Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Today's Blind Items

Want to know the difference between celebrities? Let's see how they are treated by the same fashion designer for the same infraction. Both of our actresses in this item have the annoying habit of getting dresses and other items from our designer on loan and never returning it. Even when asked repeatedly by the designer, neither actress ever returns anything loaned out. #1 is a C list actress with A list name recognition and does not have the most stellar reputation. She has been banned from ever receiving anything on loan again from the designer. #2 is a B list film actress who stars in "important" movies but is best known for one huge franchise and is loved by everyone (mostly). She usually borrows more items at a higher value, but because she is nice and friendly to the designer he keeps unbanning her and keeps loaning out items.


jw12 said...

Lindsay Lohan for 1

Unknown said...

1- Lindsay Lohan
2-...dunno. There have been so many franchises.

jw12 said...

Who wears Marc Jacobs a lot?

Natalie Portman
Kate Bosworth

ItsJustMe said...

Designer = Karl Lagerfeld for Chanel. I'll go with Lohan for #1 and Portmand for #2.

Anonymous said...

#1 - Lohan (doesn't she also like to steal)

121007 said...

Bit nervous about posting for the second time ever but could this be Maggie Gyllenhaal? I know she wasnt in both batman movies but it is a massive franchise?

jw12 said...

121007- That's a good guess. Maggie is always front row for Marc Jacobs.

califblondy said...

If it is Maggie, I hope she returned that mess she wore to the Globes.

svd said...

1- Paris
2- Rachel Weisz (Mummy), Renee Zellweger (Bridget Jones), Uma Thurman (Kill Bill)

Angela said...

#1: Either Lindsay Lohan or Winona Ryder.

#2: Keira Knightley (Pirates of the Caribbean)?
Kirsten Dunst doesn't do as many "important" movies.
Natalie Portman has a career outside of Star Wars and got lead parts in other big productions (such as V for Vendetta)
One wild guess: Diane Keaton (The Godfather)!

Pink Skull said...

1. Lohan
2. Natalie Portman or Kristen Dunst

Unknown said...

1. Lohan

2. Natalie Portman was the first one that popped into my mind

Anotheramy said...

1. I think is Winona Ryder but reading replies, Lohan is another good guess. No clue on #2

Dijea said...

I wouldn't consider Paris an actress anyway you look at it. And I wouldn't say Renee Zellweger is "loved by all"

Kinda stumped on these, #1 Could be any idiot. Could number #2 be Kiera Knightly. Or is she a-list. Pirates is a huge franchise and most of her other stuff is pretty dramatic.

Maja With a J said...

Lohan is the female version of Affleck when it comes to blind items. But I agree. It sounds like her.

jax said...

#2 Portman

littlemanwhatnow said...

reese for legally blonde?

Anonymous said...

Def calling Lohan and Portman on this one.

clatie said...

This is old news but Farrah Fawcett is an utter
klepto and all wardrobe people who work with
her have to steal back all of their shit that she
jams in her bag.

MoneyHoney said...

I say the designer is Karl Lagerfeld with Chanel.

1. Lindsay Lohan
2. Sarah Jessica Parker for the stretch, i mean her films arent the best, but SATC is the best franchise i can think of unless it is Keira Knightly .

although i would SJP wouldnt take anything from a set likt that.

childeroland said...

Rachel Weisz? (Mummy)

ashley said...

#1 Sharon Stone
#2 kate Winslet

Melissa said...

Would Portman be B list?

For some reason, I thought of Liv Tyler for the second one. But the whole "important" movies thing throws that off a bit.

Reese said...

I know Sharon Stone has been banned from borrowing (remember the $100,000+ necklace she refused to return and was sued over?); doesn't Lohan just steal things?

No idea who #2 might be.

rocky said...

I don't know anything about the Mummy movies but Rachel W. was the subject of a Lainey Blind called Cheap & Crafty so it would make sense that she wouldn't return the dresses.


nancer said...

i'm down with sharon stone for number one. she's notorious for this shit and the only place she's a star is in her own mind.
number 2, i have no idea.

woth dees said...

Julia Styles for number 2? Famous for the Bourne films.

LesbianCherryPie said...

I'm so out of the loop my guesses were Pam Anderson for #1 and Sigourney Weaver for #2.

Judi said...

1. Sharon Stone.
2. Sarah Jessica Parker.

Adventurous Kate said...

1. I swore Lindsay, but now you guys have me thinking Sharon Stone.

2. Keira Knightley -- best known for Pirates, but she's also done Pride & Prejudice, Atonement...I'd call those important films!

FitwithLizzie said...

Has Enty ever posted the criteria for determining A-list, B-list etc. status?

Fish said...

I agree with Ashley, I thought of Kate Winslet right away. She is known for Titanic, everyone loves her (more than the coolish Portman I think), and part of dress detail broke off on Sunday pm when she got her two important movie golden globes.

MEP said...

I think Rachel Weisz is the best guess thus far. Keira has done really popular movies besides "Pirates" - Love Actually, Pride and Prejudice, etc. My bet is on Rachel because she is known for the Mummy but does movies like The Constant Gardener. However, I may have killed my own point, because she won the oscar. Hmm.

Sarah Jessica Parker isn't a bad guess either, so maybe that's it. Although I can't think of an "important" movie she's done, really.

Resse Witherspoon doesn't fit because she is not known just for Legally Blonde and she is A list. Kate Winslet doesn't fit because Titanic can't really be called a "franchise".

What about Lucy Lui for #2? Does other stuff but is known for Charlie's Angels? Or does being on TV as well nix her?

Really could be Portman. That's where I think I end up: Portman.

Jim said...

Liking the Knightly guess for #2.

CH said...

Sharon Stone for #1!

MEP said...

Ooh, and "important" films could be referring to her recent film(s) with (artfully included) nudity.

Anonymous said...

Camryn Manheim #1

Conchata Ferrell #2

Unknown said...

My first thought also was totally Lindsey for #1 but I agree Sharon Stone is a better fit (we were supposed to guess Lindsey of course...).

I think the key is "everyone likes" for #2. Most people don't even know who Rachel Weisz is... My first guess for this was also Portman due to all the fan-boys she had LOVING her based on Star Wars. She's like queen of the nerds. The "most everyone" may reference the neighbors of the previously revealed blind where there were 4 apartment owners in the same building and she was the answer to being the bitch.

Virtual Boricua said...

2. is the gal from x-files.

Virtual Boricua said...

Gillian Anderson.

J said...

For the love of GOD! There are other actresses with subpar personalities OTHER than Lohan!

I'm guessing that this is someone who attended the Globes due to the timing of this...

When was the last time Lohan has done ANYTHING work related?

Ever thought that Halle could be a cunt? Angelina(gasp)?

Please think outside the box...

KellyLynn said...

This is silly and out on a whim, but I was thinking of Anne Hathaway for number 2 (the Princess Diaries was a pretty huge franchise, especially among the underage set, and she's starred in The Devil Wears Prada and Rachel Getting Married as well as a pretty big part in Brokeback Mountain).
Lohan is a good guess for 1. I nearly wanted to connect the two women and originally thought of Kate Hudson for number 1. Lohan seems like a better guess, though.

Mrs George Glass said...

Natalie Portman is definitely the best fit of all the guesses here. She is still best known for Star Wars. Ask most people what she was in and they would have a vague idea she does some 'serious' work, but they would struggle to come up with any titles other than Star Wars. If I asked most people I know what Keira was in, they'd say Atonement or Pride & Prejudice. She's known for being in period pieces above anything.

Natalie stars in a lot of high concept films that don't do so well. That might be why "important" is in quotes. Also if someone does important movies that get a lot of critical attention, they become better known for that. The only thing Portman got attention for was Closer and that was a supporting role. Her awards for it seemed more like encouragement, like people wanted her to live up to who they think she is, and I don't think her acclaim for that role 'made' her know as a serious actres like the Constant Gardener did for Weisz. CLoser is forgotten with Portman, so she's still predominantly a franchise star. Yet she has the serious films to her credit to fit this blind.

I think 'mostly' everyone liking her fits this too - she's thought of as being smart, humble and not a famewhore. Yet some find her annoying and overrated. Knightley however attracts tons of hate, I think she even topped some poll as the actress most women love to hate.

Not sure Portman would keep the clothes, but it's not a huge stretch - she seems a little spoiled to me and like she could be someone who is casually selfish.

Mrs George Glass said...

Do you ever type something out super fast and have no idea how long it is? Oh dear.

Heather Matthews said...

Kate Winslet is too A list for this one: she is the definition of A List...

Beth said...

1. Lohan

2. Knightley was the first person who came to mind. Yes, she is hated by a lot of people, but I read the people loving her bit as a reference to people who actually have to deal with her face to face.

Winslet has never starred in a franchise. She was in Titanic, but there was never a sequel.

Portman is a good second guess. The one issue with Knightley is that she works for Chanel as the face of one of their fragrances. Would Lagerfeld really ban her from wearing freebies?

PotPourri said...

#2 - Natalie Portman is a bitch and would definitely be that entitled, as I don't believe Keira Knightly would be either of those types. Also, SJP has an open closet by anyone, day or night and could have whatever she wanted. Having said that, I don't think she would keep anything as that would indicate she would wear it more than once, so not her.

Unknown said...

WOW... I have completely different guesses than all of you, which is weird.
I think #1 is Jessica Alba and,
#2 is Renee Zelwegger

Unknown said...

oh, and P.S. Natalie Portman is vegan, meaning she won't wear any clothes that are a by-product of an animal. Which doesn't necessarily rule her out completely, but unless the designer in question is Stella McCartney, I don't think this is likely to be Natalie.

matia moo said...

hmmm... definitely agree one of these two appeared at the globes. Not sure who #1 is but the "one huge franchise" actress might be Drew Barrymore or Cameron Diaz both for Charlie's Angels? Really no clue though...

*girl said...

Okay, I'm just rocking out a little bit here with your guy's Portman guess.

As the blind refers to the actress being "nice and friendly" with the designer, it could possibly be Zac Posen as they've been friends forever. You know who else is known to wear Posen? Ashley Olsen and Mischa Barton.


Anonymous said...

#1 is definately Lohan. There was a story awhile back that when Elle magazine had a shoot with her, she kept putting the Louis Vuitton clothes she was styled in into her bag. The stylists kept having to retrieve them because they were on loan from Louis Vuitton and were scheduled to go to other magazines for shoots. Well Lohan ended up somehow escaping (stealing) with quite a few of the Louis Vuitton items which left Elle magazine having to explain to Marc Jacobs (who designs L. Vuitton) what happened.

lmnop123 said...

laura I agree with you for #2. Drew Barrymore was the first person to come to my mind.

Drew is "loved by everyone" and Charlies Angels is considered a franchise.

mooshki said...

"For the love of GOD! There are other actresses with subpar personalities OTHER than Lohan!"

There are?

Goodgrief said...

I guess the second actress could be Kiera Knightly with her Pirates of the Carribean franchise and she has a boyfriend Rupert FRIEND(friendly) or if friendly is a clue it could be Jennifer Aniston for that matter, I don't know if Friends would be considered a franchise or if she wears anything besides tank tops and bikini's.

Constantine said...

Lisa: Portman has worn Lanvin, Rodarte and Chanel for the past six months or so. More options than Stella McCartney.

My guess is that #2 is Maggie Gyllenhaal. She fits the description perfectly (franchise = Batman + "important" films + liked by everyone). She wore Lanvin to the Golden Globes (which she pretty much always wears - fits with "keeps loaning"). Assuming this is the designer, what about Katie Holmes for #1? She has worn a lot from this designer in the past, but suddenly stopped doing so around February 2008. Though it would be strange if enty only mentioned the franchise for Maggie and not Katie as they've had the exact same role in Batman. Damn.

J said...

yes there are...half of them are bitches at heart...

drew usually wears john galliano as he is her good friend, she's almost his muse...

i can see cameron being a choice, its rumored that she smells...would they really want it back? hmmmmmm...

who has enough star power to borrow things of a higher value? certainly not lohan...she's falling onto the same list as paris...


GauchoGirl said...

#1 has got to be Winona Ryder. She recently lost a Bulgari ring and bracelet valued around $125K when she was in Madrid for an awards show. Her "not the most stellar reputation" point to her shoplifting arrest at Saks in 2002, and when she was flying to Madrid - via London - an ambulance met her at Heathrow because she said that she was really ill and was taken to the hospital. She was released immediately... I think the prescription meds have finally caught up with her. That's what she was on when she took the clothes from Saks.

mabel said...

Designers banning photoged celebs? Really? You guys really do think we're stupid.

Anonymous said...

1=Winona Rider
2=Natalie Portman
...but if 1's not Rider, I'd like to throw JLo in for consideration. She's such a mega-douche, and now her past behavior seems to be catching up with her....


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