Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today's Blind Items

This A list film actress has barely admitted to getting botox. Always presumed to be a natural beauty, it turns out that in addition to botox she has also got her breasts augmented and had lipo, all while under the guise of being in the hospital for completely different reasons.


Maja With a J said...

Angelina Jolie. Her face is like a plastic mask.

Unknown said...

angelina jolie. she has that wierd shiny face and she's obsessed with being skinny it seems

KellyLynn said...

I agree with Angie Jolie. Although maybe the better answer would be "All of them."

jw12 said...

I wanted to say that but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say.........Halle Berry

MISCH said...

Wow...I thought Angie looked scary,
a really big change in a short period of time....don't know about the rest of the body, but I'd say yes to the BOTOX....

Moosefan said...

I am thinking Julia Roberts for this one-a recent pic I saw of her-lets just say she looked a lil' fresh faced-TOOOOOOOOOO fresh faced. Like Samatha from SATC when she went in the day of Carrie's book release and had a peel done-fresh faced.

Anonymous said...

At one of the gossip sites their was mentioned of Angelina and botox.

cate said...

Is Jolie A or A+?

West End Girl said...

Courtney Cox has said she's used Botox before so barely admitted leads me to believe her, far more so than Angelina, who is surely A+?

Unknown said...

Angelina was the first name that popped into my head.

mgonzales said...

Michelle Pfeiffer? Is she still A list?

Unknown said...

It has to be Kidman. She told Marie Claire last year that her face was "natural" and there's the hint right there.

David D. said...

I was thinking Nicole Kidman.

ElsieFire said...

Hmm, I'm not liking the Jolie guess simply because Lainey has a closeup of Angie at the Globes with major forehead wrinkles. And I'd peg her at A+, Oscar winner, et al.

Also, why would she get her boobs done when she's just had babies? Makes no sense.

And just to quibble (and to use that word in a sentence), using botox and getting lipo doesn't really mess with the "natural beauty" thing, does it?

It's the film thing throwing me off, otherwise I'd say Courtney Cox. Maybe it's Aniston?

Maja With a J said...

I don't think anyone presumes that Nicole Kidman is a natural beauty *L*

If not Angelina, I think Michelle Pfeiffer is a good guess. Haven't heard anything about her being in the hospital though.

cate said...

Going with Paltrow.

Ice Angel said...

Liz Taylor?

palealebrew10 said...

Angelina Jolie had her breasts augmented in the past. The blind doesn't really state the timeline..

Parsley Mostly said...

it's vagelina. she was in the hospital for a long time after her twins. please! she's not really nursing, you know. and she's selective with her botox... for some reason she thinks crows feet are "wise" or something...

Anonymous said...

cate - I would think that Paltrow would have gone up in size more than the quarter handfuls she's packing.

My first thought was Susan Sarandon. Isn't that awful?

Angela said...

Michelle Pfeiffer had her nose done quite early in her career. And she wouldn't be A-list anymore for films. A-list is when movies get done just because you're interested in a project.

Angelina Jolie also had her share of surgery. Just look at her early photographs, when she was just a teenager and you'll see that she had lots of work done on her face. Maturing can't change so much the features.

Nicole Kidman is the better guess. I'm not sure she's admitted getting botox (even if it's easy to see when she started) but the breast augmentation seals the deal. She's (was?) flat-chested.

Julia Roberts was A+ in a former blind item (the fling with Daniel Day Lewis) and has stayed out of the spotlight for a while.

captivagrl said...

julia roberts

Anonymous said...

angelina jolie is only 32... i don't think it's her, and she just had babies .. why would she get her boobs done???

my guess in nicole kidman

Pazazz said...

Nicole Kidman is my guess. Maybe she got all the surgery done while she was in the hospital "having little Sunday"

maggiemei said...

Angela, I agree that Angelina has had surgery done in the past. Check this out:

If she is getting botox/boob job, it is not for the first time.

cecilia250 said...

long-time lurker jumping in...I think Paltrow is a good guess - there's been talk about a subtle boob job, and wasn't she in the hospital mysteriously fairly recently? (Well, in the last year or so.) Also, Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie, and Michelle Pfeifer have all had nose jobs - I've seen before and after pictures of all of them.

kanonymous said...

It's not Courteney Cox. Since when is she an A list film actress?

kanonymous said...

I don't see why everyone's guessing Nicole Kidman. "Always presumed to be a natural beauty" makes me think it is someone that no one would have thought had plastic surgery. Meanwhile, Kidman gets made fun of all the time for her plastic face. And I don't see why Kidman would get lipo.

Steph said...

Remember.. it was Gwynny Paltrow who was in the hospital for supposedly being on a fast diet.

Angela said...

Botox wouldn't change the features you were born with, it just prevents them to move and sag. So, some would argue that you're a natural beauty even with Botox injections.

But one thing is sure, you can't be natural with implants!

Angela said...

Steph, Paltrow is another good guess. Some blog (which is devoted to bad plastic surgery and which is often wrong, however) had commented the alterations on her face.

kanonymous said...

Not sure if these are all A-list or not, but some possibilities are:
Reese Witherspoon
Cameron Diaz
Drew Barrymore
Scarlett Johansson
Charlize Theron
Jennifer Garner
Anne Hathaway
Natalie Portman
Renee Zellweger
Emma Thompson
Cate Blanchett (people are always going on and on about what a natural beauty she is)
Meryl Streep
Penelope Cruz
Hilary Swank
Diane Keaton
Diane Lane
Salma Hayek
Julianne Moore
Jodie Foster

How about Kate Winslet? There have been a lot of interviews lately where she talks about her body being natural. She also has claimed certain photos of her were not airbrushed when it's clear there was SOMETHING done to them.

mooshki said...

Kate Winslet's looks seem to have radically changed in the pictures I've seen recently.

Mika said...

I thought Angelina before I saw pix of her with thin lines on her forehead and a pic at lainey gossip shows she can move her forehead. LoL

I say Kate Winslet because I've seen older pix of her looking older and now her forehead is smooth. She's only 32 though.

Unknown said...

Angelina is looking smoking though.. If she had work done that surgeon needs an award. I would say Kate b/c she looked unbelievably gorgeous at the Golden Globes but I don't think she has been to the hospital.

Sis said...

Kate Winslet is a good guess considering the hoopla last year about the photoshopped magazine cover.

Who was in the hospital besides Fishsticks (not counting having kids)?

BlahFrickinBlah said...

The first person that came to mind was Reese Witherspoon. I don't know why but she did. I think St.Angie is a good guess.

poppy said...

This is my first time commenting, and I feel the need to defend Kate Winslet, whom I adore. There are often scenes in her films where she looks pretty rough--if even for a moment--compared to the made-up Kate we usually see. She's not afraid to let it all out even if it makes her look like hell: red-faced, wrinkled forehead, etc. That's what makes her a wonderful actor. And she has no problem emoting, as witnessed Sunday night. Plus, Oprah just commented on how refreshing it is to see Kate's real breasts in The Reader.

Unknown said...

hey bitches...Charlize Theron

callie3 said...

Angelina is one a the few you can say FOR SURE had no work done- she looks just like her brother (nose, lips & all) & there are so many pics of her & parents- she's like her mom's twin w/ a twist of her dad- also her bio kids all have those puffy lips- is she giving them lip injections, too?? face got more lanky/drawn after kids, just like my feet & boobs got bigger & my hair got less curly- no surgery, just pregnancies! i think it might be Courtney bc she did say she tried botox "once" & didn't like it...

katie said...

Is Sandra Bullock a list? She's been out of the picture for awhile. But I think it's Kidman. Remember the knee problems after Moulin Rouge forced her to drop out of a movie?

J said...

well what the hell did angie lipo?...i'll wait...

and breast aug? what did she bump up from nipple to a-cup?

angie NEEDS botox! her face is tired from those damn kids!

i immediately thought of kidman...angie is a+

clatie said...

The reason it is Nicole Kidman is because she made a big damn deal in "Marie Claire" last year about how she is "all natural".  Which made everyone
weep with laughter.

nancer said...

kate winslet definitely has her own boobs. it's not her.

and courtney cox? since when is she A list? same goes for aniston. sure isn't either of them.
aren't gwinny's tits bigger? weren't we just talking about that?
i also don't think it's angelina. she's another one who does not need fake tits. and lipo what?? she's skinny.

blossom6673 said...

Could augmentation mean a lift or a reduction?

Cheryl said...

Does anyone think Courtney Cox is a natural beauty? She had a new face every season on Friends and she looks nothing like she did earlier in her career. Gwynnies boobs are bigger and she had a dubious stay in the hospital, but she couldn't possibly have needed lipo even after having kids. She is always at the gym with Madonna's trainer and had all that macrobiotic crap delivered to the hospital.

I'm on board the Kidman train.

rummer said...

Angelina. Definitely. Everyone has been remarking about her morphing into a wax figurine. And for someone who just had a baby, she's bounced back fast. JLo took a full year. I can see Angelina using lipo for that reason. As well as breast agumentation.

Kidman would be way too obvious to be worthy of it being a blind. What would be the point of that when every blogger flat out points it out whenever they post about her?

PotPourri said...

Actually, this was the reason that the twins were delivered earlier than what they acknowledged. She supposedly had tons of plastic surgery after they were born and she didn't want anyone to know, so she 'delayed the birth date' so she could get her face fixed.

PotPourri said...

Actually, this was the reason that the twins were delivered earlier than what they acknowledged. She supposedly had tons of plastic surgery after they were born and she didn't want anyone to know, so she 'delayed the birth date' so she could get her face fixed.

sassenach said...

Jamie, that sounds like a bad rumor. She couldn't have gotten all of this supposed surgery after having a high risk birth and nursing. Yes she truly nursed as a interviewer asked her questions during Changeling promotion while she had just got through pumping her breast.

Heather Matthews said...

angelina has had a nose job for sure.

kanonymous said...

"Angelina is one a the few you can say FOR SURE had no work done- she looks just like her brother . . . "

So does Janet Jackson.

kanonymous said...

"i think it might be Courtney bc she did say she tried botox "once" & didn't like it..."

Courteney is NOT an A list movie star.

kanonymous said...

The problem I have with Nicole Kidman being it is that yea, it was laughable when she said in an interview that she was all natural, BUT this is not someone who goes on and on about being antural, this is someone that the PUBLIC thinks is all natural. That's why it says "always presumed to be a natural beauty," not "wants us to think she's a natural beauty." Everyone knows Kidman has had lots of work done.

Also, the fact that it says "This A list film actress has barely admitted to getting botox" leads me to believe that she has not denied plastic surgery (although probably not admitted to it either).

Choice said...

Of course it's Kidman. Just look at these pictures to see her new lips. Move over Mick Jagger:

Anonymous said...

It's Kidman. Kidman is notorious for over botoxing, but claiming she is wrinkle free because she has naturally great skin.

Jolie doesn't botox (yet). High res pictures people - trust - no botox there. I think she did have a boob job early in her career - but that's it for her and surgery. And super LOL on the "where did Jolie get lipo?" No kidding. Maybe an earlobe?

Post baby she had a tummy - it's taken the normal amount of time for it to slim back down - plenty of pix of her post twins with a paunch and flattering dresses that almost conceal it.

Nah, Lainey will tell you - this is Kidman all the way.

FitwithLizzie said...

I think I figured it out -- it's Jane Seymour! This article was on the Cosmetic Surgery Bible Site:

Jane Seymour admits to cosmetic surgery
By CSB on Monday, November 5, 2007
Filed Under: Celebrity Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery News
British beauty Jane Seymour has finally come clean and admitted that she has had cosmetic surgery.

Seymour has always denied having had plastic surgery – instead, she has put her figure down to her good genes and sensible diet. In the 2005 comedy ‘The Wedding Crashers’, Seymour played an older woman who seduces Owen Wilson. During the film, she was involved in the first topless scene of her career.

Seymour has now admitted that after the birth of her twins 11 years ago she decided to go under the surgeon’s knife and have implants as she felt her breasts were, by Hollywood standards, unusually small. She has also admitted that she has had a ‘minor’ eyelift.

“It was more than a decade ago,” Seymour explained. “Genetically, I had baggy eyes and photographers said they didn’t want to spend money endlessly having to eradicate them.”

Seymour has also admitted to trying out Botox in the past – but it appears that the cosmetic procedure did not sit well with her and it is not something she has regularly. “It was the worst thing,” she explained. “As an actress I need my expressions!”

lmnop123 said...

Jane Seymour is not A list. I also read and article on the US magazine website regarding actors who admitted to getting surgery unfortunately none of them were A list.

Impertinent Vixen said...

Jane Seymour may have been A list many moons ago and though she's been in films she is mainly known now for that Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman TV show. This can't be her.

I am thinking Kidman or Paltrow, leaning toward it being Paltrow because of her veganism and yammering on and on about natural organic foods and this and that. And she had hospital visits for things that were in the news.

I doubt it's Kate Winslet because she's so down to earth and when you see her boobs in a movie, you can tell they have not been worked on. Plus her face does not have that "worked-on" look.

Anonymous said...

Paltrow is a great guess

kregger said...

Paltrow was in the hospital last year for what she claimed was a "gastrointestinal" problem, it was all over the media at the time.

Plus if you read GOOP she talks about how hard it was for her to get rid of the baby fat after her second kid was born...I guess not that hard when you have lip to assist you.

Maja With a J said...

'"Angelina is one a the few you can say FOR SURE had no work done- she looks just like her brother . . . "

So does Janet Jackson.'


Maja With a J said...

Oh and also, to whoever asked why AJ would have boob work done just after having babies...uh...have you SEEN what having babies does to tits?

Mrs George Glass said...

kanonymous, I was thinking along exactly the same lines: "always presumed" means the public thinks of her as natural, which means it can't be Kidman, and "barely admitted" means some coy nod toward having used it, maybe saying they "tried it once" or would "never say never" (again not Kidman since she flatly denied it). I like the Paltrow guess because of the hospitalization and people thinking of her as a natural beauty and into natural health. Not sure what she has said about botox, but it was said she used a snake venom cream which is supposed to work similarly.

Unknown said...

i don't think its angelina cuz after the twins u could see her spanx under a dress at some event...also in the before and after pics of her from her teens to now, she looks like she dropped baby fat...the way men fill out in their jaws and body, women often slender out...i have no guess though!

Anonymous said...

I don't know; I was hoping it wasn't Kate Winslet, but then I saw her on Regis and Kelly this moring. I really think she's had her face (at least) worked on fairly recently. Haven't heard of any recent hospital stays.

matia moo said...

is Kate Beckinsale considered A-list? those boobs are awful perky for someone who has kids. she complains about having booty so she may have had lipo elsewhere. what about jen garner? she is always plumping the lips... maybe she's dabbled into other things too?

Unknown said...

AJ - there was a blind item about an actress who had botox and a brow lift and other stuff. She has also said she has had a "mommy tuck". She totally looks like she has had work done on her face.

b said...

To the people who say AJ is a natural beauty - UMM you can find anywhere on the web photos showing she's had work done early in her career - nose, lips, possibly cheeks - the nose and lips are obvious - look it up

Paltrow and/or Winslet are great guesses - I guess the question is, who has recently admitted to tweaking their face?

Unknown said...

agree with all the AJ comments on her NOT being a natural beauty. definately had her nose done and she even admitted to getting her lips plumped up.
was she just featured on awfulplasticsurgery for getting a facelift or 33! that's sad.

MISCH said...

They showed that Angie had her nose thinned and cheek implants very early in her career...the lips...well who knows if shes helped them....a tummy tuck, you bet after twins...and she has big breasts so I'd guess major sag after the babies....and lipo can be anywhere....even that tiny area near the underarm where no amount of exercise will get yes this is Angie....just maintenance, basic upkeep.

Mrs George Glass said...

laura, i like your guesses...i thought of Beckinsale too because she denied a boob job and it really, really looked like she had one. people always seem to talk about her as having the prettiest face - she seems to be thought of as a natural beauty but in recent years, she looks unnatural to me. jen garner is talked of as a natural beauty too, don't know if she fits the rest. same with halle berry. agree jolie is not natural-looking and most on gossip sites agree, but much of the public seems to think of her as a natural beauty... still i don't think this is her because i doubt she's had lipo and she's never hinted at botox. two actresses i can think of who've said they can't say they'd never do botox/ps are cameron diaz and cate blanchett and both seem to be thought of as natural... not sure if they've had hospital stays, though.

Unknown said...

AJ never admitted to her lips...and pics of her at the Oscars with her dad in the 80's show the same pout she has now...and the waxing look has been attributed to using mineral photographs shinier...she was thin earlier in her career and the past few years she has been probably 15 lbs thinner than that so thats why her features look different...i had lost 50 lbs in 6 months and my face looks different from it...nose is smaller and cheeks have more definition...i think the hospital stay in the blind is something other than a birth...something questionable...

slappywhyte said...

Cloris Leachman.

slappywhyte said...

actually Salma Hayek is in the pics below ... if she is an A list ... she was always known for natural beauty and cleavage ... but after the baby ...

Angela said...

After the baby, she got loads and loads of money because the father is a French billionnaire. I guess she could even stop working now but she does it for fun.

Unknown said...

j lo...just couldnt think of anyone!

ms snarky said...

I can't go with the Nicole Kidman guess, because no one has ever presumed her to be all natural.

Steph said...

Wednesday Jan 16 12:45 AM
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Actress Gwyneth Paltrow was admitted briefly to a New York hospital on Monday for an undisclosed reason, celebrity news Web sites reported on Tuesday.

A witness saw Paltrow slumped over in a wheelchair pushed by her husband, British pop star Chris Martin, at New York's Mount Sinai Hospital, reported.

A spokesman for the actress was not immediately available for comment.

Oscar-winner Paltrow is reportedly "fine" and has returned home, according to an unnamed spokesperson cited on who declined to provide any details about the reason for her hospital visit.

The Cocoanut Grove said...

Mrs George Glass, I love your username, LOL.

canadachick said...

Eva Mendes ?

Jungle007 said...

wow, im surprised that no one guessed scarlett-jo... she was my initial guess, even though she's young for botox, her face doesn't seem to move...

I can also see it being AJ-- all these ppl defending her plump lips dont seem to realize that the blind says nothing about collagen injections... also she could easily have had implants long before having children, and nobody loses the weight of twins THAT quickly without a little help... she is a smart, vain woman who's fully aware that any flaws to her body could mean a significant dip in her salary. I'd definately believe it.

and dont get me wrong, i believe she is an outstanding actress who COULD get jobs without showing any skin, but.... c'mon. That body is a huggggge factor in why she is so famous (A+ list)

Mrs George Glass said...

justpeachy130, thank you. Mr Glass is a fine man and I'm a very lucky woman. I must go now, I have a feeling he is about to call.

MISCH said...

If it's Gwyneth ...she should save her money....she's just a boring looking as she always has been....

Alae W. Taule'alo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth said...

While I think Angelina is held surgically held together, I don't think this is her. Her surgeries have been discussed too much (e.g. the post-twins "mommy tuck") to merit a BI at this point. Her very obvious nose job would have gotten a mention as well.

I think this is someone who hasn't been on or

The wording makes me think Cate Blanchett, but I don't think she has admitted to or hinted at Botox.

Kate Winslet sounds good, but wasn't the issue more whether she's had a nose job? That was the big controversy a few years ago. Also, she blathers on too much about not having plastic surgery. While I think she has had work done, I don't think this is her. She would never even hint that she's tried Botox.

I am liking Charlize Theron a lot for this one. She was on one of the plastic surgery sites for Botox, so it wouldn't surprise me if she's had additional work.

Halle Berry is also good. She's had her boobs and nose done for sure.

Mrs George Glass said...

Beth, ITA, think it is someone that is a total surprise. Blanchett has said one of those "I can't say I'd never do it" type of comments. I don't know if that counts as "barely admitted", but I can't think of anyone other than Courteney Cox that has admitted it but underplayed how much they've had.
Charlize is an interesting guess, she is another one who has said "who knows" if she will get botox one day.

City Councilman Doug said...

In the latest issue of Vanity Fair Cate is quoted as saying that her husband would divorce her if she ever got anything done. The body has a history and how wonderful it was to be with someone who appreciated that history.

And all that crap.

Anonymous said...

Angelina has also had her nose done, rumored to have had cheek implants, lips are collagened(the top one). She's had alot of work and is no natural beauty. What about Jennifer Aniston? She had her boobs done betweeen the first and second season of Friends and had liposuction done on her butt as well. Another beauty that is not natural. Gwyneth Paltrow is another great guess. She recently bragged about getting her body back through exercise, blah, blah, blah, but I think she had the boobs done & the liposuction and supposedly is going to open a bunch of gyms with her trainer. Gotta look great if you're promoting your gym business !! the real answer is "ALL of THEM "

Mrs George Glass said...

In the same interview, Blanchett said "I haven't done anything, but who knows." I was thinking maybe saying "who knows" or "never say never" might be considered Hollywood-speak for "I've had work done". But I guess since Blanchett straight-out says she "hasn't done anything", that's not the case here.

Bunny said...

I am VERY good at picking out changes dur to cosmetic surgery. While waiting in Wal-mart I saw a row dedicated to Jolie and twins. I said "Look A.J. has had work done on her face." She did have work done on her face, I can tell.


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