Thursday, October 04, 2018

Blind Item #10

Two things. This network anchor wants to not only keep her job or get the top job at the network, but is also fighting to keep out the supposedly returning fallen one. Where does she get her information to get what she wants on both fronts? All the deep digs her former bosses did on all higher up on air talent at other networks. They know everything about everyone on air, including their own. An executive at her former employer has been sharing the goods on her current or future co-workers.


Tricia13 said...

Megan Kelley?
Or Guthrie?

sandybrook said...

Megyn Kelly\Lauer??

Tricia13 said...

Definitely Lauer

Mac said...

Someone want to do a plot diagram of this one?!?!?!?!?

Sara, Making It Work said...

If this isn't Megyn Kelley, I don't know what is. Matt Lauer doesn't deserve his job back, but she's still devious and the network bigwigs are still terrible.
Just burn NBC. They dont have anything decent anyway.

MDAnderson said...

Going with Kelly and Lauer. There is no reason for her to still have a show.

Jimbonius said...

NBC is pretty much a dumpster fire at this point.

Thorne said...

Megyn Kelly has been screaming for menzzz rightzz to sit on the Supreme Court the last few days, and at the same time fighting to keep Lauer away?

cc423 said...

Megyn Kelly has been particularly heinous these last few weeks.

SteveD said...

I buy it. Only blackmail could explain why she is still on the air.

gadfly said...

cc423 yes, particularly this week. I hate that I hate-watch her.

YummyBoogers said...

Is Lauer SERIOUSLY returning???

Ronaldus Magnus said...

Megyn keeps gaining strength. She's at an overwhelmingly biased network and is demonstrating hones opinions most people agree, though I must say much of it is padded with a liberal lean to appease management. She was the only one to call out the Kavanaugh spectacle as BS. It is way too easy to see Guthrie huff and puff on this one. Those two are going to go-at-it soon.

Unknown said...

Here's a plot diagram:

Bad man? -> Trump

Bad woman? -> Trump's fault

Clinton mentioned? -> Conspiracy Theorists

NSCLady/cmsooc/cantmakesaneoutofcracy said...


Lulu Filona said...

Why NBC thought it was a good idea to get the tainted goods that comes out of Fox News is a mystery. Perhaps blackmail is the only reasonable explanation.

Freckles said...

Kelly is horrible, I won't watch anything she does

Aoife said...

Megyn Kelly trying to block Matt Lauer.

The knuckle draggers who watched her on Fox weren't watching for the "news" she was reporting on. Away from that environment she's exposed for what she is.

Sorry not sorry.

Colonel Blake said...

NBC is entire dumpster fire!!! JFC, just turn out the lights and be done with them. Megan's trying her old style to increase ratings is my bet.


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