Monday, March 18, 2024

Today's Blind Items - The Insider

There have always been plenty of actors/actresses and crew members who have sold secrets to the tabloids or given information to producers and studios in hopes of getting another gig. During the 50's lots of people sold out their friends and co-workers to the government to save themselves. I'm not sure how often though an actress has sold information to another government. This actress doesn't actually sell the information, but is deeply committed to spilling as many secrets as possible that could compromise those in a position of power in Hollywood. Our actress is foreign born. She is A- list and most well known for television although it was a movie financed by some people close to her handlers that got her a break and some eyeballs on her. In return, she spied on the lead of that movie and managed to learn a great deal. She even slept with the actress who is now one of her closest confidants. Until now, our actress has never really been in a main cast. Her handlers wanted her to be able to move from project to project. So, even though our actress was offered a main role on a really big television show, she turned it down and just made the occasional appearance on the show. She got her most recent gig on this very very popular streaming show because her handlers decided to pay her back for all the work she had been doing. They also wanted her to get close to one of the producers who is always invited to a very exclusive gathering of a handful of the richest men in the world. He is one of the very few non billionaires to be invited. Surprising no one, he is sleeping with our actress and never lets her out of his sight and took her to this gathering of literally about a dozen people. That was the payoff for the handlers.

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