Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 9, 2020

Pretty crappy of the A++ lister to throw out a version of events and not let the woman he threw under the bus for a lifetime not even get a chance to speak or challenge the crap narrative that the A++ lister has decided is his truth.

Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky


  1. Where is John Brennan?

  2. Where are the Podesta brothers?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How did he stop her? Sure, he's got a bigger platform than her, but she - an empowered adult - should have thought things through before blowing him.

    Plus they're the Clintons. She should thank her lucky stars she's still alive.

    1. She cdve been Fostered! Aka suicide by whatever is physically unfeasible.

  4. Poor Billy Bob's still missing the point nobody cares why you had Monica suck your dick you were married ur a creep

  5. Lol @ MDS. So delusional.

  6. Total crap. She does nothing but speak about this, on Twitter and in documentaries. She has done NOTHING else with her life.

  7. Of course. Bill puts on quite a good facade.

  8. Another Google coincidence from yesterday...


  9. By the way, I just saw a news article about a 4 year old British girl with coronavirus. Her parents gave her ibuprofen to bring her fever down and her symptoms got worse.

    So it looks like that is an important thing to know not do do, don't give ibuprofen to children with COVID-19.

  10. Well folks, there is some serious stuff coming down and I don't mean covid-19. And why is Bill talking? Shouldn't he be laying low considering his name and the wife may very well be on that lofty list of indictments? I agree about Monica. Her life has been about fellatio on that pecker. Does she have anything else she can talk about? She's failed to rehab her image and should have stayed incognito.

  11. Monica DID try to move on. She started a handbag business. She wrote a book. She went to the London School of Economics and got a master's degree in Social Psychology. Nobody would hire her. So she kind of has to embrace this, and she's doing it in a very productive way. And why shouldn't she? She was one of the most bullied and ridiculed women on the planet.

  12. I love you too Rosie :)

  13. It appeared on Google search for a couple hours yesterday when you searched for democratic party.

  14. I have said it before and will say it again; Monica Lewinsky is no martyr. Yes, she started a business, went to one of the costliest universities on earth, lived in London, returned to the US and attends Vanity Fair parties with Alan Cumming, etc. She doesn't have to work because her benefactors paid for all of this. She came to the White House with a mission and mission was accomplished. No one dislikes the Clintons more than I do, but I know the truth. Don't cry for Miss Priss. She will never have to worry about where her next meal is coming from.

  15. === She was one of the most bullied and ridiculed women on the planet.

    Deservedly so. It's a pity all the women who proudly pulled out the kneepads for a skeevy Married Man weren't likewise pilloried.

    Wasn't going to happen, of course, given that these sort of Liberated Wimmens comprise the backbone of Her's constituency.

  16. @YeahYouKnow...

    No need to be so pissy. The French Health Minister said that NASIDs could make the symptoms worse and to take Tylenol instead.

  17. === She came to the White House with a mission

    Yep. "Whose" is the question no one bothers to ask. I'd start with whomever sat her next to Linda Tripp(wire).

  18. I wonder what he'll say when evidence is produced which shows what he got up to with Epstein's underage girls.

  19. Skull: "Whose" is known to those who are deep into the swamp whether they want to be or not. "Whose" isn't a person. Let's leave it at that.

  20. @ Do tell I have read several articles saying NOT to do Ibuprofen now and that it can make symptoms worse. Was suggested you take TYLENON which is acetaminophen?

  21. PS to fever reduce.

  22. Monica was a 22 year old girl from a good middle class home. She was hardly old enough or worldly enough to be some conniving schemer. Anyone who thinks she deserved the treatment she got better consider any female relatives they have of the same age in the same way, bc you can never be too careful, C.T.ers!

    And nobody forced Bill Clinton to stick his dick or anything else into an intern only 9 years older than his daughter at the time. It was a HUGE abuse of power. Bill Clinton was not victimized in any way. Nor was his wife. Thankfully, most people now see them for the assholes they both are.

  23. @kiki, yes, what I saw was that you want the elevated body temperature to kill off the cold, but only within reason, if it is really high, you go to the ER. Ibuprofen will bring down a fever/interfere with that process.

  24. Monica actually came from an upper middleclass/wealthy home.

  25. Either 21-year-old women (and men) are adults capable of being responsible for their decisions or we should use a different age cutoff. Or maybe a different one for each gender.

    Until then, I'll assume young Miss Lewinsky had the brains to know she was having sex with a married man, and that the people in that married man's circle were very powerful and dangerous.

    If we can't assume that, we need a different age of adulthood for women.

    Reminds me of 31-year-old Vanessa Hudgens complaining about the loss of Coachella, sounding like she is about six.

  26. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Yeah you know she has to consider herself lucky to be alive.

  27. Monica can challenge whatever she wants, whenever she wants to. Clinton isn't preventing that.

  28. Do Tell: Her parents were the money raisers in the DNC at the time. She had an affair with one of her professors before she became an intern and told him she was going to bring her kneepads because she was really into Bill. That girl was never naive. She grew up amongst the political movers and shakers and knew everyone. Her professor was married, by the way.

  29. And J, I'll presume that the then 50-something-old Bill Clinton, lawyer, former governor and President, knew better than to enthusiastically pursue a relationship with a 22 year old INTERN, where he was not only her boss, but the most powerful person in the world at that time.

    She was misguided, besotted and made a few mistakes in judgment. She was 22 years old, delusionally led with her heart and other body parts, and had no power. That she was thinking that Clinton would leave his wife for her shows how naive she was. BC committed several abuses of power, as we've seen here and with his other accusers, was not forced into a sexual relationship with someone at least ten levels his subordinate, much like her professor was not raped at gunpoint by teenage Monica, and Bill and his wife ensured that this little nobody's life was destroyed afterwards. So yeah, I'm on Monica's side here.

  30. You can be on her side, but what you seem to be saying that she wasn't a capable adult at 22. At which age would she become one, in your opinion?

  31. If the woman blowing Clinton had been a 40-year-old temp hire, would you feel differently? If so, that implies you don't think 22-year-old women are ready for the responsibilities of adulthood.

  32. Fionafab how do you know so much about everything and everybody?

  33. UNKNOWN: I worked for 48 years in media news here and overseas and am related to numerous well-known American politicians. I have my fingers in a lot of pies which is why my keyboard is always a mess. My mom's ancestors arrived from England in 1630. Dad's from Cork, Ireland in Feb. of 1733. Been here a while. Always love to share with you guys if I know the skinny. On this, I definitely do!!

  34. @Iknowpeople

    • It's NSAID's.
    • French minister is a politician propagating baseless information. Maybe he admires Trump's shtick.
    • Tylenol is not relevant outside of the insular US.

    Get your facts right while your busy trying to belittle others for their supposed ignorance...

  35. Monica needs to do a "Paula Jones." Get some face work done then disappear. Although it's too bad she can't rape the Clinton's for a shit load of money.



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