other countries have stricter laws/enforcement for drugs than slavery, and sex-trafficking

    Why? Who benefits?

  28. I want to know who the people are that got exposed

  29. This is wayyyy too common amongst government elite

    This US diplomat has been convicted TWICE for trafficking/sexually abusing two separate maids

    A former U.S. diplomat has for the second time been found liable for enslaving and sexually trafficking a housekeeper while posted at the U.S. Embassy in Yemen.

    A jury in federal court in Alexandria, Va., agreed Monday that the former envoy, Linda Howard, and her Australian husband, Russell Howard, forced an Ethio­pian maid into sexual slavery in 2007, repeatedly raping her. Linda Howard was ordered to pay $3 million in damages to the now 30-year-old woman, identified only as Sarah Roe, who lives in Virginia.

    Five years ago the couple were found liable in the same court for trafficking another Ethio­pian housekeeper in 2008. They were ordered to pay her $3.3 million. However, the couple had already fled from Arlington, Va., to Australia and contested the judgment there. The case was settled in 2015.
    Linda Howard left the State Department in 2013; her husband died in 2012. She denied the new allegations and argued that Roe could not sue for civil damages under a human trafficking law that did not pass until 2008.

    According to court filings, Roe began working for the Howards in Sanaa, Yemen, in 2007, when Linda Howard was a Foreign Service officer in the U.S. Embassy's Information Program Center. Roe was promised a monthly salary of $150 as well as visa help, medical treatment, support for her daughter and the opportunity to follow the family to Linda Howard's next posting in Germany.

    She alleged that she was told she must move in with the family, selling the possessions she had acquired in Yemen, and keep Russell Howard happy while his wife was at work.

    Roe claims that she was told to wear a skimpy uniform that Linda Howard sewed herself but refused. Russell Howard took her to a mall and bought lingerie, a thong and two miniskirts, which she said she also refused to wear once she realized that was his intention.

    From early on, Roe alleged, both husband and wife would grope her and demand that she have sex with them. Soon, she said, Russell Howard was raping her twice a day, telling her it was part of her job. When she protested, she said, he would hit her and throw things at her and threaten to put her in jail. Linda Howard, in Roe's account, sometimes joined in. She alleged that Russell Howard dragged her to the hospital so she could be fitted with an IUD against her will.

    The couple would show her explicit photographs of previous housekeepers, she said, shouting, "She did it, why can't you?"

  30. From 'Occult Theocrasy' by Edith Start Miller, Lady Queenborough, p.136, published 1933:
    "The Shi'a sects who recognized Mohammed al-Hanafi as the last living 'imam' were called Ismailites or Septimans. From their midst sprang a secret body, the Khoja, which, in spite of persecution still exists in Persia and India, where its exoteric chief is the Anglicized Indian, the Aga Khan, whose followers are the moneylenders of Islam, a profession forbidden by 'Mahomet.'"

    1. Islam is incompatible with secret societies.
      Like that Baha'i and Ahmadiyya nonsense of "I know we're not supposed to change al-Quran but I am also a prophet/Mahdi/Christ"


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Your comment is biased isn't it? All religions are at some level fantastical, utopian nonsense.

      The only thing common between Baha'i, Ahmadiya, and Khojas is that they are currently persecuted by Wahhabis for perceived heresy. The heresy being their acceptance of other religious beliefs and practices from Judaism, Hinduism and Christianity along with Islam. Much like the Spanish Inquisition and Yazidi persecution by ISIS in some ways.

      Also that book you mention, Occult Theocracy, is a favorite of fundamentalist forums and secret society conspiracists and considers even Jews and Zoarastrians (Pharisees) to be occult.

      So, what gives?

    5. Finally, someone challenges Geejire..

  31. Mamta and her husband sound a bit like the characters from the movie:
    Bad Day for the Cut.

    Great movie if you haven't seen it.
    A total sleeper. Had no idea it would be so good.

  32. Thank you Enty, Enterns, Mr. X, Mr. Hedge, Himmmm, & CDaNers for exposing the truth.

    Dear Scumbags,

    You can get by but you can't get over.

  33. Next time Trump tweets about The Wall, dear God please flood his Twitter with link to this blind. Include Rosanne Barr for good measure.

  34. Her brother-in-law was recently busted for human trafficking... It all fits together.

  35. I'm certain this is Mamta Kulkarni.
    @Geeljire - The Baha'i Faith and Islam are not the same thing and it is a separate religion.

  36. Just found this. Churches and slavery and trafficking

  37. When I read the blind I thought the transport location would be in Western Canada, specifically Vancouver. I thought this because I was watching show called "Intelligence" on Netflix I think. It was a Canadian show that in its second season was cancelled abruptly allegedly by the Canadian government for unknown reasons.

  38. There is also a Mohawk reservation that straddles the border near Cornwall Ontario-NY State, the Mohawks considered themselves citizens of North America, so the reservation is technically both in the US and Canada this has been a major smuggling point for many things and boats are used often, seen documentary about smuggling

    "Cornwall Island is an island in the Saint Lawrence River, directly south of the city of Cornwall. The island is located completely within Canada, but it is also part of the Akwesasne Mohawk reserve, which straddles the Canada–United States border and the Quebec – Ontario border. The Seaway International Bridge, with a channel crossing on each side of the island, provides road access to Cornwall Island from both Canada and the United States."

    Now recently there has been a push to establish tighter border control not sure how that is working out.

  39. Kenya is rather interesting as it borders Somalia and the Twin Cities has a huge Somalian population.

    One thing about the Northwest angle is that there is a couple of islands that border it and some of the resorts there only take cash, which is rather strange for a fishing resort. These cabins can sleep over 10+ people which is kind of ideal if you are a human trafficker. These hotels also offer shuttle service to neighboring towns like Warroad and you can also go to International Falls or Grand Forks, but international Falls has Delta Airlines service to MSP, which can then take you to anywhere in the US. Resorts also offer Boat Rentals and it does fit in with the lax border security. Another town that is easier to get to from the Angle is Baudette which is not that far from International Falls.

    I still think it is Point Bobs (Point Roberts) as there is a large Indian population in Vancouver and if you are a crime boss looking to set up shop in western Canada, then Vancouver is a good possibility.

    These are just some ramblings on this subject, but I would think those in the conservative NW angle would catch on to people that are being trafficked.

  40. There also used to be a seasonal Bellingham-Victoria passenger ferry that runs from The Port of Bellingham from June-Sept to downtown Victoria ... see There is an airport in Bellingham.

  41. This blind has been revealed in the Indian media blind items as Mamta Kulkarni and her husband Vicky.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.



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