Friday, October 10, 2014

Malala Yousafzai Wins Nobel Peace Prize At 17

When I was 17, I was a stupid teenager who spent most of his time thinking of new ways to get drunk and party without my parents finding out. Malala Yousafzai is 17 and just won the Nobel Peace Prize. She is sharing the award with Kailash Satyarthi, but Malala is an inspiration and someone that all people should look up to and provides hope that you can grow up and not want to emulate Kim Kardashian or think that is someone who has it all. Malala began speaking out about the rights of women when she was just 11 years old. She was fed up with the way she was treated at school because she was female and the opportunities denied to her in a Taliban controlled area of Pakistan. Six years ago she survived a gunshot to the head when someone from the Taliban boarded her school bus and shot her. She was saved by British doctors who were in her town and flown to England where she still lives and attends school and still speaks out for the rights of women when it comes to education. 


SugarTitz said...

Finally. . A really good role model

FSP said...

You're still a stupid teenager.

Unknown said...

A worthy recipient.

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

This warms my cold, black heart just a little.

Pip said...

FSP, you took the words out of my mouth! Way to go Malala. We need more Malalas in the world.

LottaColada said...

Way to sneak in a Kardashian into this post!

FSP said...


Sherry said...

First words were OMG Unbelievable! What a wonderful thing. This girl has been such an inspiration but hope she doesn't wind up like Benazir Bhutto. She's destined for wonderful things I hope.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Yay!!! You go, girl!

auntliddy said...

Congrats to her. She deserves it and gives hope to all mankind. Wish i cld hug her.

Unknown said...

meh, politics and propaganda. there are many more deserving.

and she still can end up like a kardashian.

parissucksliterally said...


auntliddy said...

Speaking of nobel prizes, did anyone read about the goop that fell out of goopys mouth when she hosted fundraiser with/ for obama? " i can hardly speak, you're so handsome." Quick! Get the barf bag!!!! Does she have ANY self awareness at all??!!

Snapdragon said...

She's a true role model. And that she would wait to make her first statement about it after her school day is over is just completely perfect.

Wen said...

Why the need to mention K-Krap? Do you have a daily quota to meet?

Zilla3 said...

The Nobel Committee attempting to make amends for their ridiculous awarding of the prize to Obama before he's even taken office. "Based on what he might do and inspire."

Glad to see this girl get acknowledged like this.

Zilla3 said...


rolotomassi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rolotomassi said...

@auntliddy, Is that true???
-If So,Could the juxtaposition of 2 Women be any better drawn??

Unknown said...

Bravo!!! Agree - finally a descent female human role model

PugsterMom said...

Great choice.

Runswithscissors said...

And a tremendous round of applause to her parents, her father who is a teacher and encouraged her to study and speak her mind, her mother who has supported her just as much as well, in spite of all the death threats she had received before she was finally shot.
She is an excellent role model to all, young and adult.

DomBarbie said...

Loved to documentary Born In To Brothels. Will see if I can figure out these other docs you mentioned. :-)

DomBarbie said...

Always thought it was cart-before-horse with regards to Obama's Nobel prize. Shady business.

TinselSass said...

"When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful." - Malala Yousafzai

Her courage staggers me.

ladybaus said...

very very


Unknown said...

She's an amazing girl, but her father who was a school principal and believed everyone should be educated was so progressive and raised his daughter to believe she had the right to an education that every child no matter what sex they were had a right to knowledge. She is a roll model that the Taliban knows beat them, and beat them badly by surviving and thriving. A wise choice by the Nobel committee.

Brian said...

The Nobel Peace Prize lost all credibility once Obama won it.

Lady Heisenberg said...

Word. I'm still sickened that Obama won- let alone ACCEPTED - that Nobel Prize. What a fucking farce. Tons of people have done tremendous things, why give out a preemptive award?

You know how you do it right? You go from public enemy #1, peacefully bring freedom to your people, and then TURN DOWN the nomination. The fact that Obama has a peace prize and Václav Havel did not still makes my blood boil. Can you tell? :X

Lady Heisenberg said...

My Nobel Prize was still better too ;)

Unknown said...

Regardless of what anyone thinks of President Obama: congratulations for bringing your pissy attitude into what was otherwise a wonderful post.

And some of you have the nerve to call Enty petty and childish.

OKay said...

Bravo, Layna. And congrats to Malala.

Unknown said...

good for her. hopefully this will spread to other countries where women dont have a voice. it is really important for women to be active, vocal and respected in any government.

TLP said...

Malala is my hero. She deserves every accolade she gets. She is braver and stronger than most countries wish they could be.

Studio54 said...

Wake up people. As I write this, ISIS is eight miles away from Baghdad. Iraq. Eight miles from taking over a country we poured TRILLIONS into. And people are flocking to the murderous ISIS, NOT THIS GIRL, and her ideals. This girl is a one off, who is DEAD anywhere in the hell hole known as the Middle East. She was lucky she wasn't killed by those backward Islamic monsters the first time. She should stay in the West and never go back. What good did her example do, for the HUNDREDS of girls kidnapped from school by ISIS like monsters, to be bombed back to women for their fighters, that have never been recovered. NO EXAMPLE AT ALL TO THEM. That pitiful Facebook campaign produced NOTHING, all those girls are slaves of the Islamic terrorists that run that hell hole region. Syria, Iraq, Turkey, all putting up a pathetic non fight, and falling like dominos. If it isn't the Taliban, it's Al Queda, if it's not Al Queda, it's ISIS. These people live in 2000 BC. They don't EVER rise up there for Democracy anymore, they go to school and get kidnapped to get back in their place. Her example means nothing but certain death in the Middle East. They don't want educated women, they want women bareboot and pregnant. Her only hope is in the West, and that goes for any other woman in the Satanic playground known as the Middle East.


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