Friday, November 30, 2018

Blind Item #1

I don't think that accusing the person who bearded for you as a favor really likes to be accused of cheating but that is what this A list reality star from multiple shows on the same cable channel is doing. He better be careful or she might take him to court and that whole charade will end.


Tricia13 said...

The Property Brothers dude

Tricia13 said...

Jonathon Scott

Goddess said...

Shameful to go after a person who bearded for no compensation.

LooksLikeCRicci said...

Tricia, I adore you... but leave my Jonathan Scott alone! I refuse to believe that he's in the closet. He builds closets and tears apart cabinets and walls like it ain't no thing and I enjoy watching that.

I can still enjoy watching it. I'm just in denial. It seems like ALL THE HOT ONES are not into the ladies... :)

Mahogany1 said...

Off topic by any chance were/Jake gylenhall and j Jonas a couple? There's several articles now about Jake's dating history lately

LooksLikeCRicci said...

@Mahogany-- I don't know about Joe Jonas, but I know that Austin Nichols was the name I heard most often as a boyfriend to Jake G.

Trapped said...

Property Brothers ex girlfriend being engaged 7 months after breaking up with him...
Oh what is he hiding?..

longtimereader said...

Damn these dudes make the one reality show i love watching. Frankly anything that involves restoring some delightful Victorian house gets my attention.

Anonymous said...

The only way The Property Brothers are hot is if they are gay, hung like mules, and do it with each other. Sorry but it's true.

Brayson87 said...

@LooksLike, Oh please, I thought both the brothers were gay the first time I saw them, multiple pings on the gaydar. And are you kidding me, many gay guys love with working with furniture and remodeling, just like straight guys.

hunter said...

"just like straight guys"


Nobody has convinced me of the essential differences between men and women like my legion of gay friends. In many ways, they have all the same male characteristics as their straight brethren.

Once I noticed, I found it amusing how in many ways all men are still men.

Brayson87 said...

Hey now, I've also known women, straight and lesbian, who loved remodeling and fixing up furniture too. I'm just saying it's not a sexuality or gender thing, no matter where they put the play tools in the toy store.

LooksLikeCRicci said...

@Brayson-- They pinged my radar, too, but a girl likes to believe she has a chance.. :)

Orville said...

I admit I thought both of the brothers are gay men they just have gay face.


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