Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Ben Widdicombe Blind Item

Which top British model (slash idiot) tells friends "my dogs are racist, they only bark at black people"?


merrick said...

gotta be either kate moss or agnys.

Anonymous said...

Can't think who the Bimbo Award goes to lol.

jax said...

coke kate

JaxSux said...

Agyness Deyn seems moronic enough to say something like that.

...although this would be wicked if it were Naomi Campbell, lol.

Unknown said...

I think it might be Kate Moss because of the "top" reference. She's connected to "Top Shop.'

sandman said...

the funny thing is, some dogs are racist.
if they are never exposed to white or black, they get very suspicious/defensive when they do see them..some dogs anyway.

SkittleKitty said...

I don't know if this could or has ever be confirmed, but I have to tell you all that our (now-deceased) Australian Shepherd used to bark much more ferociously at African-Americans who came to our door than at Caucasians.
He did seem to outgrow this some after he experienced more contact with people of color, but I do think in a dog's world, particularly if they spend almost all of their time with 'white' humans, are thrown when they see a 'black' human.
My two cents.
The model's probably an idiot for other reasons, too though. ;)

allycat81 said...

My dog is breedist. She barks at pretty much any dog except pugs. She also barks at homeless people and children, but I haven't figured out that correlation yet.

Katy said...

Your dog thinks the pugs are ugly and feels sorry for them?

lmnop123 said...

Ha! Ha! Katy that was funny.

nancer said...

my dog only barks at dogs that are as big or bigger than him. little dogs, he likes.
so my dog is a 'sizist'.

Carrie said...

Dammit... I don't want to sound like an idiot, but my dog has a serious thing against East Indians. When she was a puppy, we had East Indian neighbours who's children picked on her relentlessly. I'm talking throwing rocks, toys, sticks etc at her. It got to the point where I had to call the SPCA, but nothing came of it.

Ever since then, whenever she sees an East Indian, her back ridges up and she barks her head off... we've tried to break her of it, but no use.

jax said...

carrie, you must be cousin says the same about her two dogs. they cannot stand Indo Canadians but love the mailman.
I have heard this many times, wonder what that's about.

Pookie said...

naomi campbell.

FrenchGirl said...

you're funny! 'sizist'
on the BI,i say every one!

Katie said...

i say that about my dogs all the time. dogs r colorblind and cannot see people with darker skin until the are very close and it startles dogs. i joke about it, no big deal. dumb blind item.

TheAM said...

It is my understanding that since dogs are hyper sensitive to smell, they actually react toward people based on what people eat - as the scent comes from the pores of our skin, although, we don't smell it.

I had a dog that barked wildly at Vietnamese people (we have 2 mailmen in a row that were Vietnamese), and that's how I discovered (through my vet) that it is the person's diet that causes a dog to react negatively to certain people. Eating the same spices over and over in food when they aren't smells a dog gets in your home is all it takes.

That said, not a very thrilling blind.

TheAM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GoddessNow said...

I believe it be boyish Agyness Deyn. I recall reading a story about her dogs wearing a $1200 LV dog collar.

Anonymous said...

If its Kate, I hope she has a nanny for the dogs, too. Girlfriend parties too much to be a dog owner.

Enny said...

Anyone who spells their name Ag(y)ness De(y)n to be cute has to be an idiot. So, it's probably her. And if not, she's still an id(y)iot.

Carrie said...

Jax - yes! I am Canadian. Glad its not just me with this issue - I could go on an on for ours.

figgy said...

My 5 lb chihuahua, Benicio del Toro, is a size-ist too. Whenever he sees a big dog, he screams his little heart heart. And he does it with that edge to his voice clearly indicating "I'D KICK YER ASS IF I WERE BEING HELD IN MY MOMMY'S ARMS"

palealebrew10 said...

There are dogs who are legitimately racist and sexist. It happens.

Totally reminds me of the Curb your enthusiasm episode with the racist and homophobic dog. Classic.

Poor Kate said...

My boxer is a hoodie-est and beer snob. He freaks OUT at the dork who walks by our house with a hoodie and a 6-pack of cheap beer.

WBotW said...

My son's best friend owns a dog who only barks at males. This dog HATES any human with a d!ck, it's true.
So if a dog can be sexist, why can't a dog be racist?
The model's not an idiot for thinking or saying this; the idiot is Ben Whatsisname for thinking it's a remotely bad thing!

Miss X said...

Relieved to know my dog isn't the only one. He doesn't bark at my African American friend, though. It seems to be male African Americans that he doesn't like (or scare him). It's rather embarassing.

@katie I think you might be onto something! I'm pretty sure dogs see some colors (not just black & white) they just don't see them the same way we do.

ardleighstreet said...

My dog isn't racist. He likes all people the same. The only people he barks at are those who touch the mailbox. Then he sounds like he'll rip your arm off. No joke. Knock on the door your his new best friend, but if you touch the mailbox he'll tear you apart.

libby said...

I love everybody's dog stories!

I had a dog about 10 years ago who I discovered was racist when I moved away from my Midwestern college town, where she had lived her entire 4 years. She was always super sweet, submissive, and very into all strangers. But when we moved to the city, it was like she would turn into a different dog whenever we passed a Black person on the street, and only Black people.
I mentioned this to a friend, and he told me, VERY derisively, "I'm sure she's just picking up on your subconscious racism, and discomfort around Black people."
I was so pissed! It's pretty hard to defend yourself against a suggestion like that!

A few weeks later, I was walking her with the same friend, when she stretched her leash around a corner of a building and started barking furiously. Turns out she was barking at a Black man around the corner, well out of our eye line, and I was exonerated.

Justine said...

I have never heard of kate moss owning dogs, but have definately seen agyness deyn photographed with hers.

RK said...

jax and carrie:

Disappointed. Would've expected more from Canadians.

Maybe you should go on and on for "ours" about how a certain ethnic group offends you--oh I mean the dogs.


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