Friday, July 31, 2009

Your Turn

I know what it is like to be hot. Even in the middle of winter in Alaska I would probably be sweating. Sweat and a big man are two things that go hand in hand. I know that much of the country has had some world record type heat. It is this last week of July and first week of August that you retreat to your air conditioning and pool if you are lucky enough to have one and don't plan on emerging until the cool, crisp sounds of fall. Oh, and by the way I saw a store already had out Halloween stuff. Seriously. Anyway, bad store behavior is not my point here. I was thinking about pools and lakes and other bodies of water and want to know one very simple question. Skinny dipping. Yes or No? Have you done it? Would you do it? Where did you do it? Did anything bite you?


ali said...

Yes. Hidden Beach in Minneapolis.

Unbalanced said...

Yes, but I've only ever done it in a pool.

selenakyle said...

Oh yeah! I live right on the ocean, baby. Also have sneaked into many, many pools in my day nekkid as a jaybird.

Lots & lots of nighttime nekkidity. Cannot believe I've never been bitten by a shark while drunken swimming at dusk--that is no joke.

Don't ocean swim at dusk, kids!

captivagrl said...

sw florida in the summer? don't tell me about hot! and 100 percent humidity! but we endure it for the warm sunny winters.
skinny dipping...yes, but only in a pool.

HannahPalindrome said...

No skinny dipping.
I have been to a nude beach.
I like being naked...

d said...

I think the question should be here, "has anyone *not* skinnydipped?"

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

YES. Love it. I've done it in VA, MD, NC, CA, and Oz. I wish the beaches in America were nude, but I also don't think that the majority of Americans are mature enough to see a bare titty (to paraphrase the wise and immortal Cassie) without making a spectacle of it.

mooshki said...

Nope. :(

Ali, you picked a classic spot! :)

Green Wave Gal said...

Yes, as a kid with my female cousin. It was the pool at my granparents' condo complex in Florida. She didn't think I'd do it.

I'd be interested in trying it co-ed as an adult. :)

warmislandsun said...

I love skinny dipping and do it whenever I can. My first time was when I was in 8th grade. My neighbors had a pool and let me swim in it. Late one night I snuck next door with a suit on, but took it off as soon as I knew I was alone. It is the greatest feeling. The best place I ever did it was in the Indian Ocean off of Bali. You never have to ask me twice to skinny dip.

Maja With a J said...

I'm Swedish. Of course I have.

In Sweden, of course ;)

Scooby Dubious said...

Popham Beach near Bath (naturally), Maine.

Awesome white sand beach and 3 miles of warm Atlantic to enjoy. Skinny dipping is the only way to go.

lana said...

i skinny dip all the time in my pool even in the daytime. the guys next door always try and peek at me and my friends. i also led a group of crazy aussies skinny dipping in greece after a party at a hotel

GauchoGirl said...

Yes - the pool at the old gym on UCSB's campus (it's been torn down since then), and I even went off the high-dive. Followed it up with a run into the ocean near the on-campus dorms. Damn I miss that school!

Anonymous said...

ali - we have another minnesotan here?

I'm a chicken. No skinny dipping for me.

And just because it's a great song and it goes with the theme, enjoy REM's Nightswimming as you read through the comments.

annie cat said...

looks like i'm missing out. i don't live near a beach or a body of water with easy access to. guess i should put this on my to do list.

Brew Belle said...

Just did it last weekend in the Gulf of Mexico off the Florida coast.

helenaonwheels said...

Thanks DNfromMN, I've never been skinny dipping either.

I wish I was lucky enough to have air conditioning. Electric rates here are too expensive and we've been making due with fans this year.

Green Wave Gal said...

@Gauchogirl: Hey there. I'm going to a wedding in SB in a few weeks at La Cumbre Country Club! :) I'm in LA.

TV said...

of course! in a pool

Jingle Belle said...

No skinny dipping here, although I always wanted to.

And as for record heat....we've had record cold. Summer has not even hit here yet. I'm in Canada just across a river from Minnesota.

jax said...

yup, in Cultus Lake out here many years ago.

the only thing that bit me was the tres hot dude i was with.

god i miss drinking.

JFB said...

It was karmen and Iand two of our friends when we were wee ones.

Chesepeake bay in st michales at our friends house.

Nothing bit us but we got stung by a bunch of jellyfish and when we got out our older sister told us to put our urine on it so it wouldn't sting. She was a real bitch.

jax said...

cheri, its been hovering around 37-38 allll week. its brutal and NOT enjoyable.

hromaki said...

Of course. First time was in Lake Vermillion in northern MN. Many times since then, can't really remember where or how often. Usually I'm drunk.

Babs said...

Another soul on the 'no thanks' train. Never wanted to share my 'Mommy parts' with anyone other than 'Daddy'.

Anonymous said...

OMG yes! In a river in the mountains, and there was nobody except my lover around for miles and miles....what a great memory.

Sinjin said...

Only in my bathtub. I'm too modest and a bit of a prude. If I could've been born with clothes on, I would have!

.robert said...

captivagrl, there too and here comes August.

Only in a pool

Michelle said...

Ocean, Lake, Pool. Night time, day time- any time is the right time for some naked swimming!

Last summer after I was MOH in a wedding, my friends and I went straight to the nudie lake afterwards, it was such a hot day. I just walked onto the dock- pulled off the wedding attire and jumped right in. Awesome!

Unknown said...

Skinny dipped in my home of Minnesota at the lake usually in the dark or off the boat in the middle of the lake.

mooshki said...

Now I'm thinking about Tobias's "never nude" syndrome.

selenakyle said...

No drinking? My poor jaxie-baby!

mooshki said...

Okay, since we've got so many Minnesotans in here, how many of you have done the "polar bear plunge?" I've come close - jumped into a lake when it was about 40 degrees, (and jumped back out DAMNED fast!) but never a frozen one.

mooshki said...

Selena, that's the only way we can tell Jax & Enty apart - she's the one who doesn't drink like a fish.

jax said...

and i don't weight 400lbs.


Unknown said...

Michelle's got one on me, I've never skinny dipped in the ocean, but lakes, rivers and pools, oh yeah. Every chance I get. I love the free buoyant feeling of it. ;)

I've also been known to take it all off and run nekked in the rain. Day or night. Now THAT'S fun!

Merlin D. Bear said...

I love skinny dipping, but never done it in the ocean. There be things out there with TEETH!
It's gotten to the point that if I'm in a pool with trunks on, I feel really weird about it.

chihuahuense said...

I'm a Mpls transplant....I want to do the polar bear plunge!!! I think I will this year. I'd also like to swim naked in Lake Nokomis near my house. Only skinny dipped in pools and hot tubs.

mooshki said...

Nokomis is where I did my almost-freezing dip. My brother often swims across it at night, and there's usually no one around, so you could probably pull off the skinny dip there. :)

Judi said...

Yes. Greece and the South of France in the middle of the night in the 70s and 80s. Nothing bit me. Um, no - won't do it anymore.

fairylights said...

Yes, in my parents pool when they were gone. We floated a six pack of beer in the pool with us. Also took a nude air bath after several friends and I (all female) climbed a rock in the wilds with no one around.

Would I do it again??? Not on your life, that was about 40 pounds and three kids ago!

Angie said...

in a hot tub, w/my then boyfriend, now husband, snow falling all around us...and then the bottle of wine fell over.

oldhippieinsideasoccermom said...

Indeed! In the ocean, in a pool, in a lake, in a river... I love the feel of water on my naked skin.... Favorite time? Sneaking into some condo swimming pool at 3am while under the influence of some primo lsd... like swimming in refreshingly cold jello in slow motion.

Virtual Boricua said...

Of course, luv. But that's all you get without an invitation...

Lioness70 said...

I would love to, except I live in New Jersey. There's too many friggin' people crammed into this tiny state...which means almost everyone has nosy neighbors up their ass.

Cooper's Mom said...

Sure have! I've gone skinny dipping in the sea countless times. Friends of ours have a holiday home in Greece and they have a small private beach literally as their back garden. So we used to go skinny dipping all the time. Loads of fun!

Been skinny dipping in a pool and a jacuzzi too. Sex in water is always fun!

MnGddess said...

Selena Kyle and Jax - LMAO!!!

Only in my pool. At night. It's fun.

.robert said...

oh, Jax is in Canadia or somesuch, otherwise those 30ish deg hates make my sweat glands hurt.

redronnie said...

Skinny dipping? If my memory serves me right, once when I was 18 during a burn the skin right off your back heat was wonderful.
The temperature has not reached +30c this year, it's been raining for days..and no heat wave in sight according to the weather channel..just rain and cool temperatures, we have written off the summer for the second year in a row.

Bad Momma said...

Does in a Hot Tub in the pitch black cover of night count?

lana said...

ahh sex in the water is uncomfortable.

Sara Bellum said...

In a lake, and in a hot tub with this guy who went to my high school who is now a minister of a church in my hometown. That factoid never fails to make me laugh.

elspeth said...

First time: In the Med off Paestum [Loooong time ago]. Since then, in lakes, pools and rivers. Loved all the places, but salt water and sunshine beats midnight in a lake. Had a few of the right kind of nips and some scary brushes.

.robert said...

Oh, and if miserable heat and humidity isn't enough for you then add this:

shakey said...

Twice in Jamaica. Once in a pool, once in the ocean. Sex both times.

Miss(pdx) said...

skinny dipped many places

my fav is Kona, Hawaii @ the Magic Sands beach..

there's nothing that can beat warm, salty ocean water mixed with a couple of tropical drinks .. and the sea is so dark the only way you can tell where the sky starts and the water ends is by the placement of the stars ... omg I am living that moment all over again.. thank you for the reminder enty :)

califblondy said...

That's like a date where I'm from. Wanna go out to the canal and skinny dip?

I had a good record going for a while of never being in a jacuzzi with clothes or without having sex. Sex in the water isn't the best, but there's always starting off and then climbing onto the pool deck.

My fave though was the middle of the night in the hot tub in the mountains drinking champagne and it was about 20 degrees. The few short steps in the snow to get to the back door were brutal.

Katie H said...

i went swimming at a swimming hole near my aunt's house last weekend. i've been lurking this site pretty regularly for about a year but i don't comment too often. i had to share however, that yes i went skinny dipping with the crew of my friends on the road trip out there, and that while i was reading one of the signs describing the wildlife a wasp stung me about two inches below the hoo ha.

it was the first time i'd ever been stung.


bionic bunny! said...

oh, my.
too often to count.
since i invited enty out for 7/4/08 i'm afraid to admit, now.
i'll crank the pool heater all the way up and do laps at midnight. i love it. the spa goes without mentioning.
i USED to love sex in the pool, but menopause screwed that up for me. oh, and my pool is salt water, so that is cool.
but i have a funny story to share. wonder how many will read it:
mr. buns an i were still engaged, my son was about 3. my parents, their best friends (the male party about their age, the female member a couple years older than me) and us took their boat out, um, drunk, and anchored off corona del mar... a very popular beach across the jetty from newport beach in orange county in calif. pretty much came down to kelly (female friend) and i daring each other (i will if you will) to hit the water sans clothing. we did. MISTER BUNS dove in, wearing boxers, and threw them back on board, my mom, other friend, um, my dad wasn't comfy with my seeing him nekkid, and my son didn't like the cold water.
the lifeguards came out laughing, suggesting gently that maybe next time we choose a less populated place. it was truly hysterical! it was a great day, and i think it cemented our family relationship (and the margarita recipe) in stone!
but enty, i swear to god, if i find someone looking over my fence one night, i will shoot first and ask questions later!!! lol!
i love skinny dipping.
oh, and don't worry about critters getting you in the ocean. they are attracted to the motion and/or smells. you're just as likely to get bit/stung in a suit as you are naked. sharks are not going to bite your naughty bits.

and yes, whoever mentioned that, peeing on a jellyfish sting is the correct first aid. sad, but true.


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