Friday, March 04, 2011

NY Post Blind Items

Which A-list actors are members of the new Hollywood gay clique? All have either married or dated high-profile women in Tinseltown.

Which Oscar nominee has been making up for his previous lack of action with the ladies by sleeping his way around the film circuit?

Which high-profile journalist's girlfriend slept with another man in his bed while he was off chasing a story? Let's hope she changed the sheets before his deadline.


MontanaMarriott said...

1. Other than Travolta and Cruise and Murphy have no idea who this could be
2. Jesse Eisenberg
3. ??

Cecilia00 said...

Travolta and Cruise would be obvious - but I'm having trouble with the word "new".

That clique is decades old.

MontanaMarriott said...

Hmmm maybe new as in these actors are the NEW generation of the gay clique? Ok, Franco, Renner, Dicaprio, Efron, Cooper??

lzahart said...

i would have thought Eisenberg is part of the clique not the answer to #2.... but is he A-list? I thought people were saying he hooked up w/is dating the guy who played the Eduardo character in TSN? Or am I totally confused? it happens.

the.princess.leia said...

#1: Ok, so wouldn't it be easier to list those who are NOT part of the H'wood gay clique?

sunnyside1213 said...

Eisenberg and Garfield? Seriously?

awesome balla. said...

nice call on jesse eisenberg. so wonderfully awkward and nerdy doubt he's been with many girls prior, which is sad because those boys are the best :(

can't think of any journalists...

numero uno is way too vague.

Mango said...

1: A-list + new gay clique? I don't get it either.

2: Way too vague.

3: Geraldo Rivera? I kid, I kid!

bluebonnetmom said...

1. Too many to even list.

2. Jesse Eisenberg

3. Why do I care?

PotPourri said...

NY Post Blind Items are boring.

Anonymous said...
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sunnyside1213 said...

@ Jamie's Girl, I think you have to live there to get NY Post blinds. They are always like an inside joke.

Mella said...

#1 Everybody

MadLyb said...

My guess is Jesse Eisenberg, even though the guy is really hot, and has 'it' or whatever you call it. Even so, he looks like he'd be a bit shy and perhaps nerdy.

anna said...

csi miami actor uses black women as breads.nevers marry not one.

Doc Cowboy said...

@anna is a bread like a beard except with some meat stuck between it?

mooshki said...

LOL!! Doc, I think if there's meat in it, it technically can't be a beard any more.


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