Thursday, May 06, 2010

Michelle McGee Talks About Her "Colored" Friends And How Sandra Is To Blame For The Affair

Wow, just when I didn't think Michelle McGee had anything left to say, Howard Stern got her to say a whole bunch of things. She was on his show yesterday and embarrassed herself and pretty much every woman in the world. Howard started asking her if she was a racist and she said no. How do we know she isn't a racist? "I make a horrible racist Nazi. I have too many colored friends."

When is the last time you heard that phrase? She also says she has not had sex with any black guys, but has dated people of other colors. You know redheads and some brunettes.

After all that she then had the never to say that Sandra Bullock is to blame for the affair because Jesse was bored, Sandra wouldn't give him sex and that she made the couple sleep with 9 dogs in the bed. Yes, that is a reason to break the marriage vows. I can't believe she actually had the nerve to say Sandra was to blame. Not Jesse, not Michelle, but Sandra. Please.


Sporky said...

I listened to a little bit of this yesterday morning and was surprised no one talked about it until now. She's disgusting and SO fucking fake.

KellyLynn said...

I don't hear anyone under the age of 60 use that term. Does she realize she's being ridiculed and just doesn't care, or is she so clueless that she thinks people really find her interesting?
Stupid girl.

Anonymous said...

Why are talk show host making her feel important??

Whatever problems Sandra and her soon-to-be ex have/had that is their private problems. Does the ho feel this will make her feel less of a tramp??

Seachica said...

If I had a dime for every guy who has ever told me that their ex-wife wouldn't give them sex and that was the reason for the breakup of their marriage...*sigh*

Guess what men? You're not getting sex because you're not giving the woman something she needs. Figure out what that is, instead of going off to try to use that line to try to sleep with some woman.

As for Michelle McGee, I have nothing more to say about her. I wish the media would agree with me on that.

Do You Come with the Car? said...

What a disgusting piece of trash.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

1. The fact that she uses the word coloured shows her racial bias.


chihuahuense said...

why would she embarrass all women? She doesn't embarrass me. She is nothing like me, except we have the same anatomy, so I have nothing to be embarrassed about.

chihuahuense said...

or maybe Enty meant she is an embarrassment TO women, not she embarrassed women everywhere.

Unknown said...

Eh, she'll have slipped off the radar within the week. Slipped back into her scummy little cesspool.

Sue Ellen Mishkey said...

I'd say people like her are an insult to humanity in general, not just women.

Ashlea said...

This woman is absolutely foul. She churns my stomach.

mazshad said...

Why are they extending this ho's 15mins ! Get rid of her, don't want to see or hear from the ugly cow!

RocketQueen said...

I'm with Sue Ellen. This woman is fucking disgusting trash. I'm going to need TWO drinks with lunch.

jess said...

Using the term "colored friends" makes her looks even worse. So if a man wants to have sex with a dog and his wife and she doesn't want to, then it's her fault?

sunnyside1213 said...

I don't think even Tiger would have anything to do with this piece of crap. And I thought Sandra was all into sex with JJ and it was one reason she didn't want a divorce?

Pookie said...

no wonder jesse cheated. trash needs trash.

Thea said...

Agree with sunnyside1213...hard to believe anyone could make Tiger's ho buffet look classy, but Jesse James nailed it.

skeeball said...

these pieces of shit always say it is the wife's fault. she is not giving her man what he needs and only these women know how to do it to men. They say that to make them feel like they are not the sluts that they are and that the men are doing it because they need to be taken care of!! They all suck!!!!!!!!!

Maja With a J said...

There was that time not long ago when Lindsay Lohan pointed out that America has a colored president now.

Meh. Give it another couple of months and the world will have forgotten about this two bit skank.

B626 said...

This is why I like Howard Stern-
American Idol, bring it on!

ChasingHeaven said...

I can't believe she has the nerve to believe any of what he told her all things considered. I.E. Sleeping with 9 dogs in the bed, etc. Didn't he also tell her they were separated? Idiot.

So glad Enty caught that phrase in the interview though. I almost dropped my doughnut when I heard her say that in the same breath...and believe me, I keep a death grip on doughnuts especially first thing in the morning.

I love you Howard Stern.

Kelli said...

Exactly- she kept whining about how he lied to her about being separated, blah blah. He was obviously with a slew of women during their "affair" & even adopted a child with SB during it, but yet she's offering up opinions on what went on in their marriage, 'cause, you know, Jesse's been so truthful, and she knows what really went down.

ardleighstreet said...

I hope they used double gloves and Lysol'ed the hell out of that poster she licked. ICK NAST.

ardleighstreet said...
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Meg said...

Ugh. Screw this bitch and the swastika she rode in on. She sure likes to lick things. BLECH.


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