Monday, October 06, 2014

Blind Item #8

Since this B+ list mostly television actor from a hit almost network show cheated on his B list mostly movie actress girlfriend, she decided that some ex sex would be ok last week.


Unknown said...


Tricia13 said...


SugarTitz said...

Ian. Nikki.

SugarTitz said...

3 way

Rivenisahasbeen said...

That's so SomerHolder...

Unknown said...

She was at an event with her ex Paul. She looked gorgeous too.

sandybrook said...

True love is marvelous

Tricia13 said...

She did look good. It's nice if they remained friendly

Rivenisahasbeen said...

I was surprised to see Nikki Reed somehow get in my IG feed and low and behold she's performing with her soon-to-be-divorced AI husband. This was the same day J Hough and Nina Dobrev appeared in my feed posing together so I figured almost network hell froze over or they realized yatcht seasons had ended..

Tricia13 said...

Seems SOMEone's always holding Ian's....thang
Sorry couldn't stop myself

skippy said...

My first reaction was good on her. But then I thought wag at about taking the high ground.
Then I thought Ex-sex can be fabulous!!!

skippy said...

Typo, but I like it.

skippy said...

Typo, but I like it.

skippy said...

Typo, but I like it.

The Real Dragon said...

Joshua Jackson

Unknown said...

Nobody thinks the two of them are a forever couple so what does it matter? They make an attractive couple though and their kids would be gorgeous.

Pip said...

Nikki is a horrible actress. Why is she still around? Thirteen was a decade ago.

Unknown said...

She is not a horrible actress she just gets horible roles. She's also very charming.

sandybrook said...

Even if she is a horrible actress she can write herself roles.

Sherry said...

Remained friendly is taking on a different meaning here..LOL!

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

How you likin' that typo, skippy?


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