Monday, April 22, 2013

Reese Witherspoon Is Not Perfect - Gets Drunk, Loud And Arrested

I'm not going to lie. I think I like Reese Witherspoon more now than I did prior to this weekend. Yes, she should not have let her husband drive drunk. The guy was almost twice the legal limit so he should know the whole one drink thing he told police early Friday morning was not true. I guess it could have been one bottle of something and he calls that a drink.

In case you have not heard, I will summarize. Reese and her husband are in a Ford Fusion late Thursday night, early Friday morning and Jim is weaving all over the place. Police pull them over and arrest Jim for drunk driving. Reese,who has she said later, "clearly had one drink too many," decides to pull the celebrity card and delivers the line of the year. "You are about to know who I am." Although the police gave her several chances, Reese got herself arrested and now has a mugshot to highlight the night and her brunette hair.

Reese sucked it up though and last night showed up at the premiere of her new movie in Atlanta. A lot of celebrities would have skipped it. I think it is amazing they kept it quiet from Thursday night to yesterday. If it had happened in LA it would have been on the news while she was being transported. It would probably be on YouTube. I'm sure it was captured by some kind of police video in the car, but I don't think we will ever get to see it.

I think we all needed this in the gossip world to take our minds off last week so I would like to thank Reese for providing it to us. She is always thinking about everyone.


VIPblonde said...

So here's what I'm picturing happened:

Jim Toth was out for a nice, leisurely drive, just like Cliff in Dead Man on Campus.

And when the cops started giving Jim a hard time, Reese started serving them some Vanessa Lutz realness.

Then they both snorted and made pig jokes all the way to the precinct.

Today's lessons? When Laura Jean fights the law, the law wins. Also, bitch takes a fierce mug shot.

And yes, I still like her spunk :)

eris hilton said...

I think what we're all thinking here is: ford fusion? ...?

a non a miss said...

She looks so demure in that mug shot. Always trying to class it up!

ethorne said...

Yes thank you Reese for getting in a car with your drunk husband & acting like a bitch. We all needed that.

Unknown said...

This pisses me off. It's all fun and games until you kill someone. They have plenty of money to hire a driver. Kudos to the police officer for doing his job and not being intimidated by her celebrity. Reese, you're a mom of three children, grow up.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Colleen said...

I heard it was a Ford Focus and made the exact same comment to my sister.

I really wish TMZ would pay someone off to get that video.

Anonymous said...

agreed @ethorne and @Cassandra.

HannahBanana said...

"Vanessa Lutz real ness" yaaaayssss!!! Freeway Foreveaaah!!! Lol! It's funny cuz I thought the EXACT thing when I saw this last on D Listed.

Tyler said...

I just knew this would be today's lead article, lol. I heard Reese tried something along the lines of the old "Don't you know who I am" argument. No surprise there I suppose.

TracySwingKid said...

Reese, sweetie, when you get drunk in the South you roll your ass across the street to the Waffle House and eat pecan waffles and orange juice until you sober up. Call me and I will meet you there.

mikey said...

I saw this last night and I must admit I smirked. Perfect Reese had what she's calling one drink too many. I know who you are and you can afford a full time driver.

Cathy said...

@eris - i read somewhere else it was a ford focus, which seemed even stranger!

KLM said...

Laura Jean 'Poon, get yo' shit together. Not cool to drive drunk, but it is nice to see she is a human.

Unknown said...

I also drive a Ford Fusion, and now feel really glamorous. :)

Cathy said...

I just checked other articles and it was a 2013 silver ford focus. maybe it was the titanium trim?

in any case, it's a nice start to the day to know i drive a fancier car than reese and her husband.

Patty said...

Oh honey, I'm sure it was waaaay more than just one drink too many.

Tyler said...

Her mug shot pose was smart of her in that she's hard to recognize. It looks more like Mischa Barton than Reese to me.

MISCH said...

HAHAHAHAHA one is perfect...

Barton Fink said...

She looks awfully smirky and arrogant in the mugshot.

discoflux said...

This is just a PR stunt to sell more of the cars in the ford economy line. So obvious.

Colleen said...

My coworker says she heard audio from it on the way to work this morning, but heard the end of it, so doesn't know if it's real or not. Anyone see any audio anywhere? TMZ doesn't have it as of right now.

Susan said...

The Ford Focus, brunette hair and spacey mug shot make this story FASCINATING.

I don't understand why celebrities of this caliber don't just roll with a driver at all times. I know if I was bringing in that kind of bank I would just lounge around a limo with a bottle of champagne.

auntliddy said...

Who knew reese had it in her? Whoever expected her to pull the dont u know who i am card? Clearly, not me!

Jamie2 said...

The full police report is in the Daily Mail:

It was a Fusion w/FL plates, probably a rental.

RW comes across as an arrogant bitch in the police report.

I just wish the LAPD would treat celebrities the way these cops did.

auntliddy said...

And i like so far how no fake apology.

Unknown said...


Jamie2 said...

Although I am laughing at how her PR team must have rushed to spin it. "I clearly had one drink too many," indeed. Plus I was an arrogant little bitch. Drunk or sober, when you pull the "don't you know who I am" card (and she did it more than once), it's a clear sign that you think you deserve special treatment.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking she looks an awful lot like Zooey Deschanel in that mug shot.

KittensRUs said...

I like that finally it's a celebrity mug shot where the person looks ashamed of having a mug shot. Usually they are cheerfully smiling away.

Kelly Simmons said...

LOL on the car comments!

I hate hearing about anyone saying "don't you know who I am." And yet -- damn, we would all make excellent police officers because we know who everyone is!!

Little locked room. said...

I'm guessing the car was a rental. I know she's been filming some movie over here for a few weeks.

Ms Cool said...

I must say I like her a lot less now rather than how Enty feels.

Little locked room. said...

I'm guessing the car was a rental. I know she's been filming some movie over here for a few weeks.

Little locked room. said...

I'm guessing the car was a rental. I know she's been filming some movie over here for a few weeks.

lelale said...

@phoenix her shot just looks like she was too drunk to keep her eyes open. Everybody screws up but she sounds like an A-hole.

Agent**It said...

Probably rented the Fusion to see how the little people live. Except, the little people can't afford a 22k car anymore. Google Kevin Smith and Reese if you want a giggle.

Rose said...

Lol @eris hilton. That is exactly what I was thinking.

I don't see anything demure about her in the picture. She looks smug to me.

Tyler said...

@lelale, yeah.. she does.

From the police report: "After I administered the PBT, Mrs. Witherspoon began to hang out the window and say that she did not believe I was a real police officer. I told Mrs. Witherspoon to sit on her butt and be quiet."

lmao, I bet she hasn't been spoken to like that in longer than she can remember. Too funny.

Seachica said...

I celebrate her renting a Ford Focus. Finally a celebrity who is economical with her money and doesn't spend to be flashy.

Seriously, I admire that and think we should celebrate it. If it had been LiLo, it would have been a Porsche loaned to her by a Georgia sugar daddy.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome! Weaving around the road? You are about to know who I am? I would have never thought this possible of Ms. Legally Blonde. Her husband looks douchetacular, and she looks hammered. Wash away the douche, girl.

Seachica said...

Oh Reese, I just saw where the incident happened. Don't you know that that intersection is a police trap?! What you should have done is gone into the Cafe Intermezzo just south of there and sobered up with some turkish coffee and a piece of cake. It's the upscale Waffle House option (or at least was for me in my 20s!)

Anonymous said...

Not enough money for a cab? A car service? A Limo? An assistant? A friend? I say he's a douche, because he was driving drunk, and driving his wife drunk. Weaving around the road, with Reese f'ing Witherspoon. This kind of incident is a red flag to more serious alcohol abuse. Plus, they're drinking together, not a great sign.

dia papaya said...

Dammit! Now my secret is out! I am Reese. Y'all know how I like my drink because I'm always talking about it here with my secret cocktail identity!!!

It's not Jim's fault! That tiny piece of shit car was just uncontrollable. It was handling so bad, weaving and rattling, that it just appeared that we were super drunk, but we weren't. I mean after 12 cocktails, I mean one, we each had just one. Dammit! Don't you know who I am? I'm blond and famous, so y'all can suck it!

Now where can I get a drink?

Murphy said...

This totally reveals that blind item from a while ago about the A list oscar winner who married her husband b/c he's the only guy who stood up to her.

Apparently that cop was just "her type" as well!

Jeneral said...

I like that she owned up to her bad behavior afterwards and had the decency to be embarrassed. Glad all my mistakes aren't publicized. Hopefully this will humble her a bit.

M. Brown said...

I've always had the impression that Reese is the woman everyone accuses Jen Garner of being. A cold bitch who thinks she is better then everyone else. The whole friendship with Chelsea intrigues me because I'm not sure which one is more desperate to be seen as a friend who is the polar opposite of the other one.

JD said...

Why wasn she forced to look up? I guess the celebrity card worked at least a smidgen

JD said...


JD said...

Her husband looks like a total douche. He's probably the only one that's been able to check Reese and she likes it

car54 said...

I lived and worked in Nashville where Reese grew up for many years and am very familiar with the entitled little girls who grow there.

Very graceful and pleasant until you cross them.

I do give her props for showing up at her event and facing the music. I have to agree that someone with her $$ should just have a driver at all times when travelling. Very embarrassing.

Patty said...

When Mel Gibson was pulled over drunk and went on his infamous rant, he was revealed to be the SOB he is. we have a drunken rant from Reese (aka Laura Jeanne Spoon on Dlisted), makes you think she's the bitch Lainey usually paints her to be.

Oh, and the Mrs Witherspoon is cracking me up. So, does that make the hubby Mr Witherspoon??

MadLyb said...

Whenever I hear a celebrity, "Don't you know who I am?" story, I gleefully rub my hands together. Something about confirming my suspicions that a certain celebrity is an a-hole is always delicious!

On the other hand, they are the parents of a couple kids and getting drunk to the point where you can't even stay in your lane is a horrible thing to do to you, your kids, and anyone who is on the road at the same time. At least they didn't have the kids in the car.

And I take offense at the insults here about the wonderful Silver Ford Focus. How dare you!? (I'm kidding) But really, they are damn good cars. I love my little hatchback.

Li said...

Sorry Enty but this isn't cool and I don't like her anymore. I was hit by a drunk driver the very first time I tried to cross the street by myself when I was younger. I have no patience for drunk drivers or those that get into cars with them.

Katie said...

Ah, yes - Shafterella Shoshstein.

All the blinds are here.

June 2011 "she's been putting away a few too many lately."

I recall a magazine interview with Reese back when she was with Ryan and she was downing cocktails during the interview, in the middle of the day, and the author made a point of including how out of character it seemed.

There was gossip of her being publicly drunk on a few occasions early on in her 2012 pregnancy.

I'm still trying to recall the blind about Jim Toth that is essentially about his dark side, that he's a known drunk.

And then of course, there is this.

Enty, your intro on this disgusts me, and you know better! How could this behavior make you like her more? Unless you are truly so disconnected from Hollywood gossip that you didn't know the real Reese?

Unknown said...

Don't the celebs know that "Do You Know Who I Am?!" Is Cop speak for "Guess Who's Hollywood Ass I Busted!!".

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Reese sure looks just like Laura Palmer in her mugshot.

Charis said...

Is this the answer to a blind from last week? I can't find it now but it sounds vaguely familiar.

Sydney21221 said...

@ Phoenix:
I loved the fact that the cop told her to sit down and shut up, that was my favourite bit too.

I'm pleased that no-one was hurt as this could have turned out a lot worse, but I'm also pleased that her true colours have now been shown. People think that Gwyneth Paltrow has a holier than thou attitude, but I think Reese embodies this much more than Goop.

Robert said...

What bummed me (just a little) about this was the way she played the "I'm so important the rules don't apply to me" card. Granted, she was drunk at the time, but drunks often say things they wish they had the guts to say when not drunk. Maybe I was just naive, but I never pictured her that way before. Now I do.

Charis said...

It was the Four for Friday blind. Can't do the clicky thing.

SusanB said...

I don't find this amusing at all. They could have killed someone. And any celebrity that uses the "Don't you know who I am?" card deserves whatever happens to her (or him). She also told the cop "You're about to get on national television." I kind of liked her before. I don't anymore.

mygeorgie said...

WTF?! Not only do I *not* like Reese a little bit more, but I'm in shock how some of the CDaN community finds humour in this and is not outraged all over her destructive arrogant ass. Enty, any other time someone is guilty of this behavior you are all over their pathetic shiteness, and rightly so but Reese gets a pass because she so 'bravely' showed her face in public shortly after? Hypocrite much?

But ya, I await your next post about how ugly & pathetic so-n-so is for smoking.

Colleen said...

There drunk pregnant Reese rumors out there? Someone link me?

joymama said...

I was bummed when I read about this. She has three kids and I wondered if she married a drunk but then after reading the article I just want to laugh HAHAHAHA!

erika said...

"Do you know who i am"

Yes reese, we do. you and hub got drunk behind a wheel that could have maimed or killed someone. and THAT would have really made news....

Mari said...

It was a scary situation?
No Reese. A scary situation is waking up on Bandage One with a nurse's hand in you abdomen holding your artery together because a drive shaft had to be half cut out of you after a driver crossed the median.

Sherry said...

Why oh why don't they get a driver or a cab for the night. They certainly have the money and if sister likes her booze then she should negotiate that in her contract. Her agent sucks!

califblondy said...

Hertz mid-size?

Anonymous said...

She sounds like an entitled A-lister out of the comfortable world of Hollywood or movie sets. Her career was already on the skids. Hopefully she and her husband will not get hammered and get behind the wheel again. Chelsea Handler is an addict.

msgirl said...

I'm hoping that Enty was being sarcastic with his liking her more now - or maybe that now she's good for gossip? He's pretty outspoken about driving drunk.

Annnd there have been too many blinds about her being a bitch for this to surprise me,

Mari said...

Sorry, I was quoting her statement... Forgot to clarify.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

I'm surprised she never told the arresting officer how she's actually a descendent of John Witherspoon, one of America's founding fathers who signed the American Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776. Oh, you just know she wanted to. Then she would be all, 'Don't you know your American history? Dumb hick.'

You'd think a woman who starred in two Legally Blonde movies would know that interfering with a peace office while apprehending a citizen suspected of breaking the law is kind of a no-no.

Unknown said...

1). Selfish behavior
2). Arrogance
3). Subtle threat to have cop fired just for doing his job

Calling her a b*tch is letting her off easy.

Xander Simon Dyle said...

I am not sure why so many people have continued to think that this smile in your face while stabbing you in the back nasty horrible bitch is such a sweetheart?
Tracy Flick is the closest thing to her true character - everything is is supreme acting.
And so many people bought is as if that is really her.
She is not cute. She is not nice. She is self-entitled evil. Always has been.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

I tend to think Enty is being sarcastic about liking her more after this--I suspect the only bit he actually "likes" is that she's given everyone a glimpse of what she's (apparently) really like. Ah, schaudenfreude...

JoElla said...

I'm kinda shocked she didn't go the Nichole Richie mug shot route.

Colleen said...

I also thought Enty was being sarcastic.

Xander, you have to enlighten us on any stories you have of Reese!

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Speaking of schadenfreude, here's a recipe from John Scalzi, science fiction/fantasy writer extraordinaire; if you all were closer to me, I'd see about making it for everyone, because I don't think I could handle having something like this in the house by might be the death of me:

(Yes, I know, you can make links clicky, but every damn time I try something messes up, and I'm tired of having to repost stuff because of it...)

VIPblonde said...

@Xander That's exactly why I heart Reese! I've always seen her for the crazy bitch that she is. She really revamped her image after she got accidentally knocked up, and became all family-friendly. But every now and then, the real Reese peeks out, and the real Reese is a lot like Shannen Doherty (who I also heart)!

mikey said...

It's a lot like a shoo-fly pie, right? Except for the alcohol, of course, which only adds to my excitement - I love shoo-fly pie.

Jamie2 said...

@Jason Blue Eyes: Maybe because she's NOT a descendant of the Founding Father?

Page down for discussion of Reese. There's no way to link her to the bloke who signed the Declaration.

However, to be fair to RW, it seems her father has been making this claim forever, and she probably grew up believing it. Stuff like that happens in families.

Pogue Mahone said...

What drunken LOSERS!!

feraltart said...

Two assholes! Wonder how often their kids, and other people's kids, HAVE been in the car with them when they are drunk. Always thought Reece was a self-important bitch, good to know my character assessment was correct.

discoflux said...

Robin - That looks like the kind of pie we all need to eat together.

Jenn said...

She's a mean little southern woman, adding alcohol just put flame to that fire.

Bailey Quarters said...

I wonder if the cop made her walk the line?

AKM said...

@Bailey - Ah, I see what you did there...

(BTW, LOVE the name. HUGE WKRP fan here.)

The police report DID say that there was a backseat passenger who was then put in a cab, yes? Who was it?!

Bailey Quarters said...


Thanks! I love, love, love WKRP. One of the greatest sitcoms ever!

J said...

Thank goodness no one was hurt.

Let me get this like her now because she's a c*nt? You forgave her being a racist as you've implied before because she's an entitled bitch?

You neglected to mention her total disrespect for the arresting officer and her publicist generated apology where her only concern is her husband not the other motorists.

But that is expected.

I wonder how she'd feel if her family was put in jeopardy like this? Her apology is insincere. Why'd she wait two days later after it was exposed?

J said...

Gotta win somewhere huh?

You're in competition with complete strangers?

J said...

Right. TMZ is the pinnacle of reliable journalism.

di butler said...

Here in the ATL, cops arrest a celebrity type every weekend. It ain't a thang to them, and this BS doesn't fly. Just ask Gucci Mane, Bobby Brown, etc.

J said...

Thanks for the last paragraph. Atypically the blogger hates Reese but here's proof that she's a world class c*nt and the blogger loves her.

If this blog were significant, I'd think money changed hands.

J said...

As told to me...stop trolling.

Posters are not allowed to call "Enty" out on his bullshit. You just accept wtf he says and move on.

You noticed the blatant hypocrisy too huh?

J said...

Well the majority of the posers (and it stays) are in agreement with her recklessness because now Enty finds her "edgy" and likes her. The bandwagoners are applauding her stupid decision and arrogance.

So funny I could shit.

J said...

You finally got one right today Windbag!

J said...


What an evil, mean disruptive post! You are NOT supposed to say mean things about people here. It's all rainbows and unicorns here mate.

PLEASE stop TROLLING! It is chapping my hide..

J said...

As pointed out to me, you are not allowed to derail the thread. This post is about RW dammit NOT schadenfreude.

Rules are rules.

ThisIKnow said...

Love the Daily Mail story with the full police report. So glad her true colors are showing.

Henriette said...

I thought it was pretty well known Reese was a class A B without a sense of humor. Kevin Smith pretty much gave all the 411 on her, so this arrest is no surprise. Her drinking problem would explain how she became good friends with Chelsea Handler.

nunu said...

Hilarious. I never bought the smile. Something abt that one aint right. And she sounded like a member the damn klan with that on american ground line lol good ole redneck

Halfsicilian said...

Same here. Having lived in Nashville Reese didn't have the best rep. Typical spoiled little rich girl.

Halfsicilian said...

Also, thanks to Michael K she'll forever be known as Laura Jeanne Poon.

zeldafitzgerald said...

Who the hell is J talking to?

i think it was a set up. Any publicity is good publicity

SophiaB said...

That is gonna forever be the punchline. I always read CDAN backwards due to laziness. Oh. My. GODDESS. Reese has NEVER looked as hot as she did at the premiere with her long dark locks, her short black dress and those demure fuck-me kitten heels. Her LEGS!! SOOO amazing. I am 98.9999% hetcentric but if it wasn't bitchqueen Reese and she offered a visit to a lovely dark den of iniquity I SO WOULD...

And haven't we all seen our innocent little Southern belle rolling out of several restaurants with her main man completely drunk?? I am thinkin' the two of them put their drinkin' party hats on WAY more often thsn once in a blue moon.

Her and Drew Barrymore are my candidates for best at hiding what a huge mess they are. Drew was photo'd falling down drunk a bunch of times before she got knocked up and now she is dressing like a prebag lady from the 80s.

I am counting down the meltdown rehab revolving door for both these actresses.

Their careers are in a shambles and they both have something to hide. Just like Xtina.

Come out come out come out!! It can't GET any worse you three!!

SophiaB said...

J seems to be having a VERY IMPORTANT CONVERSATION with itself. I am thinking J might be a robot without a sense of humor and an impaired outrage chip-just bleep bleep bleep.

Maybe its battery will eventually wind down. So tiresome. No YOU are bad because YOU are a hypocrite because YOU blah blah blah. Neither witty nor incisive nor even particularly cutting.

Oops. I just poked the robot. Shall we all expire of boredome when the inevitable sloppy riposte appears? I know I shall.

Farewell cruel world where boombahs like J clutter up the fun threads. OK NOW I am stopping.

J said...

You are just the funniest.

But you are right, I was not talking to you.

But I can if you'd like? In each thread, everyone of your posts.

Try me.

J said...

To you asshole.

To you.


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